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Disadvantages: ‘+ Itmight be that the employees will start using their computer for social media in stead of their phone. ‘+ Sometimes they do need their phone during a meeting for their agenda or their mails ‘+ Unfortunately, there is only place for 10 phones, this means big companies will have to buy more than one Meeting Motivator. + You can't charge your phone in the Meeting Motivator, which a lot of people want to do during a meeting, + The place for the phone might be to small for some models such as the IPhone 6 Pus, eo * Another disadvan age rat Sources The Meeting Motivator [Atleast 40% of all employees mails and texts during meetings. Those acts annoy 80% of participants. As a consequence alot of mone| | know that in the ‘businessworld the phrase "Time 's money’ is ar The cooperation between Gelotology and Cobra Radiobrewery lead to a new innovation to improve the flow of meetings and to keep the attention ofthe participants during the meeting. The Meeting Motivator is a device that rewards you for giving your phone away at the beginning of a meeting with funny one-liners. The Meeting Motivator is a wooden box in which there Is place for ten phones and yes even the IPhone 6+ fits in it. When you put your phone in it, @ funny motivating quote is stated, The device has a special build-in clock that has| extra motivating and funnier Jokes for special days and hours, The volume of the voice coming out of the box is adaptable and a whisper mode is also available. Looking at the bigger picture of benefits we can conclude that everyone profits from the Meeting Motivator. The participants of the meeting as well as the company in general No interruptions and no distracted attendants and i's favorable for the meeting culture. Strengths: Keep everyone motivated rio disrupt by a smartphone during the meeting session High quality product new system o Weakness: Some people might get annoyed if they can't see their personal e-mails. ‘quite expensive product for a new product on the market ‘no reviews on the intemet so people are not sure whether it is a good product or not. Opportunities: New way of moating New development marketing Threat poem = this product for a cheaper price.

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