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CLEAN UP SENNETT: WRITE-IN JEFFREY GAGE for TOWN SUPERVISOR on November 3, 2015 Dear Sennett Voters: Over the last few weeks a number of Sennett Residents have asked me to run as a Write-In Candidate for the ‘Town Supervisor. ‘The common reasons cited 1, My previous Town Board experience. 2. My professional work ethic of “do what you say and say what you do” 3. And a general feeling that the current board has lost their direction once again. b 4, Using zoning laws and resources to help a few board friends, by spending town’s monies on lawsuits over a now-debunked BBQ restaurant. ‘The reason I am running i that I take issue with the local political process in Town of Sennett and cozy nature a few key players in the political parties, Gerry Eades (Republican) and Paul Bush (Democrat), have developed. ‘Two years ago the two major parties cross-endorsed each other’s candidates, and all of them won. Now looking back on it, many of our town issues started shortly after that election. Clearly the “good of boy” network is working again, as Peter Adams (Republican) has been endorsed by both parties for Town Supervisor. ‘+ Peter's insurance company has the town’s insurance contract, which was awarded to his firm not because of best rates but the contact wasnt well advertised and no one offered a counter bid, st the BBQ restaurant + Peter, asa zoning board member, voted to start the lawsuits ag + Or could this just be a case of “friends taking care of friends”? ‘The Voters of Sennett should send a strong message back to the Democrats/Republican inner circle by mixing things up. In this election, I am the only registered Democrat running as Supervisor. | am also not part of the Paul Bush’ inner circle and never will be, unlike Adams, Eades, and Cool. Your vote can make a difference. Iti for that reason that I am asking you to write in Jeffrey Gage for Town Supervisor, and vote for Gagliardi & White for Town Board, as it will take a fresh new majority to clean up this mess, In conclusion, I have a tremendous amount of respect for Howard Tanner who is also running for supervisor, and if you felt you needed to vote for someone other than myself, he would also do a great job, Sincerely, OF, Goge Jeffrey L. Gage CLEAN UP SENNETT - 4175 Depot Rd. + Auburn, NY 13021

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