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Co-op Lesson Planning Form

Your Name: Christina Maples

Section of EDU3320: PD1
Lesson Topic: Repetition
Define critical factor (in your own words): Repetition is useful and
not out of date. It strengthens the connections with the brain. The
more we activate and complete the skill, the faster we get it, and the
more accurate we are.

Lesson Cycle Element: Instructional Delivery

Objective of your portion of the lesson: Today in class we \will be

discussing and demonstrating the uses of repetition with 100 mastery.

Selected Structure: Quiz-Quiz Trade

Rational for selection of structure: Utilizing the Quiz-Quiz trade
structure, students will be able to quiz each other on the procedures
that will fallow. This helps the teacher assess their understanding of
the content it also uses repetition to help them remember the actions
they are expected to perform.

Assessment (how will you know participants learned the

content): After the Quiz-Quiz Trade, I will ask them to give me a
thumbs up if they understand or a thumbs down if they do not

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