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This I Believe

Belief is a solemn term that has been puzzling me for a long time. But after
the long process of seeking for the answer I have to admit that I believe in
nothing but a materially substantial life which is based on wealth.
Perhaps it sounds not that decent but unfortunately it is my true thought and
furthermore, you can easily find it existed in the majority of us Chinese.
As a pessimist ,I always find the world insane and stupid. Just take a glance at
this world which is calling for peace since we human were born, you will be
astounded by such many wars and conflicts taking places almost everywhere
in the earth. Ironically, most of them are in the name of believes such as
religions, human rights ,especially in the Middle East. Is it righteous that we
kill people for peace, bomb the regime for human rights?What should I believe
in such a world since the world seems doesnt get better by believes.
The evil,which hides beneath our so called noble humanity,is ruining the
peace and love we are always seeking for.All the principles,values, and
believes are so pale and vulnerable when compared with money or position.
However,what really scares me is not the fragility of believes but peoples
unwillingness in believing in some principles and values,which means the
whole value system is contorted.

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