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Tragedies Definition

Tragedies is a type of play that involves Drama that treats in a

serious and dignified style the sorrowful or terrible events
encountered or caused by a heroic individual.
Comedies definition
A Shakespearean comedy is one that has a happy ending, usually
involving marriages between the unmarried characters, and a tone
and style that is more light-hearted than Shakespeare's other plays.
Histories definition
A play that is based in the past of the current time, often medieval
Shakespeares Tragedies plays
- Anthony and Cleopatra
- Coriolanus
- Hamlet
- Julius Caesar
- The Tragedy of king lear
- Macbeth
- Othello
- Romeo and Juliet
- Timon of Athens
- Titus Andronicus
Shakespeares Comedies plays
- Alls Well That Ends Well
- As You Like it
- Cymbeline
- The Comedy of Errors
- Loves Labours Lost
- Measure for Measure
- The Merchant of Venice
- The Merry Wives of Windsor
- A Midsummer Nights Dream
- Much Ado About Nothing
- Pericles, Prince of Tyre
- The Taming of the Shrew
- The Tempest
- Trolius and Cressida
- The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Twelfth Night
- The Winters Tale
Shakespeares Histories plays
- Henry IV, Part 1
- Henry IV, Part 2
- Henry V
- Henry VI, Part 1

Henry VI, Part 2

Henry VI, Part 3
Henry VIII
King John
Richard II
Richard III

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