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Character Profile

Name: Thomas Justice Arthur

Age: 35

I live in Australia Because:

I have to guard the Governor and provide self defense for the colony. I
also go on expeditions to find new information for the colony.

Hometown: London City

Family Description: I have 3 sisters, Edith and Charity and Temperance
(Twins). 3 Brothers, Neri, William, and Zebedee. My Mother, Susanna, my
Father, Rufus and my wife, Ida. We have no children.

Assistance in Australia: I am here to provide self defense within colony.

What I Miss About Home: I miss my family and the days I used to spend
with them.

Diet: I eat salted meat, damper and cheese, soup, water and some

Future Ambitions: My future ambitions are to return to my family and

wife. I want to have children with her as well. If that can not happen, I
would love to get higher ranked in the Military.

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