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Audience Theory

Tom Neylon


Geographic is the region of the selected target audience, the chosen genre for
our video was Hip Hop, this suggested to me that we were going to have a
majority audience who were from the UK and a minority from overseas, e.g. and
Australia. The genre is also really popular in America and has a audience just as
big (if not bigger) than the uk.

Hip Hop in England is quite popular and liked by a wide range of audience, in the
UK there are a lot of urban settings and low budget areas which help fit to the
codes and conventions of the genre, similarly there are also high budget posh
areas which are also shown in various hip hop videos, the UK audience is
considered to be smaller than the US as it originally originated in the US so has
more artists which leads to a bigger artist, Hip Hop generally seems to be more
popular with the audience in the poorer parts of the country in the US and
especially in parts of the UK like South London and even Birmingham which are
the two biggest cities in the UK so they attract a bigger audience to the genre.

When looking at the climate of the areas of the world involved with Hip Hop we
see a big variety, for example you can go from England being quite Dull and
miserable which represents the genre well, to somewhere in America which is
sunny as also represents the genre in a positive way to fit the Audience


When talking about the demographics we decided as a group to go with the following aspects: Age, Ethnicity,
Gender, Family size, Family life, Generation, Income, Education, Occupation, Religion and Social Class.

AGE: the recommended at group we were going for is 15-25 this is what we believe is suitable all though a few
others may be interested.

ETHNICITY: this had a wide variety for our chosen genre we chose to go with: African Americans, White British
and white American.

GENDER: when doing research we found that hip hop is massively dominated by the male audience but found it
also has a space for females.

Family size: we thought that this component was not relevant for our chosen genre.

Family life: when considering the family life we had to take into account that most of them were young and still
living at home, or maybe just moved out of home and are living in their own accommodation (student halls or
own flat)

Income: when looking at income I thought that this wouldn't be a problem as they may be living off their
parents at home, but then also had to consider those who perhaps moved out and had a job which bought in a
low pay income.

Education: most of our target audience will be in school, college or university, we take into consideration that
some may also be employed and have their own jobs.

Religion: I think that many members of our target audience will be religious as we see the artists wearing
various bits of jewellery which seem to have a religious meaning, religions we expect to see is Christianity,
catholic and also Muslim, we know the genre is growing so expect to see more involved.

Social class: we expect the social class to be lower class and more poverty based, this is what we expect for the
UK, it is different in the US as we expect more higher class things which leaves the two completely contrasting.


Personality: this is a big feature that links to aspiration and links to the star image and
audience similarity of them likewise like the artist being performers and what to reach
it to the top and be successful.

Lifestyle: when looking at the lifestyles of the target audience we do see quite a
variety as some of them live in low cost and poverty but also others are more wealthy
and live in quite nice houses and have quite a few luxuries.

Activities: when looking at activities that we think they would take part in we would
think they are quite physically fit especially if they are in the 15-25 age bracket, they
will be very into keeping fit and doing activities such as playing football, running and
going to the gym.

Interests: as they are fans of music we expect the target audience to be interested in
music and live concerts and also the other more talented fans to have a keen interest in
performing in music, especially within the chosen hip hop genre.

Opinions: I get the understanding that our chosen target audience will have strong
opinions especially with things such as the law and police as these may be things they
disagree with and also opinions on various artists within the genre or sub genres
weather they like, agree or dislike or disagree with them or there style.

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