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Issue 1, February 2010


• We have good
relations with
local population
- AMISOM Force

• High-level AU/UN
delegation visits

• AU launches Year
of Peace in Africa

• Somalia
celebrates first
anniversary AMISOM troops in Mogadishu

• UN congratulates
Restoring peace in Somalia
government on
Failure is not an option!
anniversary By: Amb Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra, Special Representative of the Chairperson of the
African Union Commission for Somalia and AMISOM Head of Mission

am delighted to introduce this maiden issue of the cal, economic and humanitarian efforts undertaken by
• Make Somalia AMISOM News Bulletin, which builds on the solid all stakeholders to achieve a peaceful settlement of the
foundation laid by our AMISOM Newsletter. The conflict in Somalia, as well as an update on the work of
priority in 2010 Bulletin is an electronic bi-monthly round-up of news our valiant peacekeepers on the ground.
and activities from the African Union Mission in Soma- AMISOM was created by a decision of the AU Peace
- PM urges lia (AMISOM). It is an informative record of the politi- (continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1 ) Restoring peace in Somalia
tional Federal Government and key infrastructure to enable it carry out its
functions, and facilitate humanitarian operations, including the repatriation
of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Our vision is that one day, hopefully very soon, Somalia shall be a nation
at peace with itself and its neighbours. We look forward to the day when the
men, women and children of Somalia shall feel safe and secure to pursue
their daily activities and work to rebuild their beautiful country. The chil-
dren of Somalia deserve to go to and from school in peace and security. The
women of Somalia should be able to work and care for their families without
much anxiety. The men of Somalia should not have to fear for their lives and
those of their loved ones when they leave home for business or simply to go
to the Mosque and pray.
The conflict in Somalia has lasted too long. After two previously un-
successful international peacekeeping endeavours in Somalia, the African
Union, with the support of the United Nations and the international commu-
nity, have decided that enough is enough! We cannot and we will not give up.
We will not idly stand by and watch the people of Somalia continue to suffer.
As part of their commitment to help find African solutions to Africa’s
Ambasador Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra problems, and recognising that peace and security are prerequisites for eco-
nomic and human development in today’s fast-changing global community,
African leaders have firmly resolved to help restore peace in Somalia. This
and Security Council during its 69th Meeting held in Addis Ababa on 19 time around, failure is not an option. We will persevere until the job is done.
January 2007, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1725 of 6 De- May I seize this opportunity to salute the courage of our peacekeepers,
cember 2006. Our mandate is simple and our mission noble and challenging, the commitment of the troop contribution countries and the support of our
but not impossible. partners, donors and the international community. For the sake of the suf-
The African Union is in Somalia to conduct peace and security operations fering women and children of Somalia and on behalf of the Chairperson of
leading to a stabilisation of the situation in the country. Our task, among the African Union Commission, His Excellency Dr. Jean Ping, I call on all
other things, is to work with all stakeholders to support dialogue and rec- parties to give peace a chance. The solution to Somalia’s problems ultimately
onciliation between the people of Somalia, provide protection to the Transi- rests in the hands the people of Somalia. g

We have good relations with the local population

- AMISOM Force Commander
and they are still inadequate. What difference would an extra 2,000 troops
you expect to train for the TFG make?

A: A big difference. AMISOM has already achieved some success with our lim-
ited resources. So, 2,000 more TFG troops would boost our efforts to protect the
population and ensure that when they wake up every morning, they can go about
their daily activities without fear and contribute to the fight for peace in Somalia.

Q: How optimistic are you that you can achieve the goal of restoring peace
in Somalia with 5,000 AMISOM peacekeepers and 2,000 TFG troops?

A: It is a gradual process; peace cannot be achieved in a day just as Rome was

not built in a day. We have to identify the good Somalis - the positive-thinking
Major General Nathan Mugisha,
AMISOM Force Commander
Somalis – and encourage them to join the TFG in fighting for peace, while trying
to convince those still out there in the bush to come to the negotiating table. We

A s part of its mandate to support the Transitional Federal Government

(TFG) of Somalia, African Union peacekeepers will help train troops
for the TFG. The training will take place at locations in Mogadishu. During a
shall endeavour to convince them to lay down their arms and negotiate.

Q: AMISOM has been deployed for over two years in Somalia, with limited
recent visit to the Somali capital, AMISOM News Bulletin’s Hassan Barise success. What has changed on the ground that would cause you to hope
accompanied AMISOM Force Commander, Major General Nathan Mugisha, that better results are now achievable?
on a visit to the training camps. Barely catching his breath during the nearly
five kilometre brisk walk, our reporter squeezed in a short interview with the A: In the first place, there were supposed to be 8,000 AMISOM troops
Force Commander, in which Major General Mugisha underscored the excel- from the beginning. But we have been operating with a little more than half
lent relations that exist between the African Union peacekeeping force and of our required strength. The situation has been gradually changing and even
the residents of Mogadishu. Here are excerpts of the conversation. the initial estimate of our required troop levels may already be obsolete. Hav-
ing said that, I must emphasise that despite our limited troop numbers we
Q: Currently, you have a little over 5,000 AMISOM troops in Mogadishu (continued on page 3)


High-level AU/UN delegation
visits Mogadishu

President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed (right) welcomes SRCC

Diarra (left) as Commissioner Lamamra (centre) watches

T he African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ramtane Lama-

mra, the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union
Commission (SRCC) for Somalia and AMISOM Head of Mission, Ambassador
support and assistance. The President, Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali
Sharmarke and Speaker of Parliament Sheikh Adam Mohammed Nur conveyed
their condolences to the families of victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti
Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra and the Special Representative of the United Na- and deeply regretted the heavy losses incurred by the United Nations in that
tions Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah recent- natural disaster.
ly visited Mogadishu, Somalia. The purpose of the visit was to hold discussions The Somali leaders and their guests discussed a wide range of issues, includ-
with senior members of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. ing current priorities and ongoing activities in the area of infrastructure devel-
The delegation was received by the President of Somalia, His Excellency opment in Somalia. The AU/UN delegation also visited the Force Headquarters
Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. On behalf of the government and people of Somalia, of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), where they were briefed
President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed expressed his gratitude to the African Union, on the activities of the peacekeeping troops by the Force Commander, Major
the United Nations and the entire International Community for their continued General Nathan Mugisha of Uganda. g

(Continued from page 2 )

AMISOM FC’s interview
have achieved a lot. We have secured certain areas where life is normal and extremists and you have retaliated, sometimes causing civilian casualties.
people can go about their daily activities without fear or intimidation. The Don’t you think you have at times overreacted and used disproportionate
airport and the seaport are operating normally. The Government is in place force in retaliation against attacks on AMISOM and the TFG?
and performing its duties. So, I can assure you that with additional troops, the
situation will continue to improve. A: I do not think that our popularity with the population has suffered as a result
of some of the incidents that have occurred. We have a very good relationship
Q: What do you see as the main obstacles to achieving your goals? with the people and that was demonstrated during a recent incident in which we
promptly and courageously reacted to a fire fight that broke out at a petrol sta-
A: First, we need to be clear about our mandate: contrary to what some tion. We were able to join the population and fight off the attackers. That would
may think or say, we are not here to fight. We are here to help create a con- not have been possible if we did not have close cooperation with the population.
ducive environment for dialogue among Somalis. We are here to support all We have always come to the rescue of the people. We have a very good
peace-loving Somalis to reconcile and forge a way forward. There is no mili- relationship with them. We share our food, water and medicines with the lo-
tary solution to this conflict; only a political solution, that is, dialogue and cal population. For instance, over 60,000 people - Somali civilians - have re-
negotiations can achieve a lasting solution to the conflict in Somalia. Somalis ceived free treatment at the AMISOM health centre and many more continue
must sit around a table and resolve their differences. The solution will not to come to us and we are glad to share the few resources we have. Therefore,
come from without; it will only come from Somalis themselves. I can say that we have achieved many successes despite our minimal troop
numbers and limited resources. We should be able to achieve even more suc-
Q: AMISOM peacekeepers have repeatedly come under attack from the cess with an increase in our troop numbers. g


Year of Peace and Security
in Africa launched
he African Union has designated 2010 as the Year of Peace and While celebrating the achievements of the past decade, the pro-
Security in Africa. At its Special Session held on 31 August gramme for the Year of Peace and Security will seek to build on them
2009 in Tripoli, Libya, the AU Assembly of Heads of State and to address ongoing challenges. The objective of the Year of Peace is to
Government decided to declare 2010 as the Year of Peace and Secu- give added momentum to peace and security efforts on the continent,
rity on the continent. The AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, give greater visibility to ongoing and past efforts by the AU on the
Lamamra Ramtane, officially launched activities to mark The Year of ground, speed-up the implementation of commitments made by mem-
Peace and Security during the 14th Ordinary Session of the Assembly ber states in various relevant AU’s instruments and harmonize efforts
of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, held in Addis at all levels to promote peace and security.
Ababa from 31 January to 2 February 2010. To that effect, the AU Peace and Security Directorate intends to
Addressing the continent’s leaders, Commissioner Ramtane said, initiate a number of activities. Some of these are symbolic, outreach
“2010 will be a year of many challenges. While in the past few years, activities aimed at communicating and mobilizing the African pub-
the number of violent conflicts has been significantly reduced, thanks lic throughout the year. Others will consist of initiatives and efforts
to the collective determination and efforts of Africa, far too many Af- by relevant AU policy organs to speed up the resolution of existing
rican countries remain trapped in a vicious cycle of conflict with its conflicts and crises and consolidate peace where it has been achieved.
attendant deadly consequences.” According Commissioner Ramtane, the overarching message for all
He observed with regret that armed conflicts in Africa still kill thou- the activities that will be carried out and the advocacy programme is
sands of people every year, create humanitarian disasters, wipe out to “make peace happen”. This message highlights the need to mobilize
the livelihoods of ordinary people
and make sustainable economic
development impossible. The more
profound legacy of violent conflict
on the continent, he added, was the
destruction of hope for a better fu-
ture for millions of Africans.
During the ceremony, a symbol-
ic flame of peace was handed over
to the newly elected Chairperson
of the African Union, President
Bingu Wa Mutharika of Malawi
by the Presiding Officer of the AU
Economic and Social Council,
Akere Muna of Cameroon. Mr.
Muna urged the Assembly to leave
no stone unturned to make peace
happen, adding that the people of
Africa cannot expect less from
their leaders. Giving Somalis hope for a peaceful
Accepting the flame on behalf of future, an AMISOM peacekeeper
the Assembly, President Bingu Wa interacts with civilians in Mogadishu
Mutharika pledged to give greater
visibility to ongoing and past efforts by the AU and to speed up the all stakeholders, with a view to encouraging them to take ownership
implementation of commitments made by African countries to various of this initiative and commit to actions that will make possible the
AU instruments relating to peace and security. He also undertook to achievement of peace.
link the institutional efforts to promote peace and security with grass- The Chairperson of the AU Commission, Dr. Jean Ping, has pledged
roots efforts being undertaken on the ground by ordinary communi- the commitment of the African Union to intensify its efforts in the area
ties, and to mobilize resources to support peace and security efforts of peace and security. He has also appealed to African Governments,
throughout the continent. peoples, media, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to
take advantage of the Year of Peace and Security to rededicate them-
Aims and activities selves to the realization of the objective of a conflict-free continent.
In Somalia, where a decades-old conflict continues to test the AU’s
According to the Tripoli Declaration on the Elimination of Conflicts resolve to achieve a conflict-free continent, the Transitional Federal
in Africa and the Promotion of Sustainable Peace, a document adopted Government has urged the international community to make Somalia
by African leaders in August 2009, the Year of Peace and Security is a priority this year. Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke
an opportunity for recently expressed optimism that 2010 will be the year of new hope for
African peoples, leaders and institutions, in partnership with the in- peace in the horn of Africa. The Year of Peace and Security in Africa
ternational community, to review current efforts at peace on the con- coincides with the third anniversary of the deployment of the African
tinent. The goal is to strengthen such efforts and, where appropriate, Union peacekeeping force in Somalia. AMISOM News Bulletin will
launch new initiatives for the promotion of peace and security. ensure complete coverage of activities to commemorate the event. g


Mogadishu residents
appreciate AMISOM Hospital
One of the casualties of the decades-old
conflict in Somalia is the country’s health
infrastructure. In most parts of Somalia,
modern health facilities are non-existent.
Mogadishu, the capital city, has a clinic
initially set up to take care of the health
needs of a mandated peacekeeping force
of 8,000, though only about 5,000 are
currently deployed. But the facility has
become the only healthcare hope for
many residents of Mugadishu, who af-
fectionately call it the “AMISOM hospi-
tal,” though it would hardly qualify as a
hospital in most capital cities around the

D r Ronald Mukuye has been working at

the AMISOM hospital for almost five
months. He says the hospital is open to the
A civilian patient at AMISOM hospital in Mogadishu

public on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. On each of these days, health needs of AMISOM troops and personnel, as well as the psy-
350-400 patients are consulted for a variety of ailments. “Most of our chiatric needs of civilian patients. In a city like Mogadishu, whose
patients have malaria, pneumonia, typhoid, UTIs, PIDs, PUDs… But residents have known the trauma of war for almost twenty years, coun-
we have also treated gunshot wounds,” the physician reveals. selling is an essential health service.
The facility is not equipped to handle many health conditions, in- Understandably, the population seems to appreciate the services of-
cluding certain types and stages of cancer. “There are cases we can- fered by this oasis of health and hope in a desert of war and desola-
not handle. Some cancer patients, for example, come to us when their tion. “The patients are quite appreciative of our services and often
condition is already too advanced and we cannot do much for them. If express gratitude for the treatment and drugs we offer them. They
they need radiotherapy or chemotherapy, we cannot help them because readily acknowledge that whereas the extremist militia shell and shoot
we do not offer such services. We usually refer them to Nairobi [in them, AMISOM helps and treats them. They are very grateful for the
neighbouring Kenya] where they can get those services,” Dr Mukuye help we give them. That is why they continue to come to us in big
explains. numbers,” Dr Mukuye concludes. The hospital has treated more than
The hospital also has a psychiatric unit which deals with the mental 60,000 patients since AMISOM was deployed three years ago. g

AMISOM medical staff attending to a young patient


Somalia government celebrates first anniversary
Transitional Federal Institutions strengthened
of the Transitional Federal Institutions. He thoughts are first of all with the families of
observed that great strides had been made those who lost their lives today.” He described
in re-establishing the Somali security forces the incident as a classic example of what those
and lauded the progress made in attracting the behind the attack represent and the reason
support of the international community. why more and more people are supporting the
“In the past year, we have been very busy Transitional Federal Government in its efforts
building the foundations of the Somali state,” to restore law and order and national unity to
said the president. “This year, our plans are to Somalia. “On this, the first anniversary of a
be as self-sufficient as we can and to start pro- new government and a new beginning for the
viding essential services to our people, such country, I call on all Somalis to join us on the
as education and health, and rehabilitating the path towards peace,” he continued.
infrastructure.” The President thanked troop-contributing
President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed The event was briefly interrupted by a ter- countries to the African Union peacekeep-
rorist attack by extremists. Two mortars were ing Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) for their

J anuary 2010 marked one year since the

Transitional Federal Government of Soma-
lia was formed as a broad-based government
fired into the area where the celebrations were
taking place, killing one Somali civilian and
an AMISOM peacekeeper from Uganda. An-
sacrifice and exhorted the international com-
munity to make good on its commitments to
of national unity. The anniversary was cele- other peacekeeper was wounded. During the ceremony, President Sharif
brated on Friday, 29 January 2010 in Mogadi- Despite the attack, the ceremony continued Sheikh Ahmed conferred the country’s high-
shu, in an event attended by President Sharif as planned, with both the speakers and the au- est honour posthumously on four Ministers,
Sheikh Ahmed, Prime Minister Omar Abdi- dience undaunted. The president immediately two Members of Parliament and two senior
rashid Ali Sharmarke, Speaker of Parliament condemned the attack which he said high- military officers killed in the line of duty. The
Sheikh Adam Mohammed Nur and senior lighted the complete moral bankruptcy of the event also included poetry readings, singing,
Ministers and Members of Parliament. extremists, who recently pledged allegiance traditional Somali dance and a series of com-
Speaking on the occasion, President Sharif to the Al-Qaeda global terrorist network. ic sketches performed by the famous Waberi
Sheikh Ahmed highlighted the achievements President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said, “Our band. g

UN congratulates Somalia Government

on anniversary
fortunately they have had to spend time and Government and those in the region. He par-
resources trying to stop the violent attacks by ticularly commended the sub-regional organi-
extremists who oppose all their attempts to zation, IGAD, and the African Union for be-
bring normality back to the country.” ing the most supportive of the Somalia Peace
He noted that the Government had made Process. These countries and organisations,
visible progress which included work on the he observed, were also the most exposed to
port, airport, Parliament and Isbahaysiga the contagious effects of the Somali conflict.
Mosque, among others, since being installed He expressed the hope that the international
in Mogadishu in February last year. The community would show a new flexibility to
SRSG commended the Somalia Government ensure that the Government of Somalia con-
for rehabilitating Radio Mogadishu, which is tinues to make progress.
Special Representative of the United Nations now broadcasting to a wide and enthusiastic Furthermore, the SRSG remarked that a
Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, audience for 18 hours a day. year was not long enough to put an end to
Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah

He observed that many people currently the many human rights abuses which sadly
he Special Representative of the United recognize that Somalia is moving from being continue in Somalia and regretted that dur-
Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for a failed state in conflict to a fragile state with ing the past year, the opposition had attacked
Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, major development and reconstruction needs. students, women, children and aid workers.
has congratulated the Transitional Federal “The focus of peace efforts should not only be “This completely unjustified violence has led
Government of Somalia on its first anniver- on security, political or humanitarian issues to continued displacement and human traf-
sary and urged it to continue its efforts to re- but also on economic development and in par- ficking. At the same time, we need to recog-
store peace and stability to the country. ticular job creation and the promotion of trade nize the advances that have been made,” he
In a statement released by his Office in and business,” SRSG Ould-Abdallah stated. added.
Nairobi on 12 February 2010, SRSG Ould- The SRSG also commended those in the
Abdallah wrote, “The President, Speaker, IGAD and AU commended business community and other groups who
Prime Minister, Ministers and MPs (of Soma- had made important contributions to help
lia) have made some important steps forward The UN Envoy praised countries which bring peace and stability in Somalia and
in the past 12 months, which I have person- have stepped in to help Somalia and in par- hoped that this trend would be encouraged
ally witnessed when visiting Mogadishu. Un- ticular those providing direct assistance to the and expanded in 2010 and beyond. g


Make Somalia a priority in 2010
– PM Sharmarke urges
The Prime Minister of Somalia,
Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke,
has appealed to the international
Community to make Somalia a
priority on the global political,
economic and security agenda in
2010. In an article published by
the New York Times and the In-
ternational Herald Tribune, Mr.
Sharmarke challenged the popu-
lar perception of Somalia as the
ultimate failed state. He praised
the Somali people for their resil-
ience and appealed to all Somalis
and the international community
to work together to make 2010 the
year of new beginnings for Soma-
lia. Here is the full text of Prime
Minister Ali Sharmarke’s article. The Prime Minister of Somalia,
Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke

L ast December, a Somali man, who had lived in Denmark, dressed

himself in women’s clothes, positioned himself at a graduation
ceremony in Mogadishu and then blew himself up. He killed 22 peo-
and its neighbours, where its citizens can go about their daily lives in
safety and provide for their families with confidence and dignity. Let
us strive for a resurgent, tolerant Somali society where conflicts are
ple, including three Government Ministers and many young medical resolved peacefully, built on respect for traditional Somali culture,
graduates and their professors, who had hoped to dedicate their lives religious values and way of life.
to the alleviation of suffering in Somalia. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG), as its name suggests,
The terrible events of 3 December 2009 reverberated around the is a temporary structure for developing the enabling environment
world. Somali doctors, IT and engineering graduates, alongside their necessary to achieve this objective. It is not the permanent Govern-
families, began the morning full of hope and pride, yet they were not ment of Somalia but a transitional mechanism that will enable the
to see the sun set that day. The graduates and the doctors were among people of Somalia to decide for themselves, how they want to be gov-
the brightest and the best of Somalia, and so were the Ministers who erned in the future, free from outside interference and coercion.
lost their lives. The principal purpose of the TFG is to prepare the way for the
But as the recent events in Aarhus, Denmark, at Mogadishu airport establishment of legitimate and accountable public institutions (we
and over the skies of Detroit on 25 December show, the current situ- have already taken the initiative and hired Price Waterhouse Coo-
ation in Somalia, and across the Gulf of Aden in Yemen, not only pers to ensure the accountability of international donor funds), which
threatens the lives and livelihoods of its countrymen and women, but respond to the desires and aspirations of the Somali people. These
also those beyond its borders. institutions will form the basis of a future stable, inclusive and rep-
However, despite these extremely serious circumstances, Somalia resentative government that can begin to alleviate the trauma of the
is not the ultimate failed state beyond help of popular perception. Its last twenty years.
people are resilient and, on a daily basis, they manage to survive in We will achieve this by building professional, trustworthy and
conditions that are probably well beyond the imagination of most read- representative security forces answerable to the citizens of Somalia;
ers. In Mogadishu, a city of two million, people carry on, despite the creating transparent and accountable public institutions based on the
fighting, the shelling, the danger, the displacement. Over 100 Somali- principles of civic responsibility and good governance; developing a
led reconciliation processes have taken place at local and regional level fair and impartial judicial system; and increasing economic opportu-
since 1991 – and they’ve proved the basis for stability in Somaliland, nity through investment, training, health and education.
Puntland and Galmudug state in central Somalia. Given the complex and extremely difficult circumstances that re-
International peace efforts in Somalia over the last two decades cent events have so graphically illustrated, achieving all this will
have met with success and failure. While Somali reconciliation and be an extraordinary challenge. It will require the combined effort
mediation efforts will be the key to sustainable peace and stability, and energy of the whole Somali people, as well as assistance from
the international community - which means the Organization of the outside. Only in partnership with all Somalis and the support of the
Islamic Conference, the African Union, the Arab League, the EU, international community will success be possible. It will take time,
the UN – has an important role to play. Somalia and Yemen must be determination and patience but it can be done. Let us all take up this
properly on the agenda at the London conference at the end of this challenge. Let 2010 be the start of something new. g
month (January 2010). Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke
As 2010 unfolds, our collective vision should be to see the begin- Prime Minister
nings of a secure, stable and prosperous Somalia, at peace with itself Transitional Federal Government of Somalia


A Somali woman in Mogadishu. For many suffering
Somalis like her, peace cannot come soon enough.

AMISOM turns Three!

March 7th 2010 - 3rd Anniversary
Of the deployment of The African Union Mission in Somalia
Exclusive coverage in
Next issue of

AMISOM News Bulletin

Reports, testimonies, reflections,
in First issue of

AMISOM Magazine
Coming soon!
AMISOM News Bulletin is a Bimonthly publication of the African Union Mission in Somalia
Editor-in-Chief: Gaffel G. Nkolokosa
Spokesperson, Force Headquarters: Major Barigye Ba-Hoku
Photos: Stuart Price
Editorial Assistance: AU/UN Information Support Team
P.O Box 20182 – 00200, Phone: +254 202 713 755 /56 /58
Nairobi, Kenya Fax: +254 202 713 766
Website: Email:

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