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Case history: Time of calving and time of occurrence and plan of

Clinical signs :
- Sudden appearance of heamoglobinurea 4 weeks after
calving,- Normal to moderately rise body temperature.
- Serum P < 4 mg/dl.,
- Low RBCs, Hb, PCV.
- Excess urine Urobilinogin
- I.V. injection of 60 gm Na hypophosphatein 300ml DW,
repeated s.c. for next 3 days
- Tonophosphan 50 ml, I/M Twice/24 hr
- Copper glycinate (120 mg copper) may halthemolysis.
- Bone meal should be addedto the ration of cows.
- Blood transfusion should be attemptedin severeanemia (PCV
< 16 %) 4- 10 liter/cow
- Control:1. Pay attention to phosphorus content of theration
at beginning of lactation.2. Phosphorus supplement or bone
meal couldbe added

Berdasarkan riwayat penyakit :

pada saat melahirkan dan waktu terjadinya membuat rencana
untuk nutrisi
Berdasarkan Gejala klinis :
- Penampilan mendadak heamoglobinurea 4 minggu setelah Melahirkan

- Suhu tubuh cukup meningkat dari normal

Uji Laboratorium :
- Serum P < 4 mg/dl
- RBC , Hb , PCV rendah / menurun
- Kelebihan urine Urobilinogin

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