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Generation X.

Born between 1965 and 1980*

The latch-key kids grew up street-smart


Very individualistic.

Government and big business mean little to them.

Want to save the neighborhood, not the world

Feel misunderstood by other generations

Raised in the transition phase of written based

knowledge to digital knowledge archives; Desire a chance
to learn, explore and make a contribution

Tend to commit to self rather than an organization or

specific career. This generation averages 7 career
changes in their lifetime.

Society and thus individuals are envisioned as


AIDS begins to spread and is first lethal infectious

disease in the history of any culture on earth which was
not subjected to any quarantine.

Obsession of individual rights

School problems were about drugs.

Late to marry and quick to divorcemany single


Into labels and brand names.

Short on loyalty & wary of commitment; all values

are relativemust tolerate all peoples.

Self-absorbed and suspicious of all organization.

Survivors as individuals.

Cautious, skeptical, unimpressed with authority, selfreliant.

Most of my Uncles and Aunts are from this generation,

also my parents are from this one, I remember they used
to tell me that in their generation most people wanted to
get a job and family and maybe a couple of kids, that in
their generation it was very hard for them because they
didnt have the resources that my family has nowadays.
But my father told me that maybe his generation
adaptation to the new technologies was hard, but he had
to adapt because the times they are a changing.

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