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Ghost Hunters Critiques

Jordan and Sawyer Documentary

This video was very well put together. The editing was smooth and the transitions
between scenes were spotless. The music also contributed to the mood that was
created. The interviewees were first hand witnesses that had actually seen the
paranormal personages. The length and content all met required criteria in a very
engaging way. The documentary was interesting because the characters/actors
were very involved. I think that this was a high quality documentary taken from an
interesting perspective.

Waverly Hills
This documentary had very strong technical aspects. The editing and special effects
were beneficial and also engaging. The video was on subject and met the required
length. The interviews were good, however I would have appreciated more face to
face interaction and less text. The documentary was somewhat engaging, however
somewhat repetitive.

Hot Rod Haven

This documentary was very engaging. The interviewees were truly expert witnesses
and told captivating experiences. The sound effects and music added to the mood
of the film in a supportive away. The length was good and the subject fit the rubric.
However, I had trouble hearing all the time and it effected my ability to understand
what was going on.

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