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The price of copper has been varied and high levels in recent years a notable

aspect of this was the one shown in the global recession of 2009 where there
were low due to the Asian crisis, where rising global demand, the slow supply
response and increased mining costs give the reason for this behavior. This
development many interrogative about the short-and long-term metal value. In
this box we can see future projections of copper

Deflated using the average 2011 U.S. PPI. Source: Central Bank of Chile.
The rising price of copper is that there was an increase in demand and low
supply in the short term. In recent years there has been a steady increase in
demand for refined copper, where the lead plaintiff is China due to greater
industrialization and increasing infrastructure, also in the manufacture of other
World refined copper demand
The global supply responds slowly to the demands, due to low copper prices
earlier decades, with low investment until 2000, having few projector miners to
realize where these to materialize need a long time to mature, and who linger
average of 7 years for financing and construction. Factors also need to add
labor disputes and natural disasters.
On the other hand, there are important factors in the price of copper, as the
external economic scenario is complex and associated with significant risks. If
China's economic slowdown is deeper and longer than expected, lead to copper
demand significantly deteriorate.
In short, the outlook for copper prices indicate that in the medium term its
value will be lower than current levels, hence it is used as a working
assumption that medium-term value will be lower than in place today. In the
short term, however, the range of possible values is greater, depending mainly
on what happens to the world economy

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