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David Padilla

Blk 4

Industrial revolution

The Industrial revolution was a big advance in humanity. Industrialization

marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass
production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam
engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved
systems of transportation, communication and banking. While industrialization
brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an
improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and
living conditions for the poor and working classes. The industrial revolution changed
America dramatically, before the industrial revolution, America was an agrarian
society. Almost everyone farmed. After the Industrial revolution, more people lived
in cities and worked in factories than ever before. Cities grew larger and more
crowded, which prompted the rise of better transportation, land speculation, real
estate boomed.

Although, the Industrial revolution seems like a plus to society it also had
negative effect. Working from other factories is exhausting. It causes long working
hours, it has bad working conditions, and there are times that it causes illness and
death. There are cases that factory workers got caught by uncovered machinery
resulting to injury or death. The dust and fumes from chemical factories can also
harm a persons health. Another negative result of industrialization is that it brought
a negative impact on culture, values and morality of mankind. Technology drives the
shift in principles, beliefs and faith. Another overall negative effect of the industrial
revolution was child labor. They were also given very low pay and worked in very
bad conditions. The girls would have long hair that could get caught in the machines
and possibly kill the child. They worked barefoot for 12 to 14 hours and were given
no breaks. Since they were working in a factory all day, they were not able to get a
very good education so they couldnt get out of the cycle of factory working when
they got older.

In conclusion, the Industrial revolution had both negative and positive effects
on humanity. Some people say it was the best thing that happened, and others say
it was the start of the end for humanity. I personally dont and wouldnt have
minded if the industrial revolution never happened, just like I dont mind that it did

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