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The most representative species in danger of extinction

In Colombia there are many animal in danger of extinction, the most

representative of all this is the Andess Condor which is the national symbol of
Colombia; this animal lives in the Andes mountains and snowy, is the bird
biggest and this is the highest flying in the world. The Condor has been
threatened by hunting, deforestation of their habitat, as well as pollution of
water and little food (dead animals). Other species on this list is the armadillo
that is in the coasts and eastern plains, the armadillo has a shell like a turtle
but is less strong than this; the main threat for Armadillo is deforestation and
agricultural expansion, also the hunt also increases the risk of disappearing as
a species in Colombia. Another bird in danger of extinction is the scarlet
macaw; the bird is smaller than the condor and has more colorful feathers, in
Colombia this lives in rainforests, and the species is endangered by the high
volume of hunting for the illegal sale.

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