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October 26th, 2015

Mr. Rudebusch
310 E Harry St.
Castlewood, SD 57223
Dear Mr. Rudebusch:
Im excited to be writing to you in topic of my senior project! I feel the planning for it has gone very well,
especially with my product which will likely become a reality. I am specifically writing this letter though, for
you to absorb my intent for the project/product as a whole.
I chose this topic because I have an interest in guitar construction and modification, and a hobby of playing
the instrument itself. I feel it will be very useful to me in the future so I can make my own instruments with
my own preferred look instead of buying very expensive name brands, such as Gibson and Martin.
I look forward to shadowing for the most part because it will be awesome to see on the site construction and
customization of stringed instruments. I have a bit of apprehension with the subject because I took apart and
repaired the first guitar I ever owned, due to the wood underneath the bridge being broken off due to tremolo
For shadowing, I have planned do 4-6 hours every other weekend, due to my mentor being gone for certain
weekends, as well as weekends working better for me because of the distance between Sioux Falls and myself.
I hope to achieve a skill that Ill be able to use for the rest of my life, as well as using the products of those skills
nearly every day. I am very excited to get it going, as I am sure you are. I cant wait to present it later in the
school year.

Ryan Greene
206 E Harry St.
Castlewood, SD 57223

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