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Klandita 1

Olivia Klandita
Ibu Tiwi
Civics 10
6 October 2015
State or Nation
Indonesia a very diversed country with 17,000 islands are now being
argumented whether or not it is a state or Nation. Nobody actually know which one is
the most accurate one. State is more to the political organisation and group while
Nation is more to social, cultural which involves human interaction. Political
organisation works by fullfiling the security and welfare that is needed by the people
and citizens. Nation is more to focusing on reuniting population through
phychological bonds. Nation doesnt focused on fullfiilling and helping the citizens
for their physical needs such as: houses, shelters, and basic needs.
Both state and nation is very different but then people find it hard to see its
different. According to my research Indonesia is a state and also a nation even though
somehow Indonesia sounds more like a nation due its diveresed and culture and
population. Indoneisa is then called a nation-state formation that is also known as a
nation that works like a state. A lot more countries like China also is a nation-state
formation. The term nation-state refer to politcal, economic, social and cultural actors
in the interantioanl system. I tis more to the single or multiple nationalitieis joined
together in a formal poitical union. A nation only refers only to a socio-cultural entity,
a union of people sharing indenity and culture. Where a state refers to a legal political
entity that is compirised in population and territory.
The formation of the Indonesian nation-state formation is formed through the
ideas early in the twentieth century. They witneesed a new territorial definitons of

Klandita 1
Indonesia and the proclamation of a new colonial party and colony. More actively
they are organizing the form thorugh some of the factors like religious, cultural and
educational, some political and several both. The important stage of the Indoneisan
Nation- state formation was held in 1928, it first started when the cultural and
political trend was going towards the Indonesian unity where it was formally joined at
the Congress held in BATAVIA. It is written inside the Youth Pledge. They adopted
three ideal goals: one fatherland, Indoneisa; one nation, indonesia; one language,
Bahasa Indonesia.

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