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When Well Jesus Return? Jesus proclaimed, "This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all nations, and then the end shall come" (Matthew 24:14.) remember as a young child hearing our pastor tell us that Jesus could return for His children at any moment. It has always been good for Us to keep ready for the Rapture, should the trumpet blow and the believers be carried away. Now, after over 50 years of witnessing for Jesus in over 60 nations of the world, | have a different perspective about the time when we might expect the Second Coming. | have spent much of the last 10 years ministering in Asia. When | fist arrived in India 36 years ago, the popula- tion was 600 million, with an estimated Christian population of 2.5 %. Now the population is almost twice that, 1.15 billion. Converts to Chi anity have not kept up with this massive population growth, lowering the percentage of Christian to about 1.896, China has 1.32 billion souls, with an estimated Christian population of 4%. Thailand has only less. ‘then 1 % Christians, and Indonesia about 7%. Altogether, this amounts to half the people of the world who are largely untouched by the gospel. We all know the command of Jesus in Mark 16:15 where He said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” It is clear that we have miserably failed in fulfilling the Great Commission. Our success as Americans has been phe- nomenal in virtually every material area, with cars, homes, computers, and superstores filled with anything one could imagine. But the world continues to lie in darkness while we light up our lives! So now I have a different question for you regarding the timing of the return of Jesus. Would a loving God, Who sent His only Son into the world to suffer unfathomable pain and anguish, and pay the ultimate sacrifice for the salvation of the world, return for only 5% of the Asian population and send 95% of these precious souls to eternal hell? This picture deeply troubles me. Jeremiah wept over lost souls in Israel. He said, “Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that | might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!” Ueremiah 9:1) | can say only that | hope that the Lord delays His coming that we can reach these masses of people who continue to lie so heavily on my heart. And | ask you to join with me in a greater way than every before to pray and give that we might reach them before it is eternally too late!

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