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Cuento de Ingles

Once upon a time three pigs, Cochino, Tocino and Jamoncete, that were very friendly and
they liked to play in the fields with others pigs. One day, they decided to make a house for
each for protect the rain, cold and an evil wolf that liked eats the pigs. Tocino was the
smallest of the pigs and maked a house the straw because wanted to make the house
faster for to go play. Jamoncete, the medium pig, made a house with wood because he
knew that the house the Tocino was going to knock down for the wind or rain. Even so,
made fast to go play. Cochino, the older pig and the most intelligent, wanted to make a
house that resisted everything was for that he didn't worry the knock down and he maked
the brick that was that material more resistant that he knew.
One day, the wolf was hungry and went to look for food. Far away, he found a straw's
house and there, he saw a pig and the wolf forced him to leave. The pig didn't leave and
the wolf did a big blow and the house fall down. The small pig, frightened, ran to the
medium pig's house and the pig told to her brother that a wolf wanted eat her. The wolf
saw for the window the two pigs and had more hungry and he forced to the pigs go out the
house. The pigs didn't leave and wolf did a big blow and the house fall down. The pigs ran
to the big pig's house and they told him that the wolf was coming to eat them. The big pig
didn't worry because was impossible fall down the house because was resistant. The wolf
forced to the pigs go out the house or fell down the house. The pigs didn't leave and the
wolf blow and blow but didn't fall down the house. The pigs laughed mocked him. The wolf
didn't surrender and climbed into the roof for enter the house for the chimney but the
pigs saw him and lighted the chimney. The wolf leaved the chimney because her tail had
been burned and didn't come never more. The pigs leaved the house and they played happy
in the field.
The moral of this story is do things well for durability because if you do it wrong, you have
to do it again or you will break soon.
Raul and I think that to do things right the first time and strive to get it, because if you
do it wrong and fast, you have do it again or break quickly. One example is the things that
sell the Chinese.

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