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Marrone 1 Nicholas Marrone Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 ~E01 October 4, 2015 Who I Am ‘Names are extremely important in the world. Names make us unique, they’re the one thing that distinguishes you from other people. Names are not specific o one region they are universal. Names have been used since people tated aking Since the use of names oye Been around for so long, each culture has developed their own names and the way names are passed dono tN non to generation, For example, Italian names are usually derived from the name of saint’s. It is also customary to name the first son of the family after the father’s father and the first daughter after the father’s mother. This is the way children in my family are named, by qd using the rule of the Italians except ours varied slightly. The rule for passing down names in my family is to pass down the first name to the middle name every new generation formed. My father’s fifst name is Thomas therefore my middle name is Thomas. Names have a significant on families. They carry a certain tradition and bond that bears the families values. It's as ‘fa name is palpable and you can feel the connection, Also, a name holds a meaning, usually Greek or Latin. “Nicholas” in Greek means “victory of the people,” Thomas means “Twin,” and Marrone means “Chestnuts.” Marrone is my current last name, however this wasn’t always the case. When my grandfather emigrated from Italy to America through Ellis Island, he changed his. last name to become more “Americanized.” His previous last name way Canova Which means “cellar.” However, Canova was also the lastname ofa famous neoclassical 4ulptor. ) o h

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