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Subject Reviewing Preparation Sheet

Name: Jessica vardy

Subject: Media studies
Teacher: Robert Venn

• How am I getting on so far?

e.g. - How well are you understanding the work?
- How are you finding homework?
- How are you finding the structure of the lessons?
- Are you coping with the workload?

I am finding the work of but am finding the Work load hard. I feel
that there is a lot of work to do, but it is like that in most of my
lessons and I feel like all the work is getting on top of each other.
But I do feel ok with the media work, but do feel like I can push
myself to try and do more.

• My Personal Target Grade C

for this subject

• My Minimum Target Grade (MTG) D

for this subject

• My Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed (SMART) Target

Target Date To Be
Completed By

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