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Children Taught Me to Be a Leader

In a teaching project, I had many expectations to full-complete my lesson plan and

taught to children. However, I did not know that the children from the Escuela Espaa
had already planned something else for me. I would be the one who would be taught. To
face first grade children was for me was one of the most exciting experiences Ive ever had.
They are the most honest little-people I have met. They express what they see, feel and
think without caring repercussions.
My three-day practicum was not a piece of cake but worthy. It did not matter how
many activities my classmates and I carried up to the classroom children were always eager
and happy to enjoy them, which is something I admire from them. Children taught me to be
energetic and give my extra mile in every activity. We shared several Christmas carols, and
just to remember that makes me smile and laugh aloud. Those little boys and girls enjoyed
everything. They enjoyed singing, painting, and even biting me (Im not joking). I was
given some bites there. I saw how they enjoyed everything that faces them. Children taught
me to enjoy the small and free things of life.
I did not know how demanding was to handle those children, it was like
daydreaming. Teachers school did not prepare me for it; they taught me systematical
methodologies and approaches, but children taught me to not be systematical in life. To
face different thoughts, point of views and moods made me realize that teaching is more
than learning by heart thick concepts. It is more than pretending that I know everything. It
is more than being punctual in classes and getting good grades. At the end what matters is
how I took advantage of it to make those classes enjoyable to them.
I consider myself a leader because handling such an outstanding experience would
not be possible without leadership skills. I demonstrated to be creative when things got
upside down. I worked as a team with my classmates when children needed to be cared. I
finally realized that teaching is one of the worthies ways to become a leader.

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