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No Overlord Campaign
Book for Descent: Journeys
In The Dark (2nd edition)
By: Markus N.


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Overview of the Campaign ................................................................................................................ 2


Victory & failure conditions ....................................................................................................... 2

New rules ........................................................................................................................................... 2


Multiple encounters in a quest.................................................................................................. 2


Winning and losing heroes ........................................................................................................ 3


Abandoning a quest ................................................................................................................... 3


Hero Death ................................................................................................................................ 4


Controlling Lieutenants ............................................................................................................. 5


Campaign Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 5


Playing the Campaign ................................................................................................................................ 6


Campaign Phase ................................................................................................................................ 6


Traveling .................................................................................................................................... 7

Quest rules................................................................................................................................................. 7

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 7


Introduction Quest .................................................................................................................... 7

Act I & Act II ....................................................................................................................................... 8


Monster Hunt ............................................................................................................................ 9


Attack a Lieutenant.................................................................................................................. 10


Search for a Relic ..................................................................................................................... 10


Explore a Dungeon................................................................................................................... 11


Interlude .......................................................................................................................................... 12


Interlude Quest........................................................................................................................ 12

Finale ............................................................................................................................................... 13


Finale Quest ............................................................................................................................. 13

APPENDIX VII: Campaign ideas & notes ......................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX VIII: Campaign tracker .................................................................................................................... 16

1. Introduction
This is the campaign book for the No Overlord variant rule set for Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2 nd
Edition). The rulebook has the rules for a single one-off quest to play. This document describes the rules for
continuous campaign play with multiple quests.
You do not have to read the campaign rules before trying the single scenario in the rulebook. You can
decide to expand the scenario to a campaign after playing it by going straight to Act I.
Text written in red refers to rules when using expansions. Text written in green refers to clarifications or
The rules have gone through only little playtesting, so there may be some serious flaws and balance issues.
If you have any comments or improvements to these rules, please send me a message (to Markus_N) at


Overview of the Campaign

During a campaign the players will go through multiple quests. Each quest may have one or more
encounters that are played successively. Between the quests the heroes will gain and spend experience
points and may purchase new items. The whole campaign consists of 9 quests: Introduction, Three Act I
quests, Interlude, Three Act II quests, Finale.
1.1.1. Victory & failure conditions
When playing a campaign, each quest will have its own victory and failure conditions which are specified in
the Playing the Campaign section of this book.
While all quests are important for the outcome of the game, in the end only the Finale quest is important
for winning the campaign. If the players win the Finale quest, they win the whole campaign.
There are three ways for the players to fail the campaign:

All of the heroes are knocked down at the same time during any encounter.
The players lose two quests in a row.1
The players lose the Finale quest.

If any of these conditions are met, the campaign ends immediately and the players have lost the


New rules

The new rules add to the rules mentioned in the No Overlord Rulebook. If some rules are not mentioned in
these two books, you should use the Descent Journeys in the Dark basic rules in that situation. If there are
conflicts or ambiguity try to use common sense.
1.2.1. Multiple encounters in a quest
Some of the quests in the campaign may have multiple parts known as encounters. Each encounter has its
own map layout, rules, and objectives. Once the objective or victory condition has been fulfilled the players

This rule was implemented to create more pressure and give incentives for the players to try different types of
quests. The rule has not been thoroughly tested and thus may be dropped in future versions. If the quests are too
difficult, ignore this rule.

Page 2

immediately move to the next encounter or end the quest if the players were already on the last encounter
of the quest. There is no travel between encounters of the same quest.
When players transition from one encounter of a quest to another, they perform the following steps:

Heroes keep all damage suffered during the previous encounter.

Heroes recover all fatigue suffered during the previous encounter.
Heroes keep all conditions they had at the end of the previous encounter.
Each hero player flips his Hero sheet face up.
Heroes keep all search cards; any flipped cards remain flipped.
Any knocked out heroes may perform a stand up action for free (unless all heroes on the map are
knocked out, in which case the encounter ends immediately, see Sections 1.2.3. and 1.2.4).
7. The heroes keep all the threat accumulated in the previous encounter.
8. Players disassemble the map for the previous encounter and refer to the quest rules in order to set
up the next encounter.
1.2.2. Winning and losing heroes
In the campaign there can be situations where only some of the heroes win the quest (for example when
some of the heroes abandon the quest as explained below).
Any standing hero, who is on the map when the victory condition of a quest is triggered, is called a
winning hero.
Any hero, who has abandoned the quest or is standing on the map when the failure condition of a quest
is triggered, is called a losing hero.
Any hero being knocked out when a quest ends is killed (as explained in more detail below).
1.2.3. Abandoning a quest
In some encounters the players may consider abandoning the quest if the outcome is looking bad for them.
At any point during an encounter, any hero may leave the map by using one movement point on the
entrance tile. The hero is then removed from the map and cannot re-enter to the map by any means.
Abandoning a quest is always voluntary for the hero. No game effect or rule may force a hero to abandon
the quest unless the player controlling the hero agrees to it.
Other heroes may still continue to play as usual, but must use the full number of heroes that started the
quest for all other rule purposes (monster summoning, threat pool, etc.). If the quest still has more
encounters to come, any hero that has abandoned the quest may NOT join the party for the duration of
the quest. All heroes that have abandoned the quest may participate to new encounters and quests only at
the next Campaign phase. Think of it as the hero abandoning the quest returning back to town.
Any hero abandoning the quest can get only the fail condition rewards of that quest. If the remaining
heroes manage to win the quest, the quest is considered to be won for campaign purposes and the winning
heroes (i.e. the heroes still remaining and alive) get rewards accordingly.
If there are no standing heroes remaining on the map (i.e. all heroes have either abandoned the quest or
are knocked down), the quest ends immediately and is considered to be lost.

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Heroes may abandon the quest even between encounters by simply announcing to do so. If all remaining
standing heroes decide to abandon the quest, the quest ends immediately and all remaining knocked out
heroes die.

Example of Abandoning the quest: A party of Widow Tarha, Jain Fairwood and Reynhart the Worthy
are participating in the first encounter of a quest. Things are looking dire and Jain gets knocked out.
The player controlling Tarha decides that it is too dangerous to continue the quest. During her turn
she moves Tarha to the entrance tile and spends one movement point to abandon the quest. Tarha is
removed from the map and cannot participate anymore to this quest.
Reynhart gets a streak of luck and manages to kill the last monster on board ending the first
encounter of the quest. Player controlling Reynhart decides to continue with the quest and enter the
second encounter. Tarha cannot join, because she abandoned the quest.
Jain and Reynhart have to always use number 3 as the number of heroes in summoning and threat,
even though they have only two heroes left in the encounter.
The second encounter is too tough for them and they both end up being knocked down at the same
time. Since all heroes are either knocked down or have abandoned the quest, the quest ends
immediately and is lost. Jain and Reynhart end up dying, but since Tarha survived the campaign may
continue. The players controlling Jain and Reynhart must now choose new heroes.
Had Jain and Reynhart managed to win the second encounter, they would have won the quest and
gotten the winning condition rewards of the quest. Tarha got the losing condition rewards of the
quest in any case.

1.2.4. Hero Death

During the campaign any hero may die and be removed from the game. If during any quest a hero is being
knocked down at the moment the quest ends, the hero dies. This can also happen if a hero if the quest
ends by all other standing heroes abandoning the quest as described above.
However this does not happen if the hero was knocked down and more encounters are still played in the
quest. In this case the hero gets a free stand up action, just as with the basic rules of Descent.
Thus a hero can die only if he is being knocked down when the last played encounter of any quest ends.
When a hero dies, the player has to wait to Step 4 of the campaign phase (see Section 3.1.) and then go
through the following steps:
1. Discard all items the hero was carrying and shuffle them back to the respective decks. Any relic card
that the hero was carrying is also discarded.
2. Remove the hero sheet and figure from the game. This hero may not be used during this campaign

Page 4

3. Select a new hero. The player controlling the dead hero chooses any new hero from the available
heroes. The new hero may be of the same class as the dead one.
4. Gain experience. The newly selected hero gains as much experience as the lowest experienced hero
(i.e. how much experience the hero has gained in total) in the remaining party minus one.
However, this experience can never be below zero.

Example of Hero death: Following the last example, the first encounter of the quest ends with Tarha
abandoning the quest and Jain being knocked down. If Reynhart decided to abandon the quest Jain
would die, but since he decides to continue Jain gets a free stand up action and the next encounter
In the second encounter Jain and Reynhart get both knocked down and the quest ends immediately.
Since this is then the last played encounter of the quest, both Jain and Reynhart die because they are
knocked down.
The players controlling Jain and Reynhart discard all item cards of the heroes and shuffle them back
to their respective decks. Jain and Reynhart are removed from the game and cannot be used again
for the rest of the campaign.
The players now choose new heroes to replace Jain and Reynhart and may freely choose any
available hero and class. Tarha just gained 1 experience point (from losing but surviving the last
quest) and has gained now 5 experience points in total during this campaign. Therefore the new
heroes receive 4 experience points, which they may spend immediately however they want.

1.2.5. Controlling Lieutenants

Some quests will introduce Lieutenants. Unless otherwise specified in the quest rules, Lieutenants act as
regular monsters. All rules that apply to monsters, apply to Lieutenants with the following specifications:

When a Lieutenant is defeated, do not remove any search token.

When a Lieutenant is defeated, heroes remove 4 threat tokens from the Threat Pool.
If a Lieutenant has a ranged weapon, use the Ranged Monster flowchart, otherwise use the Melee
Monster flowchart.

2. Campaign Setup
In addition to the general setup described in the rulebook do the following steps:
1. Assemble the travel deck: Take the travel event card deck, shuffle it thoroughly and place it in the
play area. You may freely add all expansion travel events to the deck.
2. Assemble the Lieutenant deck: Take all Act I Lieutenant cards, form a Lieutenant deck and shuffle it
thoroughly. You may freely add all expansion lieutenants to the deck.
3. Assemble the Relic deck: Take all Relic cards, form a deck and shuffle it thoroughly. You may freely
add all expansion relics to the deck.
4. Rumor cards are not used with these rules, so they are placed back in the box.
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3. Playing the Campaign

The basic rules of a campaign follow all of the normal campaign rules for Descent. The campaign is divided
into two phases, the quest phase and the campaign phase. The players start off in the quest phase by
playing the Introduction quest (this is exactly the same as the scenario presented in the rulebook). After
each quest, there is a campaign phase which leads to a new quest phase. This is continued until the heroes
trigger a campaign fail condition or they win the Finale quest.
The full campaign consists of 9 quests in total: Introduction, three Act I quests, Interlude, three Act II
quests, Finale.
After completing the Interlude quest, the players start to use Act II cards. Perform all the setup steps as
described in page 20 of the Descent Journeys in the Dark rulebook under the headline Act II.


Campaign Phase

After each quest of a campaign, the players go through the campaign phase. Remember that a quest can
consist of multiple encounters and the campaign phase begins only after the last encounter of a quest.
After the end of a quest, perform the following steps:
1. Receive Gold from Search Cards: Record the total gold value of every Search card the heroes
acquired over the course of this quest on the Campaign sheet (even if the Search card was used
during the quest). Then return all Search cards to the deck (even if the heroes didnt use their
2. Cleanup: All heroes recover all damage and fatigue. All Overlord cards from the draw and discard
pile are combined to one deck and shuffled thoroughly. This deck is to be used in the next quest. All
Condition cards are discarded, all effects end, the map is disassembled and the quest is generally
cleaned up as the players prepare for the next one.
3. Receive Rewards: The players receive rewards as noted in the reward section of the corresponding
quest. Players do NOT automatically gain an experience point, unless otherwise stated in the quest.
4. Choose new heroes: If any hero had died in the previous quest, perform the steps as described in
Section 1.2.4.
5. Spend Experience Points: Players may spend any experience points they have earned at this time.
Experience points are spent on new skills.
6. Shopping: Hero players may spend any gold they have acquired to purchase new Shop Item cards.
(see Shopping on page 20 of the Descent Journeys in the Dark rulebook).
7. Choose Next Quest: The players determine at which part of the campaign they are.
a. If the players are in Interlude or Finale: Follow the instructions in the corresponding
section in this campaign book. Sections 4.1. , 4.3. and 4.4. respectively.
b. If the players are in Act I or Act II: Draw one random monster card, one random
Lieutenant card, and one random Relic card from their appropriate decks and place them
face up on the play area (the Relic card with the hero side up). Then write in the
campaign tracker which cards were drawn, see Appendix VIII. Follow the instructions in
Section 4.2.
8. Set Up Quest: The players begin setting up the next quest following the setup rules mentioned in
the appropriate quest.
9. Travel: Heroes travel to the next quest location and then play the next quest. See Section 3.1.1.

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3.1.1. Traveling
When traveling to a quest the players go through a number of travel locations, draw a travel event card for
each location and resolve its effects. The amount of locations to travel to each quest is presented in each
quests corresponding rules section.
For each location the first Hero rolls a black and a grey die, adds the number of shields rolled and consults
the chart below:

Open Land
Open Land

Then the player controlling the First Hero draws a travel event card and follows through the event with the
corresponding location. If the event requires a hero to be chosen, the players may freely choose which hero
is targeted.
For any effect that requires the Overlord to draw an Overlord card, do not draw a card. Instead put an
equal amount of threat tokens to the Threat Pool for the next encounter (i.e. the next encounter starts
with some threat in the Threat Pool).
Ignore any other effect that refers to a rule or component not used in this campaign, or an effect that
would not be possible to do without an Overlord. Treat the effect as No event instead.
Once the players have passed through the required amount of locations, they may begin the quest.

4. Quest rules
The first quest is always the Introduction quest. Also the Interlude and Finale quests and always have the
same structure. However, during Act I and Act II the players will play three quests in each and can choose
them from a selection of available quests. All the setup and special rules are presented in each quests rules



The players always start a campaign from the Introduction quest. This means that the campaign begins at
the quest phase. When the players have finished the Introduction quest, they begin Act I.
4.1.1. Introduction Quest
Number or encounters: 1
Travel: No locations, the heroes start the campaign from the Introduction quest.

Page 7

Setup: Use basic Map Setup as described in the rulebook.

Victory condition: The heroes have revealed the Objective room to the map and no monsters exist on the
Failure condition: All heroes are knocked out at the same time.
Special rules:

Each winning hero that was not knocked out during this quest gains 1 experience point in addition
to winning rewards.
No hero can abandon the Introduction quest.
No hero can die during the Introduction quest. Ignore all rules that refer to Hero Death.

Rewards: Each winning hero gains 1 experience point. Each losing hero gains no experience points.


Act I & Act II

During Act I and Act II the players have more freedom in choosing the next quest. During step 7 of the
campaign phase the players draw one random monster card, one random Lieutenant card, and one random
Relic card from the appropriate decks and place them face up on the play area. For quest purposes these
will be called the Target Monster, Target Lieutenant and the Target Relic respectively. These cards
determine the available quests during each campaign phase.
As their next quest the players must choose a quest type based on the revealed cards:

Monster hunt: The heroes go for a hunt for the monsters indicated in the revealed monster card. If
successful, they will gain new items.
Attack a Lieutenant: The heroes attack the Lieutenant that was revealed. This will prevent the
Lieutenant from joining the Interlude and Finale quests.
Search for a Relic: The heroes go searching for the revealed relic. If successful, not only will the
heroes gain a powerful item, but they will also prevent the Lieutenants from using the relic in the
Interlude and Finale quests.
Explore a dungeon: If the heroes do not want to choose any of the above options, they may gain
more experience by exploring new dungeons.

During the whole campaign, the heroes have only one opportunity to select a specific card. All cards that
are drawn will be marked in the campaign tracker, see Appendix VIII, and have to be removed from the
draw decks in future campaign phases.
The players may only choose at maximum two of the same kind of quests per Act. However, even if the
players may not choose a specific quest type for the third time, they still reveal the card in the campaign
phase and mark it in the campaign tracker.
After the heroes have completed three Act I quests, they go to Interlude. After the heroes have completed
three Act II quests, they go to Finale. Remember that Act I cards are used before and Act II cards are used
after completing Interlude.

Page 8

4.2.1. Monster Hunt

Number or encounters: 2
Travel: 3 locations, add 1 location to travel for each previous Monster Hunt quest that the players have
Setup Encounter 1:

Look at the top left symbol at the back of the Target Monsters card. Take all monsters that have
the same symbol (regardless of it being in the top left or top right side) and assemble a monster
deck out of these monsters. Put all other monster cards back in the box, they are not used in this
Use basic Map Setup as described in the rulebook.

Special rules Encounter 1:

When the Objective Room is revealed, treat it as a normal Room tile (only 1 search token and
monster group in summoning). Connect the exit tile to one of its open edges. Search token must be
placed at least 4 squares away from the exit tile. From now on the Threat Pool cannot be emptied
by any means during Encounter 1. Mark the Objective Room as a used tile for the exploration
purposes of Encounter 2.
When any hero spends a movement point in the exit tile, the encounter ends and heroes go to
Encounter 2. Remember that all threat remains in the threat pool for Encounter 2.

Setup Encounter 2:

Use the same exploration chart as with Encounter 1 (i.e. all tiles removed and used in Encounter 1,
count as being used in Encounter 2 as well).
Place the entrance tile on the play area.
Connect the highest numbered available tile to the entrance tile. If this tile is a Room or an
Objective Room, do not summon monsters or place search tokens. Use this tile number as the
Exploration Number for the next exploration.
Remove the Target Monster from the monster deck and place it aside. Target Monsters can only
appear on the map when the Objective Room is explored.

Special rules Encounter 2:

It is possible that the exploration would make the players place a tile number smaller than 1. In this
situation use tile number 1 instead.
When revealing the Objective Room, place only 1 search token and the Target Monster group. All
Target Monsters are treated as master monsters.

Victory condition: The heroes have defeated all Target Monsters in Encounter 2 and no monsters exist on
the map.
Failure condition: All heroes have either abandoned the quest or are knocked out.
Rewards: Each hero gains 1 experience point. In addition each winning hero gains one random item card.

Page 9

4.2.2. Attack a Lieutenant

Number or encounters: 1
Travel: 3 locations, add 1 location to travel for each previous Attack a Lieutenant quest that the players
have done.

Use basic Map Setup as described in the rulebook.

Take the Target Lieutenant card and the Target Relic card and set them aside. The Lieutenant is
wielding the relic card.

Victory condition: The heroes have killed the Lieutenant.

Failure condition: All heroes are either knocked down or have abandoned the quest.
Special rules:

When the Objective Room is revealed, place the Target Lieutenant on the first search token. Then
proceed by placing the master monster and other monsters in the first monster group touching
either the Lieutenant or another monster of the same group.
After the Objective Room is revealed, all master monsters gain: The Target Lieutenant recovers 1
(SURGE, The target Lieutenant recovers 1 health)

Rewards: Each winning hero gains 2 experience points. Each losing hero gains 1 experience point. If the
heroes win the quest, the Target Lieutenant will not participate in the Interlude nor Finale quests.
4.2.3. Search for a Relic
Number or encounters: 2
Travel: 3 locations, add 1 location to travel for each previous Search for a Relic quest that the players have
Setup Encounter 1:

Use basic Map Setup as described in the rulebook.

Take the Target Relic card and set it aside.

Special rules Encounter 1:

Page 10

When the Objective Room is revealed place only one Search token and one monster group.
Connect the exit tile to one of its open edges. The Search token must be placed at least 4 squares
away from the exit tile. From now on the Threat Pool cannot be emptied by any means during
Encounter 1.
The Search token in the Objective Room cannot be removed from the map if a monster group is
When a hero searches the Search token in the Objective room he does not draw a search card.
Instead the hero gains the possession of the Target Relic.
When any hero spends a movement point in the exit tile, the encounter ends and heroes go to
Encounter 2.

Setup Encounter 2:

Use the same exploration chart as with Encounter 1 (i.e. all tiles removed and used in Encounter 1,
count as being used in Encounter 2 as well).
Place the entrance tile on the play area.
Connect the highest numbered available tile to the entrance tile. If this tile is a Room or an
Objective Room, do not summon monsters or place search tokens. Use this tile number as the
Exploration Number for the next exploration.
Take the door tokens from the box.
Place a door token on all open edges on the map.

Special rules Encounter 2:

It is possible that the exploration would make the players place a tile number smaller than 1. In this
situation use tile number 1 instead.
When exploring a Room or an Objective Room, do not summon any monsters or place any search
When the Objective Room is revealed, connect the exit tile to one of its open edges.
When a Room or a Hallway tile is revealed, place a door token on all of its open edges (if you dont
have enough tokens, place as many as you can).
All doors are locked. To open any door a hero must perform an action and pass a MIGHT or an
AWARENESS skill check. Opened doors are destroyed and are removed from the map (they can be
placed on the map again in a new tile exploration). Monsters cannot open doors.
At the end of each Hero Phase, the amount of threat in the Threat Pool is set to 16.
All monsters must be summoned to the entrance tile. Place any summoned monster on the
entrance tile or as close as possible.

Victory condition: A hero possessing the Target Relic exits the map by spending one movement point on
the exit tile in Encounter 2.
Failure condition: All heroes have abandoned the quest or are knocked down.
Rewards: Each winning hero gains 1 experience points. Each losing hero gains no experience points. In
addition the heroes now have the Target Relic which they may give to any hero. If the heroes win the
quest, the Target Relic will not be wielded by a Lieutenant in the Interlude nor Finale quests.
4.2.4. Explore a Dungeon
Number or encounters: 1
Travel: 3 locations, add 1 location to travel for each previous Explore a Dungeon quest that the players
have done.
Setup: Do not remove any map tiles during setup. Otherwise follow through normal map setup
Victory condition: The heroes have revealed the Objective Room. This however does not end the quest
immediately. The quest continues until all heroes have either abandoned the quest or are knocked down.

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Failure condition: Any hero abandoning the quest before the Objective Room has been revealed fails the
quest. If all heroes have abandoned the quest or are being knocked down before the Objective Room has
been revealed, all heroes have failed the quest.
Special rules:

At the end of each Hero Phase, increase the amount of minimum threat level in the threat pool by
1 (i.e. after emptying the threat pool, immediately add threat equal to the number of played turns
in to the pool). Use the aid provided in Appendix VIII.
Any hero who explores a Room tile gains 1 experience point (max. 1 xp per hero).
Any hero who kills a master monster (makes an attack that deals the last damage to kill the
monster) gains 1 experience point (max. 1 xp per hero).
Any hero who searches a search token gains 1 experience point (max. 1 xp per hero).

Rewards: Each winning hero gains 1 experience point. Each losing hero gains no experience points.



During Interlude the heroes will confront all the Lieutenants that they did not attack during Act I.
4.3.1. Interlude Quest
Number or encounters: 1
Travel: 4 locations.

Use basic map setup as described in the rulebook.

Take all the Lieutenant cards that were not attacked during Act I (look at the Campaign tracker, see
Appendix VIII). Put the Lieutenant cards to the play area.
Take all the Relic cards that were not searched during Act I and randomly assign them to the
Lieutenants. Each Lieutenant may have at maximum 1 Relic. Discard any Relic that could not be

Victory condition: The quest ends immediately when the heroes have defeated all Lieutenants.
Failure condition: All heroes are knocked down at the same time.
Special rules:

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No hero may abandon the Interlude quest.

When the heroes reveal a Room, begin the Monster summoning by placing a random Lieutenant on
the search token. Then place all the monsters touching the Lieutenant or a previously placed
Before the Objective Room has been revealed Lieutenants may try to flee the map. Whenever a
Lieutenant has damage, he will use his movement actions to move towards the nearest Open Edge.
When standing on an Open Edge a Lieutenant can use 1 movement point to be removed from the
After the Objective Room has been revealed, the Lieutenants do not try to flee the map and will
use actions as normal.

When revealing the Objective Room, first place all Lieutenants on the first search token. Then place
all the monsters from the first monster group touching a Lieutenant or a previously placed
During the whole quest all monsters gain: the Lieutenant with most damage recovers 1 (even if
he is not on the map). All monsters will use this surge power first, if there are any Lieutenants with

Rewards: Each hero gains 2 experience points.



During Finale the heroes will confront all the Lieutenants that they did not attack during Act II. In addition,
they will confront all Lieutenants that were not killed in Interlude.
4.4.1. Finale Quest
Number or encounters: 1
Travel: 5 locations.

Use basic map setup as described in the rulebook.

Take all the Lieutenant cards that were not attacked during Act II (look at the Campaign tracker, see
Appendix VIII). Put the Lieutenant cards to the play area.
Take all the Relic cards that were not searched during Act II and randomly assign them to the
Lieutenants. Each Lieutenant may have at maximum 1 Relic. Discard any Relic that could not be

Victory condition: The quest ends immediately when the heroes have defeated all Lieutenants and all
monsters from the 2 summoned monster groups in the Objective Room.
Failure condition: All heroes are knocked down at the same time.
Special rules:

Page 13

No hero may abandon the Finale quest.

When the heroes reveal a Room, begin the Monster summoning by placing a random Lieutenant on
the search token. Then place all the monsters touching the Lieutenant or a previously placed
Before the Objective Room has been revealed Lieutenants may try to flee the map. Whenever a
Lieutenant has damage, he will use his movement actions to move towards the nearest Open Edge.
When standing on an Open Edge a Lieutenant can use 1 movement point to be removed from the
After the Objective Room has been revealed, the Lieutenants do not try to flee the map and will
use actions as normal.
When revealing the Objective Room, first place all Lieutenants on the first search token. Then place
all the monsters from the first monster group touching a Lieutenant or a previously placed

During the whole quest all monsters gain: the Lieutenant with most damage recovers 1 (even if
he is not on the map). All monsters will use this surge power first, if there are any Lieutenants with
Treat all monsters in the 2 monster groups summoned in the Objective Room as master monsters.

Rewards: If the heroes win the Finale quest, the heroes have won the campaign. Otherwise they lose the

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APPENDIX VII: Campaign ideas & notes

Designing rules for the campaign sure took a lot longer than I first estimated. There are far more variables
that can affect each other. At this point Ive tried to concentrate on getting the basic functions to work.
However I am expecting more balance problems with the quests. The quests may also be too similar and
repetitive for many replays, but I think they should work fine for at least one campaign.
My big vision is to first create a functional base structure for a solo campaign play, so that it would be easy
to implement new features. Once the balance is working, the next steps are to create unique quests for the
Lieutenants, Relics and monsters. These could also affect more on the setup of the Interlude and Finale
quests. Im also interested in implementing storylines to make this feel like an actual campaign.
Feedback on the quests and campaign balance, and new ideas for quests and general improvements are
greatly appreciated.

Page 15

APPENDIX VIII: Campaign tracker

Use the Campaign tracker to mark which quests were won or failed, which Lieutenants, Relics and
Monsters were drawn during Act I and Act II, and which quests were chosen. For chosen quests: L = Attack
a Lieutenant, R = Search for a Relic, M = Monster hunt, D = Explore a dungeon.



Chosen Quest Outcome

Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
Win Fail




Chosen Quest Outcome

Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
L R M D Win Fail
Win Fail

Act I
Act I
Act I
Act II
Act II
Act II

Act I
Act I
Act I
Act II
Act II
Act II

Travel chart

Page 16

Open Land
Open Land

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