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2rnans ‘Analysis of APsalm of Life by H.W Longfellow - Beaming Notes ANALYSIS OF A PSALM OF LIFE BY H.W LONGFELLOW The title of A Psalm of Life is an appropriate one. A psalm is an invocation to mankind to follow the path of the righteousness. Here, the speaker advises people to be heroes in their lives. He asks them to lie in the present, without thinking about the past or the future. ‘A poem teaching a moral lesson is called a didactic poem. A Psalm of Life is a didactic poem. The poet's, task in the poem is to instruct and guide, to inspire and modify. The poem teaches basic human values and lays out a foundation for a prosperous, ethical life. ‘A Message from Team Beamingnotes: We at Beamingnotes have recently launched a new site, an English literature portal specially to assist CBSE/ICSE and State Boards students with their English preparation. In the days to come, we'll cover all the poems and prose from these boards(We have already covered quite a few by now). All we ask from you, is to register/signup at which is completely free... It includes the analysis of this current poem as well, click here @ Why should you Signup/Register, if there are notes available at or any other website over internet? 1. All the notes will/are prepared keeping in mind CBSE/ICSE/ISC/State Boards and are more organised. 2. Each and every poem has multiple solved questions. You can save all the poems in your profile and have access to it later anytime. 3. Instructors will be there to guide you and clear your doubts ( We're currently working to add this feature) 4, There will be discussion forums to interact with other students, and more of such features awaiting... Your registration to the site is an indication that you're interested to get benefited from these features. ‘Also, it will motivate us to speed up the work and provide E TEDKaSD ‘ and also like our Facebook page STYLE: ‘ Form and structure: ANALYSIS OFTHE INCHCAPE ROCK BY The poem consists of nine stanzas of four lines each. The p - Each stanza ROBERT SOUTHEY follows the rhyme scheme abab. In every stanza, the first li the second Robert Southey’s The line with the fourth. Inchcape Rock is based on the legendary story of a reef off. Allusion: Allusion is a reference to other works or cultures is) arose and poetry. H.W Longfellow has used allusions to convey his message in the poem. hps:tbeamngnotes.com2013108 1analysis-of-a-psalm-o life-by-h-w-longfellow! 18 2rnans ‘Analysis of APsalm of Life by H.W Longfellow - Beaming Notes Tell me not, in mournful numbers.’ In the above line, numbers refer to the verses in the Bible. ‘Dust thou art, to dust thou returnest’ The above line too has a Biblical reference. FIGURES OF SPEECH: Similes: It is a figure of speech in which a likeness between two different things is stated using the words ‘like’ or ‘as.’ Examples of similes in A Psalm of Life are, 1. Stil, like muffled drums, are beating 2. Be not like dumb, driven cattle! METAPHORS: Metaphor is that figure of speech where comparison of two different things are implied but not clearly stated, Examples of metaphor in the poem are, 1. Life is but an empty dream. 2. Soul id dead that slumbers. 3. Artis long and Time is fleeting ALLITERATION: Alliteration is the close repetition of the consonant sounds at the beginning of words to facilitate narration. Examples of alliteration in the poem are, 1. Grave is not its goal 2. Find us further 3. Dumb driven cattle 4, Learn to labour 5, Dust thou art, to dust thou returnest. PARALLELISM: Parallelism is used when the speaker says 1. Life is real! Life is earnest! 2, Still achieving still pursuing. H.W Longfellow points out that one has a duty to make this world a better place to live in. A Psalm of Life is a whole collection of moral principles to be followed by all the people. The principles listed by the poem are enumerated as follows,- +Life has a serious mission. Life does not end with death. *We have a destiny irrespective of our joys and sorrows. hps:tbeamngnotes.com2013108 1analysis-of-a-psalm-o life-by-h-w-longfellow! anos ‘alysis o A Psalm of ie by HW Longfellow - Beaming Notes Time is too short for our long mission. *Become great by emulating great men. *Learn to labor and wait for results. *Act now, in the living present. *Be a hero in the struggle of life. Dear Readers- If this summary/analysis has helped you, kindly take a little effort to like or +1 this post or both, Make sure you like Beamingnotes Facebook page and subse e to our newsletter so that we can keep in touch. We'll keep informing you about stuffs that are really interesting, worth knowing and adds importance to you. Keyword: A psalm of life analysis, a psalm of lifeline by line analysis, a psalm of life interpretation hps:tbeamngnotes.com2013108 1analysis-of-a-psalm-o life-by-h-w-longfellow!

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