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Areas of Representation in House M.D.


Dr. Alison Cameron is told by House that she was employed because she
was good to look at. Nothing to do with her qualifications. Supporting
stereotype that woman is seen a sexual object. And The Male Gaze. Dr.
Cameron is also portrayed in the drama as the sensitive and emotional
individual. This supports the stereotype that women then to be the more
caring gender. She tends to be used by the writers as the emotional
support for patients.


Dr. Eric Foreman is a black doctor in the show. He is specifically chosen by

House to break into a patients home. This is him Labelling him to the
stereotype that black people tend to coming crime often. However, as well
as the assumption, Foremans character actually committed a robbery
when he was 18.

Physical Ability / Disability

Dr. House walks with a limp in his right leg due to an infarction
in his thigh muscle which caused him to have the dead
tissue amputated. Consistently, comments are made about
his limp and House himself tends to make jokes about it.
The show evolves around ill people. People feel sorry for
them and try to be kind to them.
Mise En Scene
The Im always right and sarcastic attitude portrayed in
Dr. Houses character is shown by his clothing. Unlike
other doctors that dress in formal manner, neatly
dressed. House tends to wear an unbuttoned shirt, Blazer,
trainers and jeans. This supports his sarcastic
Camera work in the TV Drama is used to show authority
and dominance. In most situations, Low angle shot are
used to show the doctors. This is to make them look to
have dominance over their patients. powerful. On the
other hand, high angle shots are used to show patients
and any friend and family that they have this is to
show their helplessness in the situation. Dr. Lisa
Cuddy, is the hospital administrator and therefore
has power over the doctors. However, Dr. House has authority over her
due to the fact he is the best doctor that the hospital and so she cannot
fire him.
The lighting the majority of the time is bright, with white wall to emphasis
the cleanliness of the hospital.

Areas of Representation in House M.D.

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