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The superstition implies that one will die during an encounter with Bloody Mary.

This 'twist'
has made the folklore not only popular, but also a challenge for many to overcome. Some
people who tried calling onto Bloody Mary reported experiences that are highly similar to
hallucinations: shadows, the room getting twisted, nausea - even black-outs.
The point about her is....she was a middle aged lady (back then) when she came to the throne
at age 37. She was the daughter of tyrant King Henry VIII and his most hated and 1st wife
(some would say only legitimate wife). Henry had locked up the mother and then neglected
her to death, he outright murdered/ executed his next 5 wives....all because 'they' wouldn't
make a male baby. He just about never saw his daughters and never played the role of
So, at age 37 unmarried (unheard of then) and a spinster....she came to the throne. She was
quickly married off to the younger (10 years younger) son of the King of Spain, England's top
enemy and rival. Philip Hapsburg of Spain had no interest in her except to impregnate her to
create a half Spanish child to sit on the throne of England and add it to the then family
Hapsburg empire of Spain, Germany, Austria, Holland.
Mary did her best at her age to get pregnant and Philip did it as a political duty Mary died
after a 'false pregnancy' 1558 (age 42).
Phillip dumped her and went back to be King of Spain Phillip II, Hapsburg ruler, German
Emperor, most powerful king of Europe and sent the 'Great Armada' against young 'Elizabeth'
of England (Mary's sister) trying to take England by military force for what he did not manage
to do in the bedroom with his older wife.
Spanish Phillip brought the 'inquisition' to England.
'He' burned the Protestants at the stake.
He was bloody....Mary was not....As proof... on her death bed she spared her half sister
Elizabeth and left the crown to her instead of to Phillip or even the English Duke of Norfolk.
Mary was a woman of strong convictions , iron will and ruthless . She was a devout Catholic.
She was quite ruthless against opposition to her marriage to Phillip of Spain . I think she was
deeply in love with Phillip but I believe that she allowed him to sway her judgment , he drew
her into a war with France , which cost her Calais and this coupled with the phantom
pregnancy deeply affected her . She was a product of her time and I believe the experiences of
her childhood made her deeply suspicious of those around her . Though she was dubbed
`Bloody` she was not as murderous as her father . Her actions against Protestants I believe has
to be viewed from a religious standpoint , in her mind she was doing `Gods ` work , bringing
heretics to redemption , and burning heretics was standard throughout Europe , all were given
the opportunity to recant and embrace the `Old Religion ` . Religion played a far more
important part in the affairs of both state and man in Mary`s time
I think that a lot of this may have impacted her decisions and what she did.I'm not defending
her but all of the wrong doings that she performed, but you must take into consideration of
what her father did to her when she was a child. It may have even been in spite of her father
and all that he accomplished in his reign.

Bloody Mary was a medieval queen named Mary who got her name because she ordered a lot
of decapitations in comparison to any other ruler. So basically she was a queen that killed a lot
of people.
Historians still disagree about Mary. Some think she is bloody while others think she was
just misunderstood.

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