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Sponsor a Widow In India, many Hindus believe that if a man dies, his wife made the gods angry, and she is responsible for his death. Often the widows jump on the funeral pyre, and are burned alive. hee 1 er a se eee pene weed y ‘own people while they were in our Children's Home. Now they need suppor inorder vo rminister in a remote village where most have never heard the Name of Jesus, nor have heard the message of salvation. And you wil share in their reward as they win souls for the Lord.. Sponsor a Needy Child ‘Gur Homes have many cikren for whom we hve no sponsor, When pereis die or are to0 ill to care for their child, the villagers will bring the child to one of our Homes. We Terlingua ss hal sng, bat Ur asl pncral edt ere oe tnt anew sponsors enllsied. Peas we this form to request boy or ior Bible Tat) ore evangelist We wal ea you a photo ma ase Hid and ou way wre © the one you are sponsoring in India, Sponsorship Form: JR REAR eR EER rion! neccin as te ar ine. © Lil suport a child a S18nom, Ivanka Boy 0. Gin 0. (Cesk one) 1G Plone sett ative evangelt orme. wl end $25nond,

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