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WICR Lesson Planner

AVID Method

Answering questions from the text book in order
to recap what they have learnt


What questions will I ask? How will I facilitate

students asking questions?


Geographical knowledge
Population Density

How will students use writing as a tool of


Students will produce

Empathize with a situation in which students are

asked what would it be like to live in a

A response that shows their applied


Think- Pair Share exercises

Exchanging ideas and stories through

different levels of learning.

Student Seating plan

Efficient working behavior and

cooperative collaborations.

How will I facilitate student collaboration?


How will students set goals for their learning?

How will I help students manage the
tasks/materials of the lesson? How will I release
responsibility to students for their own learning?

Start class with quiet reading to get into learning


Big Ideas- page: 45-47


What will students read? What strategies will I

use to facilitate that reading?

Students will need this resource to

complete writing task

Introduction to Cities
- 2007 rural vs urban crossover
- Urbanization (human population trend)
- Text book pictures 1950- 2030
Task: THINK/PAIR/SHARE (Quick Write)
In dot point form, list different characteristics that the city of Melbourne has.
Eg. Skyscrapers, restaurants, football ovals, shops

does a city include?

Central Business District
Residential areas
Commercial areas
Industrial areas
Parkland and Nature areas

Source 4.7 (2006 Melbourne Map) what do you see?

- TASK: What is your story? Write a short story about your experiences with a city.
My vegemite and cheese story
What is

a Megacity?
10million + residents
2012 there are 27 megacities
2015 there 34 megacities

Population chart
- Birthrates vs death rates
- Services vs agriculture
- How does this relate to megacities?
TASK: Check you learning 4.1

Questions 1-6

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