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Gennargentu National Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Gennargentu National Park

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Gennargentu National Park (also National Park of the Bay of Orosei and Gennargentu; Italian: Parco
Nazionale del Golfo di Orosei e del Gennargentu) is a national park on the east coast of Sardinia.
Wildlife in the park includes the Felis lybica sarda (also known as Sardinian wildcat), the mouflon, the
Mediterranean monk seal, the marten, the weasel, the edible dormouse, the garden dormouse, the Sardinian fox,
the griffon vulture, the golden eagle, the Bonelli's eagle, the peregrine falcon, the great spotted woodpecker, the
butterfly Corsican swallowtail.
The park lies in the provinces of Nuoro and Ogliastra.
The highest mountain in Sardinia, Punta La Marmora, in the Gennargentu mountain range is within the
boundaries of the National Park.

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10/29/2015 1:36 PM

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