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GUI Improved: support Windows 10
GUI Bugfix: Torrent make dialog not displayed when drag-n-drop files to th
e web-view pane in main window
Core Bugfix: when delete download task and its files together, sometimes ce
rtain sub-directories are not removed
GUI Bugfix: fix the expired code signing certificate
GUI Improved: add open-folder button in download finish pop-up window
GUI Improved: display download speed and progress together when floating win
dow re-sized large enough
GUI Improved: change the option of auto-stop seeding time from minutes to da
GUI Bugfix: fix the floating window display problem when using multiple mo
Core Improve: improve file read/write performance, reduce UI stuck
Core Improve: support ReFS disk volume
Core Improve: support Chrome browser extension
Core Bugfix: the minimize value of network.max_connecting_connections in ad
vanced options changed to 8
Core Bugfix: fix bugs in IE extension
GUI Improved: add download speed/progress graph in task summary pane
GUI Improved: add download size in total, upload size in total, torrent crea
te time in task list, hidden by default
GUI Improved: display new finished tasks in bold
GUI Improved: display proxy server connection errors in task log
GUI Improved: after hash checking, mark the banned and removed files in piec
e map as empty
GUI Improved: improve the operation of open file, open folder and invoke ant
i-virus software, avoid UI not response
GUI Improved: add new language: Kurdish
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of missing file extension name when start download
by Magnet URI
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of not keeping selection state when switch between
task list and torrent exchange list
GUI Bugfix: install package supports Windows 8.1
Core Improve: improve Firefox extension to support multiple Firefox versions
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in Firefox extension that unable to start BitComet
from Save As dialog
Core Bugfix: fix the bug of the save folder of HTTP/FTP file is not set to
the desired one from remote download webpage
GUI Bugfix: program crash occasionally when delete task
Core Improve: support Firefox 20
GUI Improved: show the "Saving data" tip when shut down computer while BitCo
met running (Vista or later)
GUI Improved: max seeding time changes from 1000min to 99999min. max share r
atio changes from 2000% to 9999%
GUI Improved: do not show right-bottom corner popup tips by default
GUI Improved: changes some text in UI

Core Improve: support Firefox 18

Other Change: switch to new translation site:
GUI Improved: improve Remote Download web page
GUI Bugfix: the torrent file creation time in UTC is not displayed correct
GUI Bugfix: support jump list of taskbar in Windows 8
Core Improve: support Firefox 15
Core Improve: add queuing state to VIP Acceleration, which can be canceled a
nytime while queuing or preparing.
Core Bugfix: cannot finish hash check for torrents with 16MB piece size
Core Bugfix: the proxy settings cannot be saved when the IE proxy setting i
s empty
GUI Improved: update comment info in torrent list when torrent comment page
GUI Improved: remember export folder when selecting multiple tasks to save t
orrent files
GUI Improved: store the settings of Socks and HTTP proxy server separately
GUI Bugfix: after clear all in Torrent Collection list, the corresponding
number in left Fav bar not cleared
GUI Bugfix: remove the space at the beginning of the first column in each
line of Tracker list
GUI Bugfix: in BitTorrent task properties dialog, the selection size is al
ways 0 when the folder collapsed
GUI Bugfix: certain language names displayed in Tools menu incorrectly
GUI Bugfix: using Tab key to navigate among panels of main window
Core Improve: support Firefox 14
Core Bugfix: program crashes when connect to proxy server with authenticati
on info
GUI Improved: improve the snapshot icon display in task list
GUI Improved: when resize the main window, keep the width of left fav bar un
GUI Improved: when load a URL list file to do a batch download, show a messa
ge if duplicated URLs detected
GUI Bugfix: after sort task list, the sort state will not be restored when
program restart
GUI Bugfix: when download a Magnet URI, the default save folder is not fil
led in the new task dialog
GUI Bugfix: when multiple URL links are selected in IE9 web page, they can
not be drag&drop to the floating window
GUI Bugfix: the sort state of task list will be broken when modify the tas
k filter
GUI Bugfix: if the multiple-monitor configuration of Windows changed durin
g program running, some dialog will be displayed in invalid position
GUI Bugfix: when multiple tasks are selected, the refresh of task number i
n status bar will flicker
GUI Bugfix: fix the program icon of 256x256
Core Improve: support Firefox 10
Core Bugfix: program may crash if failed to load detail file of any task
GUI Improved: save the heights of task list pane and Torrent History pane se
GUI Improved: keep the tasks which occur downloading error together when sor
t task list by state

GUI Improved: add confirm dialog when restore the display of hidden torrents
in Peer Share list
GUI Bugfix: Auto-Shutdown at specified time does not work
GUI Bugfix: open URL using system default browser instead of IE
GUI Bugfix: torrent file icon should not use the program icon
GUI Bugfix: when adding new Torrent, all files will be downloaded instead
of only selected
GUI Bugfix: task position in the task list should not be changed when pres
s Home/End
GUI Bugfix: the setting of View - Task list - Show filter does not work wh
en program starts
Core Bugfix: handle torrent file not using UTF-8 encoding
GUI Improved: cleaned up and improved a lot of code, reduce program size
GUI Improved: add VIP download list button in task list toolbar
GUI Improved: do not allow hide the title column of task list
GUI Improved: new command in View menu: Find Task (Ctrl+F)
GUI Improved: switch file list to Simple List or Tree List, from context men
GUI Improved: display the tree list of files correctly when the files in Tor
rent are not sorted by directories
Core Improve: support Firefox 7
Core Improve: the file size limit of Torrent changed to 10MB
Core Improve: support torrents whose piece size is not the integral multiple
of 16 KB
GUI Improved: display prompt message when UI no response while writing piece
_part file
GUI Improved: new option in advance page of BitTorrent task properties dialo
g: Bypass task seeding rules, keeps active
GUI Improved: change the health value of task displayed on the right of avai
lability graph in task summary to the availability value
GUI Improved: display the download size/rate from VIP Acceleration in the to
oltip of task summary
GUI Improved: after click the prompt balloon of task finish, the correspondi
ng task will be highlighted in the list
GUI Bugfix: task list failed to sort by download/upload size
GUI Bugfix: tracker setting not saved after remove a tracker from the cont
ext menu of tracker list
Core Improve: Web seeding supports HTTP servers which do not accept range re
Core Improve: improve connection request algorithm, decrease unnecessary con
nection number
Core Improve: disable eMule plugin for Anonymous Download
Core Improve: support Firefox 6
Core Bugfix: BitTorrent download containing too many files can not launch V
IP Acceleration
Core Bugfix: failed to auto-shutdown after all download finished if any que
ued seeding task exists
GUI Improved: move VIP Acceleration window into BitTorrent task properties d
GUI Improved: new option in VIP Acceleration tab of BitTorrent task properti
es dialog: Anonymous Download
GUI Improved: add Anonymous Download state to VIP icon in task list
GUI Improved: bookmark list in left favorites bar recovered
GUI Improved: remember the position and size of task properties dialog

GUI Improved: add Folder and Private columns in task list, hidden by default
GUI Improved: display a balloon tip when accessing network share folder lead
s to UI no response
GUI Improved: 32/64 bit editions use separate install packages
GUI Improved: auto update identify 32/64 bit editions correctly
GUI Improved: the language list uses the language names provided by Windows
GUI Improved: add icons to the main menu and context menu of floating window
GUI Improved: display a balloon tip when launch a new instance of BitComet w
hile another is exiting
GUI Improved: the default action of minimize button of main window changed t
o minimize to task bar under Win 7
GUI Improved: remove the AutoRefresh option in Torrent Collection toolbar. n
ew torrents are appended to the bottom directly
GUI Improved: when the display number of Torrent Collection list reaches max
value, a info bar will be displayed
GUI Improved: add Remove command to Torrent Collection list
GUI Improved: decrease start-up delay of Torrent Collection by loading torre
nts information asynchronously
GUI Improved: display a balloon tip when sorting the list of Torrent Collect
ion leads to UI no response
GUI Improved: add a icon for "Properties" in the context menu of task list
GUI Improved: improve the thumbnail task list for system tray icon and float
ing window when mouse hovering
GUI Improved: add "reset to default layout" the context menu of detailed tab
s of Torrent Share and Torrent History
GUI Improved: the option of "show detailed info" in View menu works for Torr
ent Share and Torrent History
GUI Improved: display free memory of BitComet process in Statistics pane
GUI Bugfix: disable task operation buttons in toolbar when display VIP dow
nload list
GUI Bugfix: the setting of show toolbar and show status bar in View menu n
ot remembered
GUI Bugfix: failed to read cookie from Firefox 4 when add HTTP download
GUI Bugfix: support saving files larger than 4G in volume of HFS+/HFSJ/HFS
GUI Bugfix: v1.27 failed to start under Win2000
GUI Bugfix: the text of weekday in Schedule setting page misplace in certa
in display setting condition
GUI Bugfix: batch adding torrents have Chinese file name will fail under E
nglish Windows XP
Core Improve: support Anonymous Download for tasks enabled VIP Acceleration,
preventing any direct connection to trackers or BitTorrent peers
Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
Core Bugfix: memory access violation leading to program crash
GUI Improved: display Batch Download window when drag&drop multiple torrent
files to main window or floating window
GUI Improved: remove the drop-down menu from the delete button in toolbar of
Torrent History or Torrent Share list
GUI Improved: add "Show Detailed Info" option in View menu
GUI Improved: new setting in option dialog: add to Torrent Share when openin
g torrent
GUI Improved: display translation text of "Day" and "Hour" in task left time
GUI Improved: display recovered and dropped data size by hash-checking in ta
sk log list
GUI Improved: display used memory size in Statistics pane
GUI Improved: new setting in Advanced Option page: max number of UDP packets
sent per second
GUI Improved: display upload/download speed in the left of main window's tit

le bar
GUI Improved: display more accurate error info when opening Magnet URI of un
supported types
GUI Improved: display preview window of task downloading progress when mouse
hovers on floating window or system tray icon
GUI Improved: display Batch Download window when open multiple torrent files
from File menu
GUI Improved: display confirm window if tasks need hash-check when started
GUI Improved: add new global option: display hash-check confirm window
GUI Improved: enhance video file capture ability of Firefox extension
GUI Improved: max cache size in global options page up to 16 GB under 64-bit
GUI Improved: display download/upload size of this session in Statistics pan
GUI Improved: drop-down menu of remove button in toolbar is removed. click r
emove button with shift key can remove download task and files together
GUI Improved: decrease the context menu level of floating window and system
tray icon
GUI Improved: available space can be displayed correctly even if the save fo
lder is a symbol link to other volume
GUI Improved: improve the crash report program
GUI Improved: new task list of VIP Downloads
GUI Improved: "delete task and files" removed from task context menu. click
"delete task" menu command with shift key to delete download task and files toge
GUI Improved: support context menu of IE 9 to download using BitComet
GUI Improved: modify the size of BT task properties dialog, compatible with
1024x600 resolution
GUI Improved: display navigation pane of Windows Explorer when open task dow
nload folder under Windows XP
GUI Improved: the text of task status in summary pane can't be displayed com
pletely when it's too long
GUI Improved: new button in toolbar: add Magnet URI
GUI Improved: BitComet video download extension for Firefox supports Firefox
GUI Improved: BitComet plugin for Firefox supports Firefox 4
GUI Improved: un-installation program will notify running BitComet to exit
GUI Changed: update check for popular software removed totally
GUI Changed: remove the "Don't show again" option in task remove confirm wi
GUI Bugfix: "Open Forum" button in toolbar become invalid when file list i
s showing
GUI Bugfix: after remote connection established, the network status light
turns green, but the tooltip of the light and the listening port status in Stati
stics pane not refreshed
GUI Bugfix: in v1.26, certain settings in Proxy page can't be saved
GUI Bugfix: in v1.26, unable to create new tag from Task Tag option page
GUI Bugfix: in v1.26, the seed number not displayed in task summary pane
GUI Bugfix: the option "add to Torrent Share when opening torrent" doesn't
GUI Bugfix: when mouse hovers on the system tray icon, the preview window
of task downloading progress displayed in incorrect position
GUI Bugfix: the detail info windows of download/upload size in task summar
y pane couldn't be able to shown up after program running for a long time
GUI Bugfix: the task state icon displayed as warning if only download part
of files of a BitTorrent and choose "Download Later"
GUI Bugfix: after increase text size of Windows (DPI setting), the layouts
of certain windows went wrong
GUI Bugfix: the function of shutdown computer after all task download fini
shed ignores tasks in queue

Core Improve: native support for 64-bit system

Core Improve: read file in working thread after disk cache of BitComet used
up, to avoid UI responding slowly while high-speed seeding
Core Improve: slow down download speed when disk writing speed can not catch
up, to avoid UI responding slowly while high-speed downloading
Core Improve: improve uploading queue handing, to boost uploading speed in L
Core Improve: if the the download drive not accessible when task starts, has
h-check will be skipped to avoid download progress be reset
Core Bugfix: stop and restart BT task containing 0 size files will lead to
unnecessary hash-checking
Core Bugfix: drop incoming peers whose listening port is unknown when their
connection disconnected
Core Bugfix: files not closed after task stopped as disk space full, making
those files locked for moving or removing
Core Bugfix: if only select part of files in a BitTorrent download, the tas
k progress may fall back after hash-checking
Core Bugfix: when the setting of allocate space before downloading enabled,
only the space of the first 50 files is allocated
Core Bugfix: if the save folder is a junction of directory, the download wi
ll fail
Core Bugfix: download rate limit for single BT task not applied to download
ing from Long-Term Seeds
GUI Improved: improve text information displayed in VIP acceleration dialog
GUI Improved: improve progress bar of disk space in task properties dialog
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced option page to enable/disable auto has
h check after downloaded file changed
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced option page to enable/disable disk boo
st service (only Vista and later)
GUI Improved: display the status of disk boost service in statistical tab (o
nly Vista and later)
GUI Improved: tasks in queue will be displayed in Active task list
GUI Improved: improve re-connection timers displayed in tracker list
GUI Improved: do not display torrent downloading prompt dialog when open a m
agnet link
GUI Improved: improve GUI font when choosing Traditional Chinese in non-Trad
itional Chinese Windows
GUI Improved: simplify torrent status icon in torrent history and torrent sh
are list
GUI Improved: do not fix the width of date column in torrent history and tor
rent share list
GUI Improved: improve display refreshing code of torrent history and torrent
share list, reduce CPU usage
GUI Improved: display the default command in context menu of torrent history
and torrent share list as bold
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Torrent Collect list: Add to To
rrent Share
GUI Improved: add openbittorrent and publicbt as default trackers when creat
ing torrents
GUI Improved: green light appears after incoming connection established from
a remote peer
GUI Improved: add large icon of 256*256 for Vista/Win7
GUI Improved: add new column to Torrent History list: private torrent
GUI Improved: do not lock the width of preview column in task list
GUI Improved: display total download time in task summary tab
GUI Improved: display the number of days in case of downloading left time is
more than 24 hours
GUI Improved: check downloaded files at program startup, and display warning

icon on task if file missing. It can be disabled in advanced option page.

GUI Changed: Long-Time Seeding renamed to Long-Term Seeding
GUI Bugfix: the downloaded size in task statistical dialog when selecting
multiple tasks is invalid
GUI Bugfix: when mouse cursor hovering on system tray icon in XP, the task
running info balloon can not be shown
GUI Bugfix: the delete button in toolbar grayed out when pressing Ctrl to
select multiple items in Torrent History and Torrent Share
GUI Bugfix: in the global option dialog, the max value of cache size for e
ach connection of HTTP download should be 2MB
GUI Bugfix: after torrent downloaded for Magnet URI, the hidden options in
advanced page of task properties dialog is not shown right away
GUI Bugfix: the error message of failure to listen on UDP port is not accu
Core Improve: using disk boost service to create large files when start down
loading, to speed up disk operation, avoid UI no response (only Vista and later)
Core Improve: improve kernel to reduce CPU usage for UI refreshing when down
loading BitTorrent task
Core Improve: connect to one only tracker at a time when downloading private
torrent, and clear all peers when switching tracker
Core Improve: improve crash report program
Core Improve: improve transport interval of peer exchange
Core Improve: use worker thread to process socket message, thereby reduce me
ssage handling in UI thread
Core Bugfix: do not connect to tracker when remove a tracker from tracker l
ist (thanks to kluelos)
Core Bugfix: when listening port disabled in option dialog, program will de
ad-loop when exit
GUI Improved: new global option: customize actions of mouse double-click on
task list
GUI Improved: show log of trackers from tracker list
GUI Improved: display progress bar of disk space in task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add Torrent History button to toolbar of task list
GUI Improved: add task list button to toolbars of Torrent History ad Torrent
GUI Improved: remember sort state of task list after program restart
GUI Improved: new icon for Torrent History
GUI Improved: VIP Acceleration can be canceled if a task can not complete fo
r a long time
GUI Bugfix: UNC path can not be set as default download folder in option d
Core Bugfix: improve kernel stability
Core Bugfix: improve stability of BHO
GUI Improved: add "VIP Accelerate" for BitTorrent download, enable from the
VIP icon in task list
GUI Improved: new global settings: move downloaded files to specified folder
after task finished
GUI Improved: add task filter on the top of task list, filter tasks by state
s, tags and keywords
GUI Improved: move task tag list from the favorites bar at left to the task
filter bar above task list
GUI Improved: add keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F to find task
GUI Improved: show batch download dialog when open multiple magnet links usi
ng Ctrl+U
GUI Improved: change the text of preview/open in task list to icon
GUI Improved: remove the upper limit of the peer number displayed in peer li

st of BitTorrent task and display all

GUI Improved: display a yellow warning icon for tasks that failed to move/re
name files after download finished
GUI Improved: improve the "Search ED2K links" dialog launched from the file
list of BitTorrent task
GUI Improved: add thumbnail picture for task bar button in Windows 7, to dis
play downloading task information
GUI Improved: display download progress on task bar button in Windows 7
GUI Improved: add frequent used operations to context menu of task bar butto
n in Windows 7
GUI Improved: new global settings to specify main window action when program
starts, minimized or closed
GUI Improved: new option for auto-shutdown, to action once or forever
GUI Improved: OpenDir, Properties and Delete buttons in toolbar available wh
en switched to Torrent History list
Core Improve: support "VIP Accelerate" for BitTorrent download
Core Improve: keep original creator name of torrent file when save torrent a
Core Bugfix: connect to peers returned from DHT network using encryption pr
otocol by force (thanks to Ori)
Core Bugfix: VideoSnapshot.exe can not exit normally when processing abnorm
al video files
Core Bugfix: change the limit of disk cache up to 2GB
GUI Improved: add Summary tab to Torrent History and Torrent Share list
GUI Improved: open Torrent from URL dialog supports multiple URLs
GUI Improved: export all torrents in one time by selecting multiple tasks in
task list, Torrent History or Torrent Share list
GUI Improved: display "click to add" in file list when BitTorrent task missi
ng ED2K links
GUI Improved: add Snapshot and Comment tab to Torrent History and Torrent Sh
are list
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Torrent History: "add to task l
GUI Improved: support import unfinished download files with any extension na
GUI Improved: new advanced option: allow preview program to open files of an
y type from file list (thanks to greywizard)
GUI Improved: enhance video file capture ability of Firefox extension
GUI Change: CometPassport renamed to CometID
GUI Bugfix: percent of score bar for CometID level up displays invalid for
level 50+ (v1.22)
GUI Bugfix: after modifying save path in task properties dialog and select
ing moving files, the downloaded files are copied to new folder, not moved
GUI Bugfix: no beeps after download completed (v1.22)
GUI Bugfix: after changing torrent file encoding in task properties dialog
, the task name in Torrent History is not refreshed
GUI Bugfix: cannot send crash report under XP
GUI Bugfix: after switched to Torrent History, some buttons in toolbar sho
uld disabled
Core Improve: supports HTTP 301/302 redirecting for Web Seed
Core Improve: eMule plugin Xtreme Mod upgraded to v8.0 (eMule v0.50a)
Core Improve: after error code received from Tracker, increase retry interva
l and re-connect later
Core Improve: increase priority of HTTP tracker connection
Core Improve: improve piece request algorithm for BitTorrent task, reduce CP
U usage
Core Bugfix: if BitTorrent task containing multiple files, multiple eMule p
lugin will be launched incorrectly(v0.50a)

Core Bugfix: failed to generate Crash Report in Vista/Win7 (v1.22)

Core Bugfix: upload task number limit works incorrectly when there are any
task whose torrent not downloaded yet
Core Bugfix: perform hash-check if file changed or missing when start BitTo
rrent task
Core Bugfix: FTP download did not handle the error of disconnect by server
Core Bugfix: FTP download failed to resume download from certain FTP server
Core Bugfix: fix DNS query function
GUI Improved: improve IE context menu display effect under Vista/Win7
GUI Bugfix: tab key response incorrectly in Torrent Maker dialog
Core Improve: improve compatibility of UDP transmission modular with third-p
arty software
Core Improve: eMule plugin upgraded to v0.50a
Core Bugfix: failed to fetch cookie info from Firefox 3.0 and above when HT
TP downloading
Core Bugfix: failed to save DHT nodes file when program exiting in some sit
Core Bugfix: fix DNS query function
Core Improve: do not reset task progress to 0% when disk drive inaccessible(
e.g. flash disk unplugged)
Core Bugfix: fail to save task list when use_app_data == false under Vista/
win7 (v1.21)
Core Bugfix: improve kernel stability
GUI Improved: support open magnet URI with multiple tracker parameters
GUI Improved: include multiple tracker parameters when copy magnet URI from
BitTorrent task
GUI Improved: download installation package of new version in background aut
omatically if enabled
GUI Improved: support SHA1 verification for downloaded file in HTTP task pro
perties dialog
GUI Improved: display confirmation dialog when choose re-download HTTP task
GUI Improved: improve icons in context menu of task list
GUI Improved: rename "Web Interface" to "Remote Download" in Option dialog
GUI Improved: username, password and referrer can be specified when add HTTP
download in Remote Download web page
GUI Improved: add log list for HTTP task connections in Remote Download web
GUI Improved: add start/stop operations in task info web page of Remote Down
GUI Improved: Firefox extension supports capture .hlv video file
GUI Improved: when using multiple user accounts of Windows, each user has in
dividual task list and program settings
GUI Bugfix: share ratios of BitTorrent tasks are displayed incorrectly whe
n program just started
GUI Bugfix: displaying tooltip in toolbar may lead to crash
Core Improve: support file path longer than 260 characters
Core Improve: remove LUA scripts support for intelligent rename of HTTP down
Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
Core Bugfix: fail to download HTTP URL containing single quotes
GUI Improved: new command in file menu: "Import Unfinished Download", suppor
ts BitComet, uTorrent, Xunlei

GUI Improved: start download from torrent infohash directly in "Open torrent
from URL" dialog
GUI Improved: drag & drop task names to rearrange task list(when task list n
ot sorted)
GUI Improved: BT task summary tab: show BT task pieces number; show down/upl
oad speed/size detail info in tooltip when mouse hovers on them
GUI Improved: BT task peer list: new command "Friend Upload Slot" in the con
text menu, for only one IP at the same time
GUI Improved: BT task tracker list: show seeds, peers, downloaded number ret
urned from tracker
GUI Improved: BT task file list: sort file names in the same order as Window
s Explorer(thanks to RadioNoise)
GUI Improved: display snapshots tab in new BT task dialog when open torrent
GUI Improved: modify the size of BT task properties dialog, compatible with
1024x600 resolution
GUI Improved: for finished BT task, "search for Long-Time Seeds" displayed a
s "enable Long-Time Seeding", "search for eMule sources" as "enable upload to eM
ule sources" in task properties dialog
GUI Improved: new global option: maximum number of concurrent seeding BitTor
rent tasks
GUI Improved: new global option: Don't use proxy for tracker/peer connection
GUI Improved: new global option: specify separated listen port for Web UI
GUI Improved: supports Occitan language(see lang\HowTo-Translate.txt)
GUI Improved: when using remote desktop, disable highlight the row on which
mouse hovers in file list, peer list and tracker list
GUI Improved: improve compatibility of install package with Vista/Win7
GUI Bugfix: tailing space in tracker address leads to connection failure
GUI Bugfix: can't start BitTorrent download when drag&drop a Magnet URI te
xt to floating window
Core Improve: use UTF-8 encoding when making torrent file by default for all
language versions of Windows
Core Improve: improve algorithm, reduce CPU usage of DHT modular, avoid GUI
Core Improve: improve algorithm, reduce CPU usage of Long-Time Seeds downloa
d modular, avoid GUI blocked
Core Improve: support HTTPS tracker
Core Bugfix: after Scheduler stopped all tasks, the option of "Auto start t
ask when download rate less than specified rate" will still start tasks
Core Bugfix: after BT task stopped, corresponding DHT connections didn't st
op totally
Core Bugfix: invalid DHT packet may lead to program crash(thanks to Pierre
Nogu s)
Core Bugfix: task list backup file from v1.19 can't be imported by itself
GUI Improved: Torrent maker dialog changed to modeless window
GUI Improved: supports edit Tracker URL for Magnet URI task before torrent d
GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: enable eMule plugin, show/hide plug
in window
GUI Improved: support set task tags in BT/HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: move downloaded files to tag associated folder optionally when
add task tag using task context menu
GUI Improved: supports switch input focus to list control inside task tabs b
y Tab key
GUI Improved: add icons to task context menu
GUI Improved: display "not supported" in ed2k link field of file list for pr
ivate torrents

GUI Improved: new setting in advanced page of option dialog: system.show_deb

GUI Bugfix: can't drag&drop download links to floating windows from IE8 in
GUI Bugfix: the save path edit-box in BT/HTTP task properties dialog doesn
't support mouse wheel
GUI Bugfix: Web interface doesn't support to download Magnet URI
GUI Bugfix: the last task in task list doesn't get refreshed in some situa
Core Improve: support BitTorrent Extension Protocol of peer exchange, compat
ible with BitTorrent mainline
Core Improve: new eMule plugin (based on Xtreme 7.2 mod)
Core Bugfix: after removing tasks without removing files, the Long-Time See
ding for these files won't stop immediately
Core Bugfix: after disable LT Seeding in option dialog, running tasks won't
stop downloading from Long-Time Seeding immediately
GUI Improved: display the properties of multiple tasks will show a task stat
istics dialog
GUI Improved: drag&drop a Magnet URI or HTTP URL to main window of BitComet
will launch a download
GUI Improved: add legend to the piece map tab of task
GUI Improved: new setting in advanced page of option dialog: system.use_app_
data, detailed info refer to wiki
GUI Improved: display error message when failed to load/save task list xml f
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of tracker list: add tracker
GUI Improved: new setting in connection page of option dialog: randomize por
t each start
GUI Improved: display "added date" in torrent history, and hide "snapshots",
"comments", "rating", "popular" by default
GUI Improved: display translator info in about dialog
GUI Improved: enhance BHO, display BitComet icon in context menu of IE8
GUI Improved: enhance video downloader extension for Firefox, display captur
ed files in Tools menu besides in context menu
GUI Improved: new setting in BT task page of option dialog: display task pro
perties dialog after torrent downloaded from Magnet URI
GUI Improved: display batch download dialog when multiple torrents selected
to download in Torrent Exchange
GUI Bugfix: when shutdown scheduled at specified time, shutdown will still
be launched when all download finished
GUI Bugfix: error occurred when non-admin user try to modify IE integratio
n setting under Vista/Win7
GUI Bugfix: task properties dialog displayed incorrectly for right-to-left
languages, e.g. Arabic and Hebrew
GUI Bugfix: the setting of shutdown at specified time does not take effect
at first time
Core Improve: save bak files for task list xml file up to 7 copies
Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
Core Improve: the BT tasks which haven't downloaded torrent will not enter t
he task queue
Core Bugfix: enhance the stability of UDP transport
Core Bugfix: enhance the stability of HTTP proxy connection
GUI Improved: support download Magnet URI when click "Open Torrent from URL"
from file menu
GUI Improved: change "copy BC link" in context menu of task list, Torrent Hi
story and Torrent Exchange to "Copy Magnet URI"

GUI Improved: new auto-shutdown condition: shutdown at specified time

GUI Improved: display information of every connection to the same server in
connection tab of HTTP task
GUI Improved: add context menu to BT task file list header, to select column
s to display
GUI Improved: display the preview buttons of files in BT task file list acco
rding to each file's downloading progress
GUI Improved: support mouse wheel in task summary
GUI Improved: remove "Task Content" tab
GUI Improved: highlight the row on which mouse hovers in file list, peer lis
t and tracker list
GUI Improved: rename "Super-Seeding" to "Initial-Seeding" in BT task propert
ies dialog
GUI Improved: display local-language name of every language in Tools menu, b
esides theirs English name
GUI Improved: remove es_ar language due to the limit in, and a
dd Uighur
GUI Improved: rename Torrent Archive under Torrent Share to Torrent Share un
der Torrent Exchange, and add Torrent History in addition
GUI Improved: display introduction page when click Torrent Exchange in left
fav tree
GUI Improved: new option in BT task page of options dialog: add to Torrent H
istory when open .torrent file
GUI Improved: new option in BT task page of options dialog: list of BitTorre
nt clients allowed connecting to
GUI Improved: new option in Integration page of options dialog: associate wi
th Magnet URI
GUI Improved: option to restart program immediately when send crash report
GUI Improved: when opening video file, use the player program configured in
advanced option
GUI Bugfix: fix many spell mistakes in GUI (thanks to greywizard)
GUI Bugfix: cannot input Web Seed address longer than one row of the input
Core Improve: support BitTorrent Extension Protocol of metadata exchange, co
mpatible with BitTorrent mainline
Core Improve: support BitTorrent Extension Protocol of report DHT port, comp
atible with BitTorrent mainline
Core Bugfix: display file failed to create in task log when start new BT ta
sk in certain situation
Core Bugfix: can not open torrent file containing multi-files, in which the
name field ends with space
GUI Improved: add "Task Tags" page to Options dialog, default download folde
r for each tag can be set here.
GUI Improved: improve "Directories" page in Options dialog, task tags for ea
ch candidate download directory can be set here.
GUI Improved: set task tag and default download folder for new task automati
cally according to file extension name.
GUI Improved: improve drop list of save folder in task properties dialog, di
splay candidate download directories and corresponding tags
GUI Improved: add "Set as Default Directory" button in BT task properties di
GUI Improved: add "Super Seeding" option in advanced page of BT task propert
ies dialog
GUI Improved: add BT task log list
GUI Improved: add preview/open button in BT task file list
GUI Improved: display user group info in peer list of BT task in blue
Core Improve: support Super Seeding for BT task (for initial seeding server

n select
ram data

Improve: improve preview download mode for BT task

Improve: improve connection algorithm of Long-Time seed
Bugfix: save task list failed in Vista/Win7 64bit
Bugfix: data in first/last piece of file may not be saved properly whe
part of files in BT task to download
Bugfix: failed to remove torrent file with read-only attribute in prog
folder when remove BT task

GUI Improved: task information panel lists change to task information tabs,
support drag & drop and context menu
GUI Improved: redesign "Task Summary" tab
GUI Improved: task "Recommend" page changes to "Start Page" tab
GUI Improved: hide unnecessary task tabs when no task selected or task stopp
GUI Improved: add "Network Setting Wizard" to "Network" page in Option dialo
GUI Improved: improve context menu of status bar, add "port mapping again" a
nd "help"
GUI Improved: add download/upload limit setting to context menu of floating
window and system tray icon
GUI Improved: show "ED2K link" in file list of BT task
GUI Improved: highlight the current time block in scheduler setting page
GUI Bugfix: password not cleared when change user name in CometPassport si
gn in dialog
GUI Bugfix: pieces status and upload speed of eMule plugin display incorre
ctly in peer list
Core Improve: eMule plugin upgraded to v0.49c
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm of Long-Time seed for high-speed
Core Improve: "Start all seeding" from context menu of floating window do no
t start tasks with file missing
Core Improve: improve DNS query
Core Improve: update task finish time when BT task download finished again a
fter selecting more files to download
Core Bugfix: EVENT_COMPLETE should be sent to tracker only when all files i
n BT task downloaded, not only selected (v1.13 and v1.14)
Core Bugfix: connection number too small after some files in BT task finish
Core Bugfix: UPNP modular can not exit normally sometimes
Core Bugfix: task should enter in queue if when started during stopped time
of schedule
Core Bugfix: remove port mapping of eMule plugin when program exiting
GUI Improved: support Web Seed when make torrent file
GUI Improved: support modify Web Seed list in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: display download/upload rate of user group in peer list of BT
GUI Improved: display downloading piece position in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: display balloon on system tray icon when disk busy leading to
GUI losing response
GUI Improved: new appearance option: minimize when program start
GUI Improved: add loading page to bookmark in left fav bar
GUI Improved: loading torrent collection list from xml file in working threa
d, avoid GUI freezing
GUI Improved: decrease the delay switching to torrent collection list from t
ask list
GUI Improved: add new command in context menu of floating window: start uplo
ading all

GUI Improved: change the BitComet icon in system tray to grey when program e
GUI Improved: new setting in connection panel of option dialog: Alternate ma
x upload rate when not downloading
GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current download rate limit and uplo
ad rate limit
GUI Improved: individual max concurrent downloading task numbers for BT task
s and HTTP tasks in option dialog
GUI Improved: new "Force" option for BT task protocol encryption in option d
GUI Improved: new setting in Long-Time Seeding panel of option dialog: Auto
upload rate control
GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current upload rate limit of long-ti
me seeding
GUI Improved: BitComet not responding dialog will be closed automatically af
ter GUI resumed
GUI Bugfix: can't add HTTP Tracker whose port is 80 in BT task properties
GUI Bugfix: if task selection state changed before task delete dialog disp
layed, the task will be deleted may not be the originally selected
Core Improve: BT task supports downloading from Web Seed, compatible with Bi
tTorrent mainline
Core Improve: decrease CPU usage of DHT modular
Core Improve: ban the peers from the specified IP even they changed peer ID
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for UDP download from Long-Time s
Core Improve: send no-retry instruction to remote UDP peers when exiting
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for BT uploading
Core Improve: give BT upload connection higher priority when auto upload rat
e control of long-time seeding enabled
Core Bugfix: max simultaneous half-open TCP connection number in advanced o
ption page does not take effect
Core Bugfix: making torrent file may fail if there're too many files in the
specified folder
GUI Improved: add "Uploading" queue to the left fav bar
GUI Improved: BT task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom pane c
hanges to tree list for directory structure
GUI Improved: BT task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom pane s
upport sorting
GUI Improved: add new commands to context menu of BT task file list: expand/
collapse folders
GUI Improved: add check box to BT task file list pane for each file and fold
er, to switch download it or not
GUI Improved: add connection status icon for each peer in BT task peer list
GUI Improved: add "new peer" command to context menu of BT task peer list
GUI Improved: BT task peer list displays prompt string when frozen by Scroll
GUI Improved: support only export selected tasks into backup file
GUI Improved: support import tasks from backup file and merge them into task
GUI Improved: select whether import global program settings while import tas
ks from backup file
GUI Improved: language list in Tools menu changes to a 2-level sub menu
GUI Improved: add loading page to task content, Snapshot, Comment and Recomm
end pane
GUI Improved: do not clear rate graph in floating window when stop all tasks
GUI Improved: do not show the message of missing BitCometAgent.dll when prog
ram start

GUI Improved: optimize reconnect time after Comet Passport sign in failed
GUI Improved: add support for several new languages (see lang\HowTo-Translat
GUI Bugfix: when open a GB2312 encoding torrent file in traditional Chines
e Windows, the task name and publish info displays incorrectly after change char
acter encoding
GUI Bugfix: TCP, UDP mode setting of Long-Time seeding in advanced options
can not be saved
GUI Bugfix: restore the torrent archive list which removed in v1.12
GUI Bugfix: if select none of files in BT task to download, the task progr
ess will display incorrectly when program start next time
Core Improve: improve taskname.piece_part.bc! file structure, which used to
save file boundary data for BT task, therefore decreased memory usage
Core Improve: BT task Anti-Leech setting changes to three levels: "disable",
""auto", "strict"
Core Improve: improve network modular code, avoid program losing response wh
en download in high speed
Core Improve: add disk cache for UDP Long-Time seeding, 50MB max
Core Improve: set the thread priority of UDP Long-Time seeding below normal
Core Bugfix: memory leak in UDP uploading modular of Long-Time seeding
Core Bugfix: too many memory and CPU used when Long-Time seeding in high sp
eed using UDP
GUI Improved: remove torrent share list in simplified Chinese version
GUI Improved: elevation is not needed to associate torrent file in Windows V
GUI Improved: save to My Document in HTTP batch download dialog is supported
GUI Improved: the client version and transfer mode of Long-Time Seeding peer
is displayed in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: add piece error column in peer list of BT task, hidden by defa
GUI Improved: display connection time of Long-Time Seed in peer list of BT t
GUI Bugfix: when using multi-monitor, BitComet do not restore window posit
ion to the monitor last exit from.
GUI Bugfix: can't sort peer list by the cols that in the right of any hidd
en column
Core Improve: support the UDP transfer mode of Long-Time Seeding, can be ena
bled in advanced options
Core Improve: support test UDP port in WAN/LAN ip detector
Core Improve: stop connect to a peer that send too many error pieces
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for Long-Time seeding
Core Improve: improve the compatibility to the old versions of eMule plugin,
support v1.06 and later
Core Improve: delete Thumbs.db when remove task downloaded files
Core Improve: set taskname.piece_part.bc! as hidden file, avoiding deleted a
Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
Core Bugfix: program crash when using proxy server
Core Bugfix: user and password setting for proxy server do not work
Core Bugfix: making torrent file fail if containing empty sub-folders
Core Bugfix: invalid local IP displayed in statistics pane
Core Bugfix: publish date of very few torrent display incorrect in torrent
collection list
GUI Improved: add task search box in toolbar, which can be enable from View

GUI Improved: add a button in HTTP task properties dialog to set current dow
nload folder as default
GUI Improved: improve the file type filter in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: improve the auto shutdown function in Tools menu
GUI Improved: show item number count in HTTP batch download dialog
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of task archive list: show torrent
file properties dialog
GUI Improved: show task index and total count in floating window when it's l
arge enough
GUI Improved: new setting in advance page of option dialog: User-Agent strin
g for all HTTP task
GUI Improved: add support for several new languages (see lang\HowTo-Translat
GUI Improved: do not switch to task list after download a torrent file from
torrent collection list
GUI Bugfix: download several torrents from torrent collection list and dis
play their task properties dialog at the same time may cause program no response
GUI Bugfix: files large than 4GB can be downloaded to volume using exFAT
Core Improve: improve file boundary data save for BT task
Core Improve: enhance virus protect auto-config
Core Improve: HTTP download task support redirection to relative path
Core Bugfix: authentication information is not send to server in very few s
ituations of HTTP redirection
Core Bugfix: private BT task will search peers in DHT network in very few s
Core Bugfix: uploading of Long-Time seeding is unstable
Core Bugfix: certain BT task may occur progress error caused by saving file
boundary data when task stop
GUI Improved: add filter by file type to file list in BT task properties dia
GUI Improved: display torrent create software and create date display BT tas
k properties dialog
GUI Improved: support to add mirror URL manually in HTTP task properties dia
GUI Improved: move the option of "power off or standby after download finish
" from option dialog to Tools menu
GUI Improved: remove toolkit VistaTcpPatch.exe, merged into main program
GUI Improved: open torrent file directly if existed in torrent archive when
open BC link
GUI Improved: show task archive and torrent collection immediately after pro
gram startup, without pending load
GUI Improved: improve the item number info in status bar when filter the tor
rent archive and torrent collection
GUI Improved: append new torrent to the bottom of torrent archive or torrent
collection list
GUI Improved: remove old torrent from the top of torrent collection list, wh
en the torrent number reaches the max number
GUI Improved: new download status icon in torrent archive list, to indicate
the task download finished
GUI Improved: add "open save folder" command to the context menu of torrent
archive list, available after task download finished
GUI Improved: add "Unhide all" command to the context menu of torrent collec
tion list
GUI Improved: hit Del to delete selected items in torrent archive list, or b
lock selected items in torrent collection list

GUI Bugfix: when the item in torrent archive or torrent collection has no
snapshot, click the empty snapshot icon area will open invalid webpage
Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for Long-Time seeding
Core Improve: improve file boundary data save for BT task
Core Improve: ignore thumbs.db when making torrent file
Core Bugfix: download failed from certain video website
Core Bugfix: user name and password info filled in HTTP task don't take eff
ect if reference page not filled
GUI Improved: add tags to task by context menu (support multi-selection)
GUI Improved: filter tasks by tag from favorites list
GUI Improved: new option in task setting panel of option dialog: add tag to
new task by download file type
GUI Improved: display task tags and public date for BT task in summary pane
GUI Improved: display task tags for HTTP task in summary pane
GUI Improved: add "Apply" button to option dialog
GUI Improved: new option in Web Interface setting panel of option dialog: di
splay prompt window for web interface operation
GUI Improved: show prompt window when open a torrent file that already exist
ed in torrent archive list
GUI Improved: when modify the save path of an existed BT/HTTP task, show a p
rompt to choose whether to move downloaded files to new save path
GUI Improved: when modify BT/HTTP task save path, show the path auto-complet
e drop list
GUI Improved: when the width of file list in BT task properties dialog is no
t enough for file name, try to display the head and tail part of the filename, w
ith the middle part as ellipsis
GUI Improved: when switch task lists, task tags or torrent share list from f
avorites list, remember the scroll bar position and task selections before switc
GUI Improved: add context menu to BitComet passport and DHT area in main sta
tus bar
GUI Improved: when click comment or snapshot icon in task list, display them
below task list, instead of open a browser window
GUI Improved: add support for 10 new languages
GUI Bugfix: program crash when display task delete confirm dialog under Wi
Core Improved: Web Interface support create new task from BC link
Core Improved: When create a task that already existed, Web Interface will d
isplays an webpage link to the existed task
Core Improved: eMule plugin can download file boundary data for BT task, whe
re one piece containing multi files
Core Improved: create bak file when save task list to downloads.xml
Core Bugfix: error data received in file boundary piece makes task download
can not finish
GUI Improved: rearrange main menu, "tools" changes to "software", "options"
changes to "tools"
GUI Improved: add submenu to select default save directory in tools menu
GUI Improved: improve directory setting panel in option dialog. double click
to set default save directory
GUI Improved: new Web Interface setting panel in option dialog
GUI Improved: add MD5 verify pane to HTTP/FTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: downloaded files can be moved to candidate directory from cont
ext menu of task list
GUI Improved: add downloaded size and uploaded size columns in task list (hi
dden by default)
GUI Improved: remove Flv player from install package

GUI Improved: improve Long-Time seeding display in peer list

GUI Bugfix: fix some translation errors.
Core Improved: new Web Interface modular, to remote BitComet from web browse
r (disabled by default)
Core Improved: improve Long-Time Seeding module
Core Improved: increase first-time loading speed of torrent share list
Core Improved: limit download rate for HTTP task automatically when download
speeding larger than disk writing speed, to avoid wasting too many memory for d
isk cache
Core Improved: update eMule plugin to v0.49b
Core Bugfix: UI may response slowly when downloading BT task in high speed
Core Bugfix: program crash after install IE8 beta
GUI Improved: split save location of BT task into 2 parts: save path and fil
ename for single-file task, save path and subfolder for multi-files task.
GUI Improved: when add new BT task, start now/start later combo box changes
to 2 buttons below in the dialog
GUI Improved: remove "set as default" button in BT and HTTP/FTP task propert
ies dialog. Save path of new task will be added into candidate directory list in
option dialog automatically.
GUI Improved: new candidate directory list in option dialog. The directories
in list can be pick up easily when add new task.
GUI Improved: rewrite batch HTTP/FTP download dialog and download all dialog
. They are merged into a new designed batch download dialog, which is more conve
GUI Improved: new site password manager for HTTP/FTP download. Username & pa
ssword will be filled automatically when add new task if existed. This can be en
abled in option dialog.
GUI Improved: in torrent maker dialog, network type combo list changes into
private torrent check box and add DHT nodes check box.
GUI Improved: after popular software update checking, updated softwares will
be list under tools menu in main window.
GUI Improved: show an error message box when click [play] on a finished task
, while the downloaded file has been deleted.
GUI Bugfix:
under Windows Vista, search box in toolbar displays incorrect
ly after switch search type
Core Improved: UI language files change from .xml format to .mo format, whic
h are more universal and can be concurrent translated in
Core Bugfix: under Windows Vista, BitComet will lost task list if running u
nder administrator privilege
Core Bugfix: if the HTTP task stopped because the file locked by other prog
ram, data integrality can not be guaranteed when resume downloading.
Core Bugfix: in few situations, the BT task finish progress is 100% after h
ash checking, but the file finish progresses are not displayed as 100%
Core Bugfix: if a BT task has been specified file download order, program w
ill lose respond when switch a file to be download or not.
GUI Improved: "my shared torrent list" turns into "torrent archive". all dow
nloaded torrent files will be saved there.
GUI Improved: add filter edit box to torrent archive list.
GUI Improved: remove deleted task list. when delete BT task, its torrent fil
e can be kept in torrent archive
GUI Improved: new option: clear peer sharing torrent list when program exits
. enabled by default.
GUI Improved: new option: standby, hibernate, restart or shutdown computer w
hen all task downloaded and stopped
GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: check for BitComet updates

GUI Improved: improve Long-Time Seeding download rate display in peer list
GUI Improved: displays play button in task list after download audio file, l
ike mp3, wma
GUI Bugfix: open file from file list will fail, after rename BT task and res
tart BitComet
GUI Bugfix: when make torrent file in v1.03, files in sub-directories will n
ot be added into torrent
GUI Bugfix: when main window is not wide enough, the search box in toolbar w
ill display in invalid position
GUI Bugfix: total downloaded/uploaded bytes in statistics list will be clear
in some situation since v1.02
Core Improved: all opened torrent files will be saved to archive folder
GUI Improved: redesign preferences dialog, improve option layout
GUI Improved: new advanced option: User-agent sent to HTTP tracker
GUI Improved: new advanced option to adjust Anti-Leech rules
GUI Improved: new advanced option to config file path of video player
GUI Improved: improve connection number display in task list for HTTP/FTP ta
GUI Improved: add left size column to task list (hidden by default)
GUI Improved: add context menu to BT task peer list header, to select column
s to display
GUI Improved: BT task peer list support group display
GUI Improved: freeze BT task peer list when ScrollLock turned on
GUI Improved: HTTP task properties dialog will display free disk space of sa
ve location
GUI Improved: BitComet not responding dialog can be disabled
GUI Improved: BitComet don't hide already running eMule plugin window when s
GUI Improved: remove task category management
GUI Improved: remove history task list
GUI Improved: remove video file preview window, launch external video player
GUI Improved: remove BitComet resource browser from install package
GUI Bugfix: Firefox extension can download flv file from Firefox cache
Core Improved: remove NAT Traversal via UDP, to improve TCP transfer efficie
Core Improved: improve TCP half-open patch for Windows XP SP3
Core Bugfix: after a file in BT task download finished, disconnect correspon
ding Long-Time Seeding connection immediately
Core Bugfix: the pieces containing file boundary data of BT task will be dow
nloaded repeatedly in some situation
Core Bugfix: BitComet does not save the BT tasks created by BC link when pro
gram exit
GUI Improved: task category will display "empty" when not set
GUI Improved: whether to search for mirrors when add new HTTP task can be se
t as default setting
GUI Improved: new option for preview window: keep aspect ratio of video
GUI Improved: new switch button in toolbar of preview window: skip undownloa
ded range or waiting for buffering
GUI Improved: BitComet resource browser (CometBrowser.exe) will exit immedia
tely after close all its window
GUI Improved: remove server mode option in advanced network settings
GUI Bugfix: user name and password in HTTP/FTP task properties dialog do not
take effect
Core Improved: Long-Time Seeding can download file boundary data for BT task
, where one piece containing multi files

Core Improved: when select part files of a BT task to download, the file bou
ndary data will be saved in taskname.piece_part.bc!
Core Improved: enhance virus protect auto-config
Core Improved: support TCP half-open patch for Windows XP SP3
Core Improved: Firefox extension support Firefox 3.0
Core Bugfix: error occurs when connect to certain trackers: "Tracker Return
Zero Length Response"
Core Bugfix: EVENT_COMPLETE should be sent to tracker only when all files in
BT task downloaded, not only selected
Core Bugfix: HTTP download task do not reconnect server after connection dis
connected by server
Core Bugfix: HTTP download task do not drop invalid data from out-of-date mi
rror server, lead to redownload after hash check failure
GUI Improved: new option in advanced connection settings of preferences dial
og: Enable Anti-Leech
GUI Improved: Firefox extension add download video files command to context
menu of web page
Core Improved: after enable Anti-Leech, connections which transfer little da
ta during a long time will be disconnected
Core Improved: enhance video file preview, support avi, rmvb, wmv, mpg, flv,
ogm, mkv, mp4 files
GUI Improved: move "add torrent to my sharing" check box in BT task properti
es dialog to Advanced page
GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: check software update
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Peer list: Remove peer
GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Tracker list: Remove tracker
GUI Improved: Firefox extension add download video files command to Tools me
nu, which can capture video files in webpage.
GUI Bugfix: pause and resume preview video file will lead to exit full-scree
n mode
GUI Bugfix: Refresh button in toolbar of BitComet resource browser does not
Core Improved: update TCP half open limit modification for Windows Vista
Core Bugfix: Long-Time Seeding does not stop when Scheduler pause all downlo
Core Bugfix: BitComet resource browser cannot download video files embedded
in webpage after install IE7
GUI Improved: check software update in system automatically, can be enable i
n option dialog
GUI Improved: new Firefox extension, support download file using BitComet
GUI Improved: new option in advanced setting page: query task comment and sn
apshot info automatically
GUI Improved: when browse the save location folder of task, do not open new
window if this folder has already been opened
GUI Improved: add time interval setting to context menu of floating window
GUI Bugfix: BC link of BT task displayed as error link in HTTP task properti
es dialog
GUI Bugfix: failed to verify login password at BitComet startup will lead to
Core Improved: increase connection speed of downloading torrent file in BC l
ink, and querying HTTP file size
Core Bugfix: preview in full screen mode for more than twice do not work pro
perly under Windows Vista

GUI Improved: start downloading torrent file while show the task properties
dialog of new opened BC link
GUI Improved: search box in toolbar remains in the same row of the toolbar b
uttons when resize main window
GUI Improved: HTTP task properties dialog support query file size and server
resume-supported ability for HTTP/FTP link with password authentication
GUI Improved: improve display effect of peer download status bar in BT task
peer list
GUI Improved: BT task peer list support sorting
GUI Improved: BT task peer list display download status bar of each peer
GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list display download status bar of each
GUI Improved: new command in HTTP task context menu: Verify MD5 checksum
GUI Bugfix: ESC key do not work in download all links dialog
GUI Bugfix: task remains in queue after deleted into recycle bin
Core Improved: improve HTTP task download algorithm to avoid download speed
decrease near finish
Core Improved: HTTP task support redirect to FTP url
Core Bugfix: preview unfinished HTTP task may cause program crash
Core Bugfix: tasks which disable Long-Time Seeding download should not uploa
d for Long-Time Seeding
Core Bugfix: tasks in recycle bin should not upload for Long-Time Seeding(pe
rsistent seeding)
GUI Improved: improve BC link support when download all links from web page
GUI Improved: add overwrite prompt when save torrent file of a BT task to an
other location
GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: Show eMule plugin
GUI Bugfix: after sort URL list in download all links dialog, the downloaded
links do not match the selected links
GUI Bugfix: torrent file association icon cannot display
GUI Bugfix: install package compatible with Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: invalid input prompt for save location in BT/HTTP task propertie
s dialog
GUI Bugfix: status bar language not changed after switch UI language
Core Bugfix: program may crash when download HTTP file from redirected serve
Core Bugfix: task added at eMule plugin startup will not be created successf
Core Bugfix: cannot connect to certain tracker that forbid web browser conne
Core Bugfix: v0.96 cannot load configuration file BitComet.xml in Windows Vi
GUI Bugfix: bugs in install package script
Core Bugfix: cannot query file size of FTP link containing non-English chara
cter in FTP task properties dialog
Core Bugfix: HTTP connection logs do not display in version 0.95
Core Improved: main program compressed, decrease loading time
GUI Improved: new hotkey Ctrl+B for HTTP/FTP batch download
GUI Improved: remove search bar below favorites list
GUI Improved: remove recommend window
GUI Improved: if download rate in user list of BT task less than 1K, display
it as "<1 kB/s"
GUI Improved: display "play" button in task list for flv and swf file when i

t download finished
GUI Improved: hot key Ctrl+R in add download group dialog will fill max valu
e of wildcard automatically
GUI Improved: BT task share ratio includes Long-Time Seeding uploaded size
GUI Bugfix: icons in task log display incorrectly in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: task auto stop function can not work if this task has been previ
GUI Bugfix: Scheduler will not refresh task list after pause all task
GUI Bugfix: user name and password info is not imported from captured FTP UR
L link
GUI Bugfix: the option of search for more users to speed up download in HTTP
task properties dialog does not work
Core Improved: improve preview download mode of BT task, decrease CPU usage
Core Improved: eMule plugin can handle ED2K link opened from IE
Core Improved: when BitComet creates task in eMule plugin, the task category
of new task will be set to _bitcomet_imported
Core Improved: when BitComet downloads BT task from eMule plugin, if the sam
e file already exists in plugin's download queue, downloaded data will be import
Core Bugfix: .bc! file is not removed occasionally when download very small
HTTP files
Core Bugfix: unable to download zero byte HTTP file
Core Bugfix: private torrent didn't disable persistent seeding
GUI Improved: new function in context menu of BT task file list: search ED2K
link for selected file
GUI Improved: enable Windows open file security warning for downloaded execu
table files
GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog: Login BitComet Passport Auto
GUI Improved: hide notify window of start downloading torrent file immediate
ly after download finished
GUI Improved: support query file size and server resume-supported ability fo
r BC link in HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: launch BitComet resource browser to capture video file when cl
ick "download video" in IE context menu
GUI Improved: add Accelerate Keys page to Help menu
GUI Improved: remove horizontal scroll-bar of fav list and task info pane li
GUI Bugfix: tasks in queue will not start automatically at next time of BitC
omet launch
GUI Bugfix: task list and file list do not refresh after rename task
GUI Bugfix: get invalid BC link when copy BC link from FTP task
GUI Bugfix: the display effect of resizing floating window is not correct un
der Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: zero-size BT task will display in downloading list all the time
Core Improved: eMule plugin supports searching ED2K link for selected file o
f BT task, to help BitComet download from ED network
Core Improved: new toolbar button in BitComet resource browser to capture fl
v video files in webpage and download them
Core Improved: HTTP task decrease download rate automatically when disk writ
ing speed much lower than downloading rate
Core Bugfix: HTTP task will download file repeatedly in some special situati
on of hash check failure
Core Bugfix: the file name and sub-directory name in torrent file is invalid
when make torrent of an entire disk from root directory
Core Bugfix: in-queue task number may get wrong if select to download remain
der files of a BT task after part files of which download finished
Core Bugfix: eMule plugin window appears incorrectly sometimes

Core Bugfix: preview download mode does not work correctly sometimes
Core Bugfix: play button does not display in task list after download video
file from HTTP server without resume-supported ability
Core Improved: improve the stability of persistent seeding
GUI Improved: task list sorting by task name use pronunciation order
GUI Improved: add "toolkit" menu to download software correlated with BitCom
GUI Improved: the global max upload rate in preferences dialog must larger t
han 10kB/s
GUI Improved: the notice window of free disk space insufficiency will not cl
ose until user click
GUI Improved: improved torrent file maker dialog layout, supporting dialog r
GUI Improved: display file type icons in file list of BT task
GUI Improved: display connection time in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: HTTP/FTP task support hash check (only support certain files)
GUI Bugfix: bug in sorting my shared torrent list by whether shared
GUI Bugfix: torrent file association error in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: downloaded file is not selected correctly when view task save fo
lder in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: the right and bottom edge of torrent file maker dialog and BT ta
sk properties dialog is not displayed correctly in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: registration failed in Windows Vista, resul
t in fail to preview rmvb file
GUI Bugfix: available space size in BT task properties dialog displayed in r
ed color mistakenly, not considering task downloaded size
GUI Bugfix: the option of replace wildcard "(*)" to letters does not work in
add HTTP download group dialog
GUI Bugfix: fail to set torrent file create date when add it to my shared to
rrent list from new BT task dialog
Core Improved: add "preview download mode" in BT task context menu, supporti
ng download pieces in sequence
Core Improved: eMule plugin support sending crash report
Core Bugfix: new BT task will stop downloading due to nonexistent disk error
in some situation
Core Bugfix: default TCP half open limit in Windows Vista is displayed as 0.
it's 10 actually
GUI Improved: double click un-downloaded torrent file in my shared torrent l
ist to start download it
GUI Improved: restore option: add .bc! file extension to unfinished file
GUI Improved: new function in context menu of BT task file list: search ED2K
link for selected file
GUI Improved: add real-time sort to task list. enable it from View menu
GUI Improved: new operation in context menu of peer shared torrent list: "ad
d to my share list"
GUI Improved: new status icon for BT task downloading torrent file in task l
GUI Improved: add torrent publish date info to torrent share list
GUI Improved: right click torrent share list header to choose displayed colu
GUI Improved: a notifier window will display after add a BC link task
GUI Improved: add file category combo list to torrent share list toolbar
GUI Improved: support multi key words in peer shared torrent list filter, se
parated by space

GUI Improved: torrent file name in torrent share list will be displayed in i
nfotip when mouse hover on it if too long
GUI Improved: specify ED2K link from context menu in file list of BT task, t
o help ED plugin search ED download resource
GUI Improved: when double click .bc! file, prompt to open the unfinished fil
e using the program associated with the original file without .bc! suffix
GUI Improved: right click toolbar of main window to choose displayed buttons
, or using View/Toolbar/Buttons menu
GUI Improved: enable auto adjust column width from View/Tasklist menu
GUI Improved: when HTTP/FTP task connection failed, detail error and retry i
nfo will be displayed in connection log
GUI Improved: add HTTP/FTP task error retry interval time option in preferen
ces dialog
GUI Improved: restore allocate disk space before downloading option in prefe
rences dialog
GUI Improved: display upload rate and left time in task list by default
GUI Improved: when available space of save location in BT task properties di
alog is not enough, the available space size is displayed in red color
GUI Improved: add copy IP address to context menu of status bar in main wind
GUI Improved: display task size, progress and preview button in history task
list by default
GUI Bugfix: the order of tasks in queue does not match the order in tasklist
when start all task from context menu of floating window
GUI Bugfix: the task number in fav list does not refresh when move task to a
new category using context menu of tasklist
GUI Bugfix: the wildcard "(*)" does not work in add HTTP/FTP download group
GUI Bugfix: the HTTP/FTP task in queue failed to stop when double click it i
n tasklist
GUI Bugfix: the wildcard "(*)" does not work in add HTTP/FTP download group
dialog for FTP links
GUI Bugfix: when click cancel button of BT task properties dialog after torr
ent file downloaded from BC link, the BT task will not be removed
GUI Bugfix: unable to handle non-English character in publisher URL of BT ta
Core Improved: support persistent seeding to seed finished torrents in backg
round automatically without starting the task
Core Improved: support uploading rate limit for all persistent seeding, twea
k in preferences dialog
Core Improved: support customize file download order for BT task, in BT task
properties dialog
Core Improved: support patch TCP half-open limit in Windows Vista
Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when
high-speed downloading HTTP/FTP file from LAN
Core Bugfix: ED plugin will upload invalid data in some situation
Core Bugfix: scheduler failed to resume download after stop tasks for 2 hour
or longer
Core Bugfix: unfinished tasks will not auto-start at program startup if BitC
omet is not closed normally
GUI Improved: add search for eDonkey download source option in BT task prope
rties dialog
GUI Improved: add ED download plugin configuration page in preferences dialo
GUI Improved: display download rate from HTTP/FTP sources and ED sources in
BT task summary pane
GUI Improved: snapshot info for each item in task list and torrent share lis
t changed to a clickable icon

GUI Improved: tasks remain selected after sort task list

GUI Improved: new context menu for my shared torrent and peer shared torrent
in fav list
GUI Improved: decrease CPU usage for shared torrent list refresh
GUI Improved: new search icon for each item in shared torrent list
GUI Improved: prompt information will be displayed when shared torrent list
is empty
GUI Improved: add "copy BC link" to context menu of shared torrent list, wit
h hotkey Ctrl+C
GUI Improved: add "clear all" to context menu of peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: new option in View menu to show search box in toolbar
GUI Improved: shutdown computer after download finish works for HTTP task no
GUI Improved: text in info bar and status bar of review window change to mul
ti-language string
GUI Improved: the last task will be selected when BitComet startup
GUI Improved: minimize to system tray by close button or minimize button can
be configured in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: a prompt window will popup if BitComet detected that the TCP h
alf-open limit of windows is too small at startup
GUI Improved: new state of "detecting" for WAN/LAN ip detector in status bar
GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list move to the up of task log
GUI Improved: the auto-start order for queued task keeps the same to display
order of sorted task list
GUI Bugfix: preview window fail to refresh when switch UI language
GUI Bugfix: "pause all active task" in context menu of floating window does
not work
GUI Bugfix: program exit confirm when task running do not count up uploading
GUI Bugfix: unable to click task comment, snapshot and voting for items of 1
0001th and below in shared torrent list
GUI Bugfix: redownload HTTP task will lose task list sort order
Core Improved: BT task support downloading from eDonkey network (ED plugin f
or BitComet is required)
Core Improved: BT task support uploading to eDonkey network
Core Improved: add eDonkey network listen port to Windows Firewall and UPNP
NAT device when program startup
Core Improved: disable NAT Traversal via UDP automatically for WAN IP user,
to improve TCP transfer efficiency
Core Bugfix: auto stop running BT task using a invalid condition mismatch to
user settings
Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when
downloading huge HTTP/FTP file under Win2003 64bit
GUI Improved: add "Hide this" to context menu of peer shared torrent list, n
o longer display the selected torrent files
GUI Improved: add "copy title" to context menu of peer shared torrent list,
copy the title of selected torrent file to clipboard
GUI Improved: double click downloaded torrent file in peer shared torrent li
st to view corresponding task in task list
GUI Improved: new icon in my shared torrent file list to show the shared, bu
t not downloaded torrent file
GUI Improved: peer shared torrent list will only refresh once when typing co
ntinuously in the filter edit box
GUI Improved: items in peer shared torrent list will keep selected when auto
GUI Improved: no torrent file will be displayed in shared torrent list in to
rrent file share disabled in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: the default number to show in the shared torrent list is set t

o "unlimit"
GUI Improved: new option of socket start interval(ms) in preferences dialog
GUI Bugfix: upload rate displays text error in task list if max upload rate
of task is set
GUI Bugfix: operation to torrent will be misplaced after set filter to peer
shared torrent list
GUI Bugfix: task number in history task list is not refreshed upon 0 clock a
t midnight
GUI Bugfix: "Open BC link" in file menu does not work if task summary pane i
s current active window
Core Bugfix: Share ratio of BT task is always 0 if only uploading without an
y downloading
GUI Improved: add an option to verify login password at program startup in p
references dialog
GUI Improved: add default task related info pane option in preferences dialo
GUI Improved: add an option to set BitComet as default IE download tool in p
references dialog
GUI Improved: add an option to enable torrent share in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: open BCTP link dialog replaced by open BC link dialog, which c
an create HTTP/FTP/BT task from BC link
GUI Improved: add "copy BC link to clipboard" command to task list context m
enu, with hotkey Ctrl+C
GUI Improved: add snapshot number column in task list
GUI Improved: add tooltip to display detail task status info when mouse hove
r on task icon in task list
GUI Improved: add tooltip to display upload rate, left time, health when mou
se hover on download rate, progress, seed number
GUI Improved: upload rate, left time, health will not display in task list b
y default (can be shown in View menu)
GUI Improved: when task stopped, task can be renamed even if task is not com
GUI Improved: double click to download torrent file in peer shared torrent l
GUI Improved: add popular column in peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: new icon and tooltip to designate whether the torrent has been
downloaded or shared by me in peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add auto-refresh checkbox in toolbar of peer shared torrent li
GUI Improved: add share-all checkbox in toolbar of my shared torrent list
GUI Improved: improve statistic pane display effect
GUI Improved: add save file already exist check when open torrent file to cr
eate new BT task
GUI Improved: able to save files to UNC path of shared folder in network dur
ing HTTP/BT downloading
GUI Improved: add warning prompt if save file large than 4GB to non-NTFS vol
ume when create HTTP/BT task
GUI Improved: add balloon prompt on disk full error during HTTP/BT downloadi
GUI Improved: add prompt dialog to close program and send error report when
program is not responding
GUI Improved: add context menu to WAN IP detect light in status bar of main
GUI Improved: remove some infrequent options in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: floating window remember its position and size automatically
GUI Bugfix: unfinished tasks will not auto-start at program startup if BitCo
met is not closed normally before shut down computer
GUI Bugfix: average download rate in task summary pane is cleared after BT t

ask stopped
GUI Bugfix: comment number and snapshot number in shared torrent list is not
refreshed in time
GUI Bugfix: operation to torrent will be misplaced after sort shared torrent
GUI Bugfix: text in toolbar of shared torrent list and passport pane is disp
layed incorrectly after switch display resolution
GUI Bugfix: refresh of peer shared torrents list lead to high CPU usage
Core Bugfix: program crash in some condition
GUI Improved: add an option in BT task properties dialog to add this torrent
file to my shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add "view task" command to the context menu of my shared torre
nt list
GUI Improved: add a filter in the toolbar of peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: display peer shared torrent file number in peer shared node of
fav list
GUI Improved: add an option to enable BT task search for HTTP/FTP download s
ource in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add commands to import/export task list and global settings un
der file menu
GUI Improved: add "rename task" function in context menu of task list
GUI Improved: detail error information will be displayed in tooltip when mou
se cursor hover on the red-cross icon of a task which encounters error like disk
GUI Improved: task rating information will be displayed in tooltip when mous
e cursor hover on comment region of the task list
GUI Improved: add hotkey Ctrl+Home/End to move selected tasks to the top/bot
tom of task list
GUI Improved: support scroll information in all panes on which the mouse cur
sor is hovering by rolling mouse wheel
GUI Improved: add an option in preferences dialog to enable submit video fil
e snapshot after task download finish
GUI Improved: add an option in preferences dialog to enable protection again
st ARP cheating attack from LAN
GUI Improved: new designed BitComet resource browser to accelerate open web
page from BitComet
GUI Improved: improve displayed information layout in task summary pane
GUI Improved: add "minimize to system tray" to system menu of BitComet butto
n in windows taskbar
GUI Improved: delete file check box in task delete dialog is displayed in re
d color
GUI Bugfix: View/download list/Columns menu does not work after switch UI la
GUI Bugfix: all tasks will be displayed as in queue if enabled auto-start ta
sk when download rate below specified value
GUI Bugfix: all tasks displayed in task list will be removed if launch clear
recycle bin in recycle bin context menu even they are not in recycle bin
Core Bugfix: fix a bug sometimes lead to memory leakage
Core Bugfix: handle some BT task with zero-size file incorrectly
GUI Improved: new torrent share function: click my shared or peer shared in
fav list to manage shared torrents
GUI Improved: add option to calculate ED2K link for each file in torrent mak
e dialog
GUI Improved: add preset button to choose preset save folder in BT task prop
erties dialog
GUI Improved: add option to download from the mirror when the source url can

't be connected in HTTP task properties dialog

GUI Improved: remove movie info related staffs from torrent make dialog and
BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add mark highlight button and filter popup menu to download al
l links dialog
GUI Improved: add server mode option to preferences dialog, which support mo
re connections but can't set precise rate
GUI Improved: improve search box in toolbar of main window
GUI Improved: if choose to open URL inside BitComet, new web window will ope
n, without effect to main window
GUI Improved: after a torrent file downloaded by http task, the BT download
will start automatically
GUI Improved: HTTP/FTP resources number for BT task is displayed in file lis
GUI Improved: add hotkey PageUp/PageDown, Ctrl+Left/Right and Alt+Left/Right
for preview window to seek 10 sec, 30 sec and 120 sec
GUI Improved: buffered time length is display in status bar when preview
GUI Improved: when close BT/HTTP task properties dialog, save folder and fil
ename is verified to be valid
GUI Bugfix: ban IP menu in peer list of BT task do not work sometimes
GUI Bugfix: avoid system entering suspend/sleeping mode do not work in Windo
ws Vista
GUI Bugfix: left time in task list is not correct if task size is too large
or download rate is too low
Core Improved: new torrent share function, to download torrent files from pe
Core Improved: support HTTPS download
Core Improved: support download FTP resource for BT task
Core Improved: improve SHA1 algorithm, decrease CPU usage
Core Improved: improve NAT Traversal via UDP component, decrease CPU usage
Core Bugfix: upnp.exe launch fail in Windows 2000
GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to enable large file(>1MB)
align to piece boundary
GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to allow user search for HT
TP/FTP resources when BT downloading
GUI Improved: new option in BT task properties dialog to enable search for H
TTP/FTP resources for BT task files
GUI Improved: new history task filter in fav list, in which tasks displayed
in the order of download finish date
GUI Improved: improve task delete dialog, able to remove downloaded files wh
ile keep task record in recycle bin
GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog to enable BT task access P2PC
ache server (need ISP support)
GUI Improved: task created date and finish date are displayed in task summar
GUI Improved: improve task piece graph, support page up/down using mouse whe
GUI Improved: new recommend side-bar which can be toggled in view menu
GUI Improved: BitComet main window minimize to windows taskbar, and system t
ray icon always displays
GUI Improved: if the task name/publisher name in task list is too long to di
splay, it will be displayed in tooltip
GUI Improved: new search toolbar in the top of BitComet passport view
GUI Improved: improve the clipboard monitor, only capture url links of speci
fic files type
GUI Improved: add support for Maxthon browser
GUI Improved: unhide the option of browse url in BitComet
GUI Improved: downloaded file will be selected when open task save folder

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some HTTP download fail due to missing cookie i
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that hash check of multi BT tasks not running in que
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that move to other location command in task context
menu does not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some particular language can not be input to IE
edit control when BHO loaded
Core Improved: add P2SP download function to BT task, able to search for HTT
P/FTP resources to accelerate download
Core Improved: add large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary function to torr
ent maker and BT download module
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when download HTTP task usin
g P2P connection
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when an error UDP packet rec
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that downloaded file may save fail if unsupported c
haracter in current code-page occurred in torrent file
Core Bugfix: fix the bug about GZIP decode in HTTP 1.0
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the task created from BCTP link is not properl
y saved if torrent had not downloaded.
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that unable to connect to some FTP server
GUI Improved: new task piece graph for both BT and HTTP, displaying detail f
ile piece downloading state
GUI Improved: enhanced video codec version detection for preview. the extra
video codec check wizard is removed.
GUI Improved: add clipboard monitor, which can be enabled in floating window
context menu
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that fail to open torrent file during preview
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the UPNP operation results are not displayed in
statistics view
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the floating window is not hide when hit boss k
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the uploading rate is too low in some situatio
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in the decode of GZIP data returned from HTTP serve
GUI Improved: add option in HTTP task properties dialog to enable P2P http d
GUI Improved: add hot key Ctrl+R in add HTTP task group dialog, to replace s
elected text in url to wildcard "(*)"
GUI Improved: refer page url is filled to new http task when drag URL from I
E to floating window
GUI Improved: new network rate graph of the floating window in large size
GUI Improved: improve the IE context menu for BitComet, add sub menu to down
load particular objects in the webpage
GUI Improved: add comment and preview/play column in task list
GUI Improved: WAN IP and network connection status is displayed in status ba
r of the main window, showing if the listen port is reachable to public domain p
GUI Improved: enhance the RSS list display function
GUI Improved: add options in preferences dialog to enable network connection
status auto check
GUI Improved: add options in preferences dialog to enable task statistical i
nfo submitting
GUI Improved: add "download link" to context menu of Firefox

GUI Improved: Hide the option of browse url in BitComet

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that "save torrent as" in task context menu will sav
e other task's torrent file if category is selected in fav list
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of the sort operation in task list
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the URL link name is not displayed in the selec
tion dialog of downloading all links
GUI Bugfix: fix the display bug of floating window in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task list is not refreshed after cancel the
operation of add HTTP task group
GUI Bugfix: fix the display bug of the HTTP task info window when switching
selected task
Core Improved: add P2P download function to HTTP task, able to search more p
eers to speed up downloading
Core Improved: reconstruction NAT Traversal via UDP using encryption connect
Core Improved: improve the robustness of video file preview. the crash of vi
deo codec will not terminate BitComet main program
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that HTTP download resume will fail if the web serv
er is rebooted
GUI Improved: add sound prompt when task download finish, which can be confi
gured in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: improve the context menu of floating window and system tray ic
GUI Improved: processing progress dialog will be displayed when add http tas
k group
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task start order is not correct if reduce t
ask queue length while the queue is not empty
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of version 0.81 that program can not run under win98
Core Improved: the NAT port mapping and Windows Firewall operation is moved
to a separated toolkit program, therefore the CPU usage of main program decrease
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the preview window will lose response if click
stop button while preview video file of BT task
GUI Improved: new floating window to display running status, supporting drag
&drop of links in webpage and files to start download
GUI Improved: add new function of auto query file size and server resume-sup
ported ability when add new HTTP task, which can be configured in preferences di
GUI Improved: the task number of a task queue is displayed in the favorites
GUI Improved: new icons for HTTP task states in task list
GUI Improved: link count is displayed in add HTTP task group dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that URL can not be opened from BitComet if Firefox
is set to be default browser
Core Improved: new function of auto recycle memory, which can be configured
in preferences dialog
Core Improved: compatible to Windows Vista, able to download HTTP links from
GUI Improved: new designed HTTP properties dialog layout
GUI Improved: start preview video file while http downloading from toolbar b
utton or task context menu
GUI Improved: support display URL with non-English UTF-8 characters correctl
y in English version Windows
GUI Improved: display "Minimize to tray" in task-bar context menu of BitCome

t if enabled
GUI Improved: new setting of "Optimize download strategy for preview" in Tas
k setting page of preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add move file to desktop and to My Document function in task c
ontext menu
GUI Improved: after downloaded torrent file using BitComet, the torrent task
properties dialog is displayed immediately
GUI Improved: toolkit FlvPlayer support running under Windows 2003 now
GUI Improved: toolkit FlvPlayer is able to seek while playing for most flv f
iles now
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the description info in HTTP properties dialog
not been saved after user modified
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the number of selected urls in url selection di
alog not refreshed after applied filter
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that BitComet not able to launch FlvPlayer to play d
ownloaded flv file in whose path has space character
Core Improved: HTTP download task support video file preview, etc. play vide
o file during downloading
Core Improved: support to download URL with non-English UTF-8 characters in
English version Windows
Core Improved: able to change HTTP connection number during task running
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program will lose response when decrease m
ax downloading task number while any task running
GUI Improved: improve the performance of task list in task catalog switch ac
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.78 that the program will crash when due to refr
esh task log start BT task
Core Bugfix: improve the process of some non-standard HTTP protocol packet
GUI Improved: change the display font in Statistics View to monospaced font
GUI Improved: improve the task delete confirm dialog
GUI Improved: add a button to rename download file by several rules in HTTP
task properties dialog
GUI Improved: new proxy setting page in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: now can select which columns to display in task list by right
click task list header
GUI Improved: now can import Flash files (.swf) when select download all lin
ks or download videos in webpage
GUI Improved: change the default operation for close button on main window t
o minimize main window
GUI Bugfix: fix the focus switch order when press Tab key in the HTTP task p
roperties dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the problem that the redownload button does not work when im
port a new task but a exist task with the same URL is detected
GUI Bugfix: fix the problem that the download left time is displayed as zero
when download rate is zero
Core Improved: add support for connection via HTTP, SOCK4, SOCK5 proxy serve
Core Improved: enhance the function of download videos in webpage, optimize
for mainstream video websites
Core Improved: improved Rmvb file version and Real codec version detection a
lgorithm, avoid most crash when play rmvb files
Core Bugfix: fix the problem that unable to download file from certain FTP s
GUI Improved: add recycle bin to place tasks deleted temporarily

GUI Improved: add toolbar button, task list context menu item and Delete hot
-key to delete task to recycle bin
GUI Improved: add the function to capture http/ftp file download in IE
GUI Improved: add a setting to specify the file types to be captured when IE
downloads file in in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add "Download Videos using BitComet" command in IE context men
u as a option
GUI Improved: adjust position of splitters automatically when resizing main
window to keep optimal layout
GUI Improved: display translated text in status-bar in the language of user
chosen when mouse hover in the toolbar
GUI Improved: display the number of imported urls in the selection dialog of
download all links in webpage
GUI Improved: new toolkit: FlvPlayer
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task list is cleared and not displayed aft
er switch UI language
Core Improved: add the function of searching mirror site automatically for H
TTP download task
Core Improved: add the function of download video files in webpage
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when only download parti
al files in a BT task
GUI Improved: add Scheduler setting page in preferences dialog to adjust ban
dwidth depending time
GUI Improved: add max/min upload rate per task settings in BT task page of p
references dialog
GUI Improved: add New HTTP/FTP download button in toolbar
GUI Improved: the total task number and selected task number are displayed i
n status bar of main window
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the BitComet main window is not active sometime
s when download url from IE
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the function of avoid system entering suspend m
ode still works even when no task is running
Core Improved: improve memory allocation strategy, avoid huge physical memor
y usage when program running for a long time
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.75 sometimes the file is not downloaded e
ntirely when task finish
GUI Improved: add HTTP/FTP download in file menu
GUI Improved: add HTTP/FTP download settings page in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add "Download using BitComet" command in IE context menu as a
GUI Improved: switch to downloading task list automatically if downloaded ta
sk list is being showed when add new task
GUI Improved: the translator's name is able to be set in language file edit
GUI Improved: add clear button in torrent info search page of task propertie
s dialog
GUI Improved: the TCP half open limit is up to 500 in preferences dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.74 that non-executable file can not be opened i
n file list
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of a display mistake of the balloon tooltip when tas
k download finish
Core Improved: add HTTP/FTP multi-connection download function
Core Improved: add HTTP/FTP multi-connection download disk cache function
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.74 that in rare situation program will crash d
ue to file operation

GUI Improved: add default settings of view size and list col width for commo
n screen resolutions
GUI Improved: change default setting to open webpage using IE, and hide brow
se button in toolbar
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.73 an explorer window will be opened when
task finish if the virus scan program path setting is incorrect
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that task list every 5 minutes auto-save function do
es not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that "Task File Move to" -> "Other Location" functio
n only applied to first task when multi tasks are selected
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.73 sometimes the file is not downloaded e
ntirely when task finish
GUI Improved: add the function to scan virus upon download finish
GUI Improved: add a prompt to scan virus when open executable file
GUI Improved: add scan virus to task list and file list context menu
GUI Improved: add scan virus setting page in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add language translate editor dialog to option menu
GUI Improved: add the function to move task downloaded files to correspondin
g folder when change task catalog
GUI Improved: add catalog setting to BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add upload/download speed limit settings to advanced page of B
T task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add a option to hide confirm dialog when open BCTP link from I
GUI Improved: remove Caps LockNum Lock and ScrollLock status display in main
window's status-bar
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the disk available space is displayed error in
BT task properties dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the default TCP half-open number setting is too
small in Windows2003
Core Improved: add specific task upload/download speed limit function
Core Bugfix: fix the bug of high CPU usage when enable upload/download speed
GUI Improved: add the function to move task downloaded files to correspondin
g folder when change task catalog
GUI Improved: improve task list display speed
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the publisher's webpage may be opened incorrect
ly when selecting multi-task using mouse
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that the UPNP gateway NAT port mappi
ng function does not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that the task download rate in ballo
on tip is not displayed correctly when main window is minimized
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that the balloon tip will not displa
y when task download finish and main window is minimized
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that stop task while playing video m
ay cause program crash
GUI Improved: Add "Move file to..." function to task list context menu
GUI Improved: Add task catalog manage functions to "download completed" task
queue context menu in favorites list
GUI Improved: Add task catalog set and locate functions to task list context
GUI Improved: Improve task list display algorithm, decrease CPU usage
GUI Improved: Add Half-Open TCPIP connection limitation modification for Win

dows XP SP2, in Preferences dialog

GUI Improved: redesign "task automatic stop" settings in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: remove task pause, resume operation
GUI Improved: remove "Global Log" window, in which the information displayed
is merged into "Statistics" window
GUI Improved: Improved crash report program, send crash report to server dir
ectly instead of using email
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the BCTP link is not displayed correctly if ope
ned from internal browser in BitComet
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the music in webpage of video play window does
not stopped after video play starts
Core Improved: no longer depends on MSXML3, no need to install MSXML3 in win
dows 98
Core Improved: improved file piece request algorithm, increase the launch sp
eed of online video play
Core Improved: more program run-time error can be detected by the crash repo
Core change: Chat, Proxy, NAT Traversal via UDP, IP block rules is removed t
Core Improved: kernel code reconstruction
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program can not run in certain OS due to mi
staken compile option
GUI Improved: download status information will be displayed in preview windo
w info-bar when preview is buffering
GUI Improved: BitComet Forum URL is updated
GUI Bugfix: controls in Task Property Dialog will reposition correctly when
resizing the dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the spin buttons of min/max upload rate edit-bo
x in Task Property Dialog do not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the peer list doesn't display any peer in very
occasional situation
GUI Bugfix: be able to handle BCTP link opened from Firefox properly
Core Improved: improve preview buffer schedule algorithm, start buffer if da
ta in buffer pool less than 50%, resume play if full
Core Improved: improve piece request algorithm when preview, decrease the ch
ance of buffering
Core Improved: improve error detection of video decoder when start preview
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the video and audio sometimes become asynchron
ous caused by preview buffering
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-st
andard HTTP protocol packet
GUI Bugfix: fix the problem that the option "Do not prompt when add new task
" doesn't work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when display some non-sta
ndard rss item
Core Improved: improve selected file download algorithm, decrease the possib
ility to re-download file boundary data
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-st
andard HTTP protocol packet
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-st
andard encryption protocol packet
GUI Bugfix: fix the incorrect prompt text when open torrent file failed

GUI Bugfix: change PayPal picture auto-update period to one day

GUI Bugfix: improve the detecting algorithm of Real file decoder in Video Co
dec Check Wizard
Core Improved: enhanced ICF/UPNP port mapping operation
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when received incorrect
Core Improved: more program run-time error can be detected by the crash repo
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the sometimes program will crash when display
chat message
GUI Improved: add IE favorites list
GUI Improved: add a new function to update the PayPal picture in left tree l
ist from site
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the Goto button on address bar doesn't work pro
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program will crash if any torrent file is o
pened with the "Can't listen to port" dialog displayed
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program will crash when loading some non-st
andard rss xml
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.64 that the torrent maker dialog doesn'
t display the tracker url entered last time
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.64 that the task property dialog can no
t be opened when the task is paused
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the media file playback will pause when preview
window is minimized
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the text on switch buttons of channel, search a
nd IE fav doesn't change when language switched
Core Improved: add a new function to add a listening port of Windows Firewal
l in Windows XP SP2
Core Improved: connect to the previous peers immediately when restarting a t
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.64 that the function to ban user tempo
rarily doesn't work
GUI Improved: the optional IE toolbar is removed
GUI Improved: able to read RSS feed
GUI Bugfix: chat user list is removed temporarily
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the play button doesn't work after click stop
button in task preview window
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that unable to seek continuous when preview avi/rm
GUI Improved: fix the bug that sometimes torrent file can't be open properly
after downloaded in BitComet embedded browser
Core Improved: Remove the old protocol header encryption, add new protocol e
ncryption compatible with Azureus and uTorrent
GUI Improved: add the ability to fetch remote channel xml file and display i
ts items in favourite bar
GUI Improved: adjust the toolbar position of embedded browser
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the embedded browser can't handle BCT
P link properly
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the task name displayed as the http l

ink of torrent file

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the task status displayed as failed a
fter DHT torrent download finished successfully
Core Improved: user favourite data file changed from .\fav\my_fav.xml to .\F
Core Bugfix: fix possible crash when exit program while hashing
Core Bugfix: fix possible crash when detects WMP version at BitComet startup
Core Bugfix: fix possible memory access violation when remove task after DHT
torrent file download finished
GUI Improved: enhance BCTP link command to lunch preview window
GUI Improved: support xp themes in the embedded browser
GUI Improved: no longer popup script error message in the embedded browser
GUI Bugfix: Possible buffer overflow when opening URL link using external br
owser. (Thanks Fortinet Security Research)
GUI Bugfix: the clip board can work in some user interface
Core Improved: support wmv/asf file in the preview window
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that DHT is added for the 'private' torrent after t
ask begins
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that UDP port mapping is not released when BitComet
GUI Improved: new toolkit: BitComet Video Codec Check Wizard
GUI Improved: add open BCTP/HTTP link command in file menu
GUI Improved: add BCTP link page in Task Property Dialog
GUI Improved: add Boss-key choice option
GUI Improved: add Disable torrent file download dialog option
GUI Improved: add Display task delete confirm dialog option
GUI Improved: add piece size 2/4/8MB choice when making torrent
GUI Improved: open web link in internal browse of BitComet
GUI Bugfix: fix mistake delete when multi-selection after torrent list sort
GUI Bugfix: fix the win2k auto shutdown issue
Core Improved: add video file preview when downloading
Core Improved: add Torrent download from DHT network using BCTP link
Core Improved: add protocol header encrypt option
Core Improved: add Always using NAT Traversal via UDP option
GUI Improved: add Search button to search torrent in torrent website
GUI Improved: remove the drop-down menu of the Web button
GUI Improved: open all links using user default browser
GUI Improved: add three network mode when creating .torrent file
GUI Improved: add a light in the status bar indicate the DHT Network status
GUI Bugfix: fixed typing issue regarding the speed input box
Core Improved: add DHT Network support, BitComet become trackerless
Core Improved: add UDP port mapping in ICF/UPNP
Core Improved: support 'private' key in torrent
Core Improved: support 'private' key in tracker response
Core Bugfix: fix UPNP problem in v0.57, v0.58

Improved: add Hash-check thread priority as an option
Improved: add "Remove task only" confirmation
Bugfix: disable file location change for paused tasks
Bugfix: can not auto shutdown computer when desktop is locked
Bugfix: the auto-stopped task can not upload
Bugfix: fix the win98/me auto shutdown issue
Bugfix: fix the dde regarding file association


Improved: add task option: peer info exchange enable

Bugfix: UDP tracker DNS resolve can cause stop response for 2s
Bugfix: fix the issue when one UDP tracker in a tracker group can not c
Bugfix: continue download at startup can not work if crashed last time
Bugfix: fix one crash issue when connections are unstable

GUI Improved: add boss key: Alt+`
GUI Improved: embedded web view was improved
GUI Improved: Task Property Dialog can be resized or maximized now
GUI Improved: option to disable the prompt window when adding torrent
GUI Improved: enable multi-selection when open torrent files
GUI Improved: task list now support sort
GUI Improved: add seeding task catalog
GUI Bugfix: fix the copy paste problem in embedded IE
GUI Bugfix: never prevent windows from entering suspend mode if the computer
is running on batteries (Thanks B. Larg)
GUI Bugfix: Save location reset to default upon changing encoding method. (T
hanks ericbo)
GUI Bugfix: Incorrect time left if more than 24 hours (Thanks u1ookingatme)
GUI Bugfix: the max value of half-opened tcp can't be changed to smaller val
Core Bugfix: fix a upload selection bug which may affect download speed
Core Bugfix: auto stop may not work if enable auto checking after finished
Core Bugfix: possibly fix the tracker download reporting bug happens in TB,
Core Bugfix: fixed NAT Traversal rate can not be accurately limited
Core Bugfix: Can not create directory when change priority for running task
(Thanks maxbkk)
Core Bugfix: IP rules do not effect in NAT Traversal connections(Thanks tian
Core Bugfix: add new task waiting queue, close bc, the file priority lost(Th
anks hdll)
Core Bugfix: Hash Checking queue does not work (Thanks njiayu)
Core Bugfix: UDP tracker retry interval keeps to be 10s
GUI Bugfix: stop update peer list if select two peers and click the left or
the top list (Thanks gjr)
GUI Bugfix: change the system time may cause gui buffer overrun (Thanks baul
Core Improved: auto detect the max value of half-opened tcp for patched tcpi
p.sys in XP SP2
Core Improved: improve the efficient of NAT Traversal again
Core Bugfix: fix some compatible issue with ipfilter.dat in eMule(Thanks Soo
Core Bugfix: may crash when exit while having queued hashing tasks(Thanks th
e crash report by Chi Yeong Teoh)
Core Bugfix: fixed a serious issue that NAT Traversal will occupy all the up
load bandwidth (Thanks friends @ TB)

Improved: torrent maker can auto-detect the best piece-size now
Improved: do not check version for more than once in one day
Bugfix: tray icon shows up when change the lock of the tray area (Thanks
Bugfix: fix possible crash when closing
Bugfix: the issue of adding task by command line do nothing(Thanks Yu BO

GUI Bugfix: may crash in splitter (Thanks the crash report by Cytech-May & P
Core Improved: add auto stop task when share ratio reach specific value, aut
o shut down the computer
Core Improved: improve the efficient of NAT passthrough (incompatible with 0
Core Improved: add Max Simultaneous TCP connection attempts to option, bette
r works with XP SP2
Core Bugfix: fix the issue that min seeding rate also applies to download ta
Core Bugfix: move on to next tracker slowly if no peers returned.
Core Bugfix: fix the issue that it will not stop connecting to tracker after
task stopped
Core Bugfix: may crash because of thread conflict when writing the edge of f
iles(Thanks the crash report by wluck)
Core Bugfix: may crash when exit while having queued tasks(Thanks the crash
report by Asem Mohamed)
Core Bugfix: may crash when calculate the rate(Thanks the crash report by tr
Core Bugfix: fix some crash caused by overflow (Thanks the crash report by H
uang Kan)
Core Bugfix: fix too short timeout disconnect issue with AZ and Official See
GUI Improved: global & per task 3KB/s upload rules ( Thanks DreadWingKnight
GUI Improved: multi selection when ban ip ( Thanks CH )
GUI Improved: torrent file save as in task list
Core Improved: NAT passthrough by UDP! (still in experimental)
Core Improved: add crash reporter to release version
Core Improved: connect to UDP tracker first in the same group
Core Improved: support http tracker: 'key' flag ( Thanks neooff )
Core Improved: support the new UDP Tracker protocol ( v2 )
Core Improved: torrent strings fix the utf8 encoding problems with Azureus (
Thanks Henrique Vianna )
Core Changes: remove default backup tracker ( Thanks x )
Core Bugfix: may can't create torrent contains >4G files
Core Bugfix: fully support multitracker spec, support server groups ( Thanks
DreadWingKnight )
Core Bugfix: strange http HOST problem in ( Thanks A
ndyGod )
Core Bugfix: http redirection bug, fix connection problem in
( Thanks HiTechOutlaw )
Core Bugfix: fix connection problem in ( Thanks fftfelix)
Core Bugfix: no longer skip the empty directories when making torrent ( Than
ks 5Q heaven )
GUI Bugfix: fixed lots of gui crash problems
GUI Improved: tweak the column layout (Thanks stisev)
GUI Improved: display seeds numbers connected in the recent 10 minutes
GUI Improved: able to add task as paused
GUI Improved: send crash report is supported for all beta version
GUI Improved: auto add seeding task as paused after .torrent is made
GUI Improved: should runs more smooth for those download rate exceed 1MB/s 2MB/s (Great thanks to GHOSTOPOST)
GUI Improved: avoid gui blink for non-XP os
GUI Improved: global pause/resume from the system tray (Thanks Assmongrel)
GUI Improved: avoid system entering power suspend mode when task is running

GUI Improved: command line add params: /? /s /m /tray /output <file>

GUI Improved: able to edit backup tracker in the options
GUI Changes: listening port now allow full range : 1 - 65535
Core Improved: limit the tcp connecting rate to 4 new connection per second
Core Improved: add default minimize upload rate, avoid zero rate seeding
Core Improved: add chatting support, support PM as well, support chat room t
Core Improved: a few queue behavior improvement, and pause all bugfix (Thank
s Kameraman)
Core Improved: able to Hash check again when the download task finished.
Core Improved: avoid upload to only several best peers, cause download drops
when upload is slow. (<100k/s)
Core Improved: avoid download task donot need to upload but all the seeding
task has no upload at all. (Thanks ulion)
Core Improved: change the frequency requesting tracker, decrease the burden
of trackers. (Thanks ulion)
Core Improved: able to ban user temporarily for 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 24 hou
Core Improved: able to block IP permanently defined by ipfilter.dat (compati
ble with eMule)(Thanks Adam Thirnis)
Core Improved: detect peer who send bad data, and auto temporarily block it
for 5 minutes
Core Bugfix: do not work correctly with tracker in compact mode
Core Bugfix: "allocate before download" won't allocate immediately ( thanks
Core Bugfix: forget to load the default tracker when tracker-list existed (
thanks Henry)
Core Bugfix: UPnP may can't work with some hardware router ( thanks btchina
for the financial support to buy one )
Core Bugfix: UPnP may can't find service ( thanks BK->NEW() )
Core Bugfix: can't release port mapping when exit
Core Bugfix: remove .xml file, hash checking, start will hash-checking again
(Thanks lqbn)
Core Bugfix: incorrectly handle the files gap, may fix the hashchecking loop
Core Bugfix: auto start new task if download rate below can't work
Core Bugfix: avoid too large disk cache crash BitComet in low memory conditi
Core Bugfix: the small file next to the big one may be 100% but zero data un
til the big one is finished. (Thanks c-j-z)
Core Bugfix(critical): mistake the timeout interval in BitTorrent specificat
only 1 minute timeout cause possible disconnect with
seed using official client (Thanks ulion)
Core Bugfix(critical): potential download a corrupt file
Core Bugfix(critical): do not response tracker NAT checking, so that won't b
e listed in tracker. ( happen again :( )
GUI Changes: move language selection to menu
GUI Improved: remember list column order
GUI Improved: task status add status icon: connecting peers
GUI Improved: able to force start a queued task by start it again (Thanks fa
GUI Improved: new task is now at the bottom (Thanks Kameraman)
GUI Improved: able to auto run task when BitComet startup (Thanks Kameraman)
GUI Bugfix: Max Simultaneous Download Tasks changes won't be reflected upon
the tasks immediately(Thanks windy)
GUI Bugfix: Toolbar will disappear next time if minimize BitComet to tray an
d close it.(Thanks Terence Tam)

GUI Bugfix: torrent encoding doesn't effect save location and comment.(Thank
s kkj, Kameraman)
GUI Bugfix: minimize to taskbar and enable exit prompt cause confirm dialog
can't be displayed(Thanks charlesyc)
GUI Bugfix: zero length file progress is always zero percent(Thanks Kamerama
Core Improved: try to reserve disk space when downloading, almost zero disk
Core Bugfix: rate measurement algorithm changed, should be more accurate but
consume a bit more resource
Core Bugfix: hashing cause peers cache lost (Thanks Kameraman)
Core Bugfix: removing task incl files may delete all download directory, inc
l other files
Core Bugfix: hashing may crash at the end, and the task may can't be started
Core Bugfix: task minimize upload rate may cant work
GUI Improved: tray icon display balloon notification when task finished
GUI Bugfix: wrong displace position for task specific upload limits.(Thanks
GUI Bugfix: crash when click OpenDir or Property for empty task.(Thanks xChi
GUI Bugfix: disk driver free space may be wrong at first. (Thanks spcat2000,
Core Improved: able to change torrent encoding code page when adding task
Core Improved: task queue sequence is the same as displayed, top task first
Core Bugfix: fixed no response when too many files in one torrent(e.g. >1000
files) in v0.50
Core Bugfix: should not scan when seeding (Thanks Windforce)
Core Bugfix: when seeding, should not open file for writing (Thanks coolsnow
Core Bugfix: forget to save peers info when task is stopped
Core Bugfix: start task more than once cause problems (Thanks windy)
GUI Improved: remember toolbar status
GUI Improved: thanks to SiC & Orochi for the graph design, much more pretty
GUI Bugfix: in file dialog, right-click the driver and click Property will c
rash (Thanks to littlefoxes)
GUI Bugfix: can't remember window positions (Thanks to KELVEN13)
Core Improved: remove support for slots.xml, able to config in the option di
Core Improved: publisher information extension
Core Improved: able to set different upload limits for every task
Core Improved: add a simple queue system
Core Improved: add support for {hash} tracker url (idea by IH@isohunt)
Core Improved: file level priority control
Core Improved: remove upload download ratio limits in the config dialog.
Core Improved: file allocation in blocks and won't block gui and also decrea
se the disk fragment
Core Bugfix: random listening port won't larger than 32767, avoid route prob
lem (thanks to Xing Zhanfeng)
Core Bugfix: total upload and download statistics overflow if larger than 2G
(thanks to wpeng)
Core Bugfix: sometimes can't work with gzip tracker, get decode error (thank
s to ihf)
Core Bugfix: lost percentage when it resumes downloads by BitTorrent 3.3 or

GUI Improved: if file changed, prompt dialog : check / ignore / cancel
GUI Improved: Ctrl+Delete remove task including files
GUI Bugfix: possibly fix the crash when restoring from system tray
Core Improved: optimize pieces manager again
Core Improved: optimize choke picker for slow connections
Core Improved: able to auto resize the cache according to the speed, set def
ault max cache size to 50M
Core Improved: Auto config XP Internet Connection Sharing and Firewall (ICS/
Core Improved: when use proxy only for trackers, send HTTP GET rather than H
TTP Connect
Core Bugfix: cache size calculate may overflow when the physical memory is g
etting lower
Core Bugfix: send event=stopped to tracker when program exited (Thanks to ul
Core Bugfix: load same torrent make it vanish (Thanks to bigjumbo)
Core Bugfix: UPnP always failed with DSL router/ICS (Thanks to wxhere ~_~)
Core Bugfix: may crash when cache is empty
Core Bugfix: possible to receive only part of the HTTP response, cause track
er decode failure.
Torrent Maker Bugfix: won't add announce-list if only one tracker address
GUI Improved: remember the favourite site choice last time
GUI Improved: prompt before remove task and delete all downloaded files
GUI Improved: peer-list sorted by ip
GUI Bugfix: won't prompt when hash checking
GUI Bugfix: always remember proxy server and port. (Thanks to wxhere)
Core Improved: consider connection stable after 3 minutes elapsed
Core Bugfix(critical): can't connect any peers when seeding
Core Bugfix(critical): do not response tracker NAT checking header, so that
won't be listed in some tracker. (Thanks to stanhopea)
withdraw the release, skip it.
GUI Bugfix: total length incorrect if larger than 4G. (Thanks to Zergling)
Core Bugfix(critical): lots of pieces failed in SHA check, cause by disk cac
he bug.
GUI Improved: great change in Language File, almost all string can be transl
ated and part of the information format could be customized by edit language xml
GUI Improved: remove task, or remove task include downloaded files
GUI Improved: An option in the toolbar to toggle ON/OFF the panel list on th
e left of the Main window. (Thanks to seto_2003)
GUI Improved: Add toolbar, add right menu for selecting in the Torrent Prope
rty dialog
GUI Improved: ctrl+<arrow up> for "job move up" ; ctrl+<arrow down> for "job
move down" (Thanks to xsintill)
GUI Improved: change "completed" to "progress", indicates the download progr
ess of selected files
GUI Bugfix: The other two tree-view won't flicking now. (Thanks to seto_2003
GUI Bugfix: in tray mode, listen for a full mouse click before popping up. (
Thanks to Keen314 )
Core Improved: add a torrent maker, support utf-8 and multi-tracker

Core Improved: intelligent upload slots control, auto optimize for different
connection speed (config in slots.xml)
Core Improved: correctly handle disk full and disk i/o error
Core Improved: delete those files didn't even download a byte when remove th
e task
Core Improved: optimize socket by delay sending HAVE message
Core Improved: optimize piece manager
Core Improved: optimize disk cache swap algorithm, avoid small cache shaking
Core Improved: optimize disk cache memory manage, and is now able to set the
minimize and maximize size.
Core Improved: able to change download selection when task is running
Core Improved: if file changed before resume, tell user.
Core Improved: support socks4, socks5, http/https proxy
Core Bugfix: Dead incoming peers in the peerlist can't be cleared
Core Bugfix: Torrent with the same file name will make the download list mak
e mistake (Thanks to spcat2000)
Core Bugfix: when add one torrent twice and click OK in the second time, zer
o the process of it (Thanks to zeng777)
Core Bugfix: add port to tracker http request header "Host", fix problem wit
h some proxy (Thanks to linxiaolegend)
Core Bugfix: when unselect small file in the end of filelist, the next big f
ile won't finish for ever
Core Bugfix: no longer add .bc! extension for zero length file
Core Bugfix(critical): possible to send invalid REQUEST every few minutes, c
ause disconnection from other peer
GUI Improved: able to identify BitSpirit, BitTorrent Plus
GUI Changed: auto update checker server changed to
GUI Changed: remove listening port above 1024 restriction (Thanks to Ano Nym
GUI Fix: auto update checker misunderstand the version number
Core Improved: add peer connecting number statistics and limits
Core BugFix(critical): fixed a bug in peer connecting limits, negative numbe
r cause it won't connect peers any more
Core BugFix(critical): security verification during peer communication
Setup Package: Merge two package (unicode & MBCS) into one
GUI Improved: Remember Main window position (Thanks to Liu Wei)
GUI Improved: one click active window in tray icon mode (Thanks to lurenyi)
GUI Changed: mix upload limits is 20kB/s, and download rate no more than 8 t
imes of uploads
GUI BugFix: 100% CPU when UPnP operation (startup and exit)
GUI BugFix: Fix IE shell open file not found bug if have sharezaa installed
GUI BugFix: "donot ask again" in confirm exit may cause problem, removed tem
Core Improve: optimize for some heavy trackers if they have more than one li
stening port
Core Improve: able to disable disk read cache now
Core Improve: decrease one memory copy in uploading and downloading, less cp
u usage theoretically
Core Improve: do not allocate cache when checking complete
Core BugFix: Upload and Download rate control more smoothly, still not perfe
ct though (Thanks to Vulpes)
Core BugFix: try to open normal file (not .bc! file) first when save locatio
n changed
Core BugFix(tiny): in statistics, download from XXX peers not accurate

Core BugFix(critical): fixed a bug that made .bc!.bc! extension if multi-fil

e download, and also can't resume correctly.
Core BugFix(critical): unselect small file may broke neighbor file corrupt a
nd may cause runtime exception and exit if it is the first file (Thanks to GDIMk
Add unicode build, fix some encoding bug under 2K/XP
GUI Improved: property diag more pretty
GUI Improved: avoid torrent list flicking under windows XP
GUI Improved: prompt exit only if there are running tasks
GUI Improved: auto version update checker
Core Improved: add Torrent Health statistics
Core Improved: Support Unicode torrent format extension
Core Improved: Option to add .bc! extension for unfinished files
Core Improved: one session per ip when seeding
Core Improved: flush file when saving status file
Core Improved: no longer stop response when doing the hash check
Core Improved: auto portmapping via UPnP, but local firewall still need to b
e manually config
Core Improved: accelerate hash check when resuming other client's downloads
Core Improved: support Tracker 301, fix cant connection bug for some tracker
Core Improved: torrent file path security checking
Core BugFix: Fix "download file length bigger than expected", ask for a choi
ce now
Core BugFix: fix a bug that send zero port to tracker in no-listening mode
Core BugFix: fix a bug that can't resume torrent which contents only one fil
e in a folder
Core BugFix(critical): Fixed: "unselect file A -> download -> stop -> select
file A -> download" may cause runtime exception exit
Core Improved: better support for download selection changes
Core Improved: save peer which have a listening port in status file
GUI Improved: add progress bar indicate complete ratio (looks very ugly I th
GUI Improved: add message box when exit BitComet
GUI Improved: add Right Menu Key support in torrent list
GUI BugFix: add a torrent, delete, then can't add it again
Core BugFix(critical): stay at 99% bug maybe fixed this time
Known bug: when only download selected files, never stop if cache size is se
t to zero;
or it is still possible to have some duplicated download in those
gap pieces.
It doesn't matter too much... just waste a little bandwidth.
GUI Improved: add Ctrl+A, Alt+ENTER short key for torrent list
Core BugFix: incompletion in gap piece when add new download file which was
banned before
Core BugFix: won't resize cache buffer when it is set to zero
Core BugFix(critical): Fix 100% but uncompleted bug caused by cache/piece ma
Core Improved: save connected peer info for a quick restart
Core Improved: save partial download piece info in statusfile
GUI Improved: able to associate .torrent at run time, restore it when close

GUI Improved: no longer write view size into registry, saved in style.xml in
GUI BugFix: select all item when delete the bottom torrent entry
GUI BugFix: correctly display status(download/resume/seeding) for torrent pr
operty dialog
GUI BugFix: no longer lost icon when taskbar recreated
Core BugFix: Fix exception occurred when multi-tracker torrent stopping
Core BugFix(critical): Fix piece pick bug which make it downloaded 120% - 20
0% sized data
Core BugFix(critical): Fix piece cache bug which caused a lots of failed pie
New Name: Change the name to "BitComet"
NewFeature: multi tracker supported
NewFeature: able to download selected files
NewFeature: no scanning seeding
Improved: global upload/download speed limits
Improved: optimize the piece picker, much more less CPU usage
Improved: pieces read/write cache, much better disk performance
Improved: rudely disconnect slow peers
Improved: torrent cache now using relative path
Improved: changed socket frame class, now support sock4, sock5 and http1.1 p
Improved: GUI interface more usable
BugFix: some problem about the connection with new version Shadow's Exp
BugFix: can't pause
BugFix: continue to connect tracker after failed 20 times now
BugFix: upload & download bytes wrong when reporting to tracker
BugFix(critical): passed pieces sum error when bitfield is initiating
2003.10 - 2003.11
Great changes, skip it.
BugFix: "create empty document" error if download files > 2G
Improved: overall u/d speed in tray icon
Improved: use utf-8 style file if system supported
Bugfix: keep choosing different port every time when start program if it is
set to zero
Bugfix: check the file again when restarted downloading
BufFix(critical): found that the Run Time Error in Win2k(or below) was cause
by the exception of: _variant_t(unsigned __int64 ui8Src) throw(); when savin
g xml
Add: traditional Chinese language
Add: pick a random port button
Improved: socket write buffer max length
BugFix: a few bugfix about the multilanguage interface
BugFix: disconnect if error occurs when reading file, won't send garbage
BugFix: do not save download queue
BufFix(critical): fixed the huge memory leak caused by forgetting to release
when handing xml file. Now, the memory is quite low, but cpu usage a bit high,
Add: multi language support, auto selection

Add: save upload bytes in status file

Add: tracker http request add Host: item
Improve: change MSXML4 to MSXML3
Improve: 10 times upload speed for one peer for the first 3M upload or if th
e uploaded bytes of that peer is greater than downloaded bytes + 3M from me
Improve: isallpassed() cache, may reduce cpu usage a little
Improve: set upload zero means do not limits
BugFix: do not prompt when can't find status file during deleting
Add: remember view window column size
Add: enable drag and drop
Add: start/stop/pause/resume selected torrents
Add: max connected peer limits
Improved: put torrent popup menu into style.xml
BugFix: delete torrent cause error
Add: peer ip exchange protocol extension 09 00, 09 01, 09 02
Improved: newly added torrent on the top
Improved: open file as read only when seeding
BugFix: assume bitfield is already received when peer reconnected
BugFix: skip tracker announce when retry sometimes
Add: tracker retry interval time table, from short(30s) to long(5m)
Add: socks5 proxy now fully supported (auth, tracker)
Improved: when a piece failed sha1 check, mark the error
Add: global download speed limit
Add: simple socks5(no auth) support for peer connection
Improved: tidy the code of storage
Improved: longer the tracker retry interval & set the max retry to 20
BugFix: lost the last character of url when 302 redirecting
Add: global download speed limit
Improved: bnbt tracker now supported, found the diff between python tracker,
http 1.0 res header \n & \r\n
Improved: rewrite piece picker, now pick the piece that is owned by the leas
t peers
BugFix: support http 302 redirect
BugFix: spend more than one hour to find a memory leak when loading torrent
status file
2003.08.31 1st Public Version
Add: make a msi of MSXML4 & make a Setup by Innon Setup Compiler
Add: All Chinese
Add: Minimize to system tray
Bugfix: bug in deleting torrent in torrent list
Bugfix: complete percent now display OK
Bugfix(serious): always return true no matter SHA check succeed or failed
Bugfix(critical): goes wrong when doing bitfiled get in HEX
Add: Torrent list & status display column item names are now at style.xml
Add: Pause & Resume action supported

Bugfix: Large file display the wrong complete ratio

Bugfix: tracker connection status display
Bugfix(critical): socket fatal error after handshake failed then reconnectin
Add: Peer Log Property Diag
Add: version number added in peer version display
Improve: download slice picker
Bugfix: tracker connection failed won't retry
Bugfix: upload / download should not count the disconnected peers
Change: HTTP connection shift from WININET to socket, (consider WINHTTP5 la
ter maybe)
Bugfix: one peer multi sockets
Change: Timer block was removed
Bugfix: file length check error in rawread()
peer communication log, double click the peer
Bugfix(Critical): upload piece char* -> string
Bugfix(Critical): crush when delete socket
Bugfix(Critical): Timer event is called anytime, cause odd error. (e.g. dele
te element when iterating) global timer blocking is added.
Max announce intervals
global upload speed control & peer up/down ratio
passive mode
peer software version recognize
Bugfix(Critical): doesn't send INTEREST before download
Bugfix: null msg dead loop
v0.18 2003.08.15
Add: torrent cache option
Add: seeds/peers display
Add: random port
BugFix: Should not delete element when iterating a map (PeerMap)
BugFix(Critical): send the wrong protocol header for incoming connections
BugFix(Critical): when comparing, CString treat both strings as null-termina
te strings, substitute with std:string
v0.17 2003.08.14
Peer speed estimate, choke & interest info
BugFix: stop download do not delete socket
BugFix: keep announce when stopped
BugFix: Socket error when exist, caused by calling shutdown at a invalid soc
ket handle
BugFix: Exist download won't do checking
v0.16 2003.08.12(first beta release)
Remaining time info is added
Single instance running....try many examples, found a working solution at mi

crosoft at last.. ft
Lots of bugfix...
v0.15 2003.08.11
New icon designed by FallenAngel
Register itself for .torrent & mime
Properties dialog is added, though ugly
Lots of bugfix and improvement, all forget
v0.14 2003.08.10
BugFix: when delete torrent it won't completely delete data
v0.13 2003.08.08
Show complete radio of every file
Multi torrent management
BugFix: hex2bin & bin2hex error
BugFix: peer disconnect will not change the status of peer
v0.12 2003.08.07
ability to choose download location
bitfield cache bug fixed
v0.11 2003.08.06
first published version

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