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2005: Serengeti Trek

Zack the Zebra*

Roary the Lion
Elaine the Crane
Gigi the Giraffe
Lug the Elephant
2006: Fiesta
Ray the Sun
Rosa the Rabbit
Cody the Coyote
Spike the Cactus
Pablo the Pepper*
2007: Avalanche Ranch
Buc the Bucking Bronco
Shadow the Ranch Dog
Ranger the Bison
Skye the Eagle
Boss the Longhorn Cattle
2008: Power Lab
Fizz the Test Tube
Sparky the Light Bulb
Dewd the Water Droplet
Max the Battery
Electra the Lightning Bolt
2009: Crocodile Dock
Flash the Firefly
Jacques le Croc
Belle the Spoonbill
Blossom the Awesome Opossum
Tucker the Turtle
2010: High Seas Expedition
Scully the Rat
Marina the Dolphin
Wink the Monkey
Salty the Pelican
Lacey the Spider
2011: PandaMania
Fez the Golden Pheasant
Amanda the Red Panda
Boomer the Baby Panda
Pogo the Snow Leopard
Lulu the Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
2012: Sky
Pat the Bat
Orville the Pig
Scout the Eagle
Apollo the Butterfly
Rockette the Flying Squirrel
2013: Kingdom Rock
Truman the Bulldog
Swift the Falcon
Duke the Horse

Sir Valiant the Lion

Victoria the Fox
2014: Weird Animals
Axl the Axolotl
Fern the Leafy Sea Dragon
Milton the Star Nosed Mole
Shred the Tenrec
Iggy the Frilled Lizard
2015: Everest
Klymer the Snow Leopard*
Cliff the Marmot*
Mallory the Bar-Headed Goose*
Pike the Markhor*
Yeddy the Himalayan Brown Bear*

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