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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Separatas de periodicos %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
author = {Hou, Q. and Fan, Y.},
title = {Modified smoothed particle method and its application to transient heat conduction},
reprinted-text = {Separata de},
journal = {Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications},
address = {Eindhoven},
volume = {2012},
number = {13, 11 p.},
year = {2012},
url = {},
urlaccessdate = {5 jan. 2015}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% trabalhos em conferencias %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
author = {Becker, M. and Teschner, M.},
title = {Weakly Compressible SPH for Free Surface Flows},
organization = {SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA)},
conference-number = { },
conference-year = {2007},
conference-location = {San Diego},
booktitle = {Proceedings...},
address = {[Aire-la-Ville]},
publisher = {[Eurographics Association]},
year = {2007},
pages = {209-217},
url = {},
urlaccessdate = {4 dez. 2011}
author = {Aristodemo, F. and Marrone, S. and Panizzo, A. and Capone, T. and De Girolamo, P. and
Veltri, P.},
title = {A lagrangian SPH model to simulate a non-steady flow on a triangular sill},
organization = {3rd International Short Conference/Course on Applied Coastal Research},
conference-number = { },
conference-year = {2008},
conference-location = {Lecce},
booktitle = {Proceedings...},

address = {Castrolibero},
publisher = {Nuova Bios},
year = {2008},
pages = {240-251},
url = {},
urlaccessdate = {6 dez. 2011}
%-------------------------- book
author= {Fox, R. W. and McDonald, A. T. and Pritchard, P. J.},
title= {Introduo Mecnica dos Fluidos},
address = {Rio de Janeiro},
publisher= {LTC},
year= {2006}

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