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Feedback survey Rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very poor, 5 being very good) and provide comments: 1. How well-structured was the presentation? or a a a oH Creat Logical Flow of content - ' 2. Was the information provided useful to you? je a a a x Verg usehal particu fader tegatds to sigts/ symutovts of LD. 3. Was the presentation easy to understand? l.e. could you hear them clearly, did they talk too fast? 5 Sa daa weed wal paced. 4, Were the activities interesting? Rane witi hi vdated fo burg iscussed- >. Ula tne activities provide ybL witn new perspective of iearning dificuities? rt a Tt lufely.. Muck more informed abou ee and pli cahons of LP. ! o 7 i partion wee welcomed amd atswdrad r Do you have any other comments? Theak you Keeley. Yous praseatation was pete nga" Mg and Momahve. | | apprec ate the ofportur ty. fo alteneds. ‘Thank you for attending! Feedback survey Rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very poor, 5 being very good) and provide comments: 2. How well-structured wes the presentation? 1 gooo o > "Easy to fatlow 2. Was the information provided useful to you? moooo Yes, The infermatien WOS Canplimentewg fo my own presentation 9 breught in diagnosis . 3. Was the presentation easy to understand? |.e. could you hear them cléar'y, did they talk too fax? ogooo Reasonably fist speakel bet ok Jo the ve QUE 4, wostlhe scvisterco oo oo 5 © Eretlert actives -well Imkeol 10 karning outcomes ‘5. Did the activities provide you with a new perspective of learning difficulties? a qooo Yes, parheulary The dysgraphia wv achvity hes enlightening - 6. Did you feel you were able to ask questions/make comments? 1 o o a av Q « 4 5 not specifically mvited 7% during the present Sefer Excellent presertanion get wos relevant mformative . tre“ mintial acuity | performance wos very anyineing ard Reollly deore the poi home Activity 2 wos odsd excellent fer really wrdlerotancing me diffievities faced by shelends. | parhiéviarly Wed Tre syageston of a ChECKNISt of SKIS ¥ Wil discs Thus vith the edvcodion sipped officer of school. 1 would profer teS6 info on The Niles OS 1 feral fo get forrxd on re e0Qeg ¢ awit Pf fotening «Creel! eccelert !” Tranes| ‘Thank you for attending!

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