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From: "Seri Serifors" To: “Yolanda Sutherland” <¥Sutherand@iwicyrat> Date: 16/05/2015 03:37 PM ‘Subject: Fe The Amazing Wats Race Selam Yolanda, ‘he names ofthe Pre-service teachers that heavy asisted with "The Amazing Maths Race” were 1, Sunera Naaz 2. Saagatia Rajarbaby 5. Eman Haadara 4 ican ‘As mentoned Inthe previous emai these professionals had astrng sense of team work end focus as well a he students bes interests at hart, Having teachers the tals around would make project ike this much easier. ‘ett Sefovs Secondary Teacher (Mathematics) AlcTaqwa college 201 Sayers Road “Trugarina VIC 3029, phe (€3) $268 5000 (uatty Eeucaton For Quality Life uiginel Message From "Seri Serfovski" Ter "See Maths Maing List" Cé: "Yolanda Saherland* , “Tery Manoussaks" , "Ismail Kulu’ Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 22:33:59 +1000 Subject: The Amazing Maths Race Slams al, “The Amazing Maths Race has come ard gone and we are gad to say Rwas a succossful activity Ging cur Nath Week ‘We hod partcipants from yess 7 te 11 compete inthe Physkal/Mathamatical endurance event wih all paticpans enjoying tne chatenging experience, not renin the teachers and pre-service teachers tht took te tne fo participate in holing the event Lots of photos were taken and wil be frwaded to Adin to adé to our newsletter when teome out next ‘woud like to thank al the teachers aed pre-crvice teachers that putin te extra effort o make ths fun event posse, It woud not have Fenpened at al without their help The pre-service teachers were the fore behind a the organizing af questions and answers, badges for the partcpants and yers pu around the notice boards which was very Ue consuming “These pre-service teachers displayed a strong sence of team work anda pesve atitude to getting things done and wish tem all the best Inthe fire, Im sure they wil bea valuable part of any erganization they wil workin ‘pecal thanks to Fatima Saba for her acsctance n question and answer preparation and overt cities on te day, 2s wel as Marwa Hout for her overseeing ofthe ferent ard encouragement of el ou efor, twas great fun forthe student participants as well as the teaching taf. We have noted oun some things for improvernt for next years event and il tke on trord any suggestions to improve student ivolvementand enjoyment. Saif Seitovski ‘Sseoncary Teacher (Mathemstics) Taqwa Cotlege i Sayers Read “ugar VIC 3029 i (03) 5269 $000, ‘aly Education For Qualty Lie indo XO Sn NONGTDLCZEMUAerMoaetrieecumbeOLFceO8 ”

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