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1. Analyze the Supreme Courts role in interpreting and defining the relationship
between the national and state governments over the years. Cite specific cases
and constitutional issues.
2. The number of federal mandates has increased over the years. Explain mandates
using the following criteria
a. Objectives of the federal government in issuing mandates
b. Impact on local/state governments budget
c. Consequences of removing mandates



Choose one mandate and explain it using the above criteria for that case
Provide support for each of the following positions
a. Society operates more efficiently if government power is centralized.
Therefore, we should maintain our current form of federalism.
b. The framers did not create a perfect form of federalism. The U.S. society
has been harmed by the federalism created in the Constitution.
Cite the two fundamental questions that the Supreme Court answered in handing
down its decision in McCulloch v. Maryland and explain the impact this decision
had on the development of the federal system.
Discuss four reasons why federal money historically has seemed to be attractive
to state and local officials.
Explain dual and cooperative federalism. Provide specific examples.

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