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Randi Barnes

PDI MW 7:45
Multiple Intelligence
1. After taking the Multiple Intelligence Assessment my suspicions about myself were
confirmed. My highest multiple intelligence is Logic/Math with a score of 5. This is not
surprising to me. I am a math major and I have always loved all of my math classes. My
second highest multiple intelligence is Spatial/Visual with a score of 4.43. I am a highly
visual person. In order for me to understand something I either have to see it or be able to
visualize it myself. My third highest multiple intelligence is Self/Intrapersonal with a
score of 4.29. I am not just a people person. When my day is done I mostly just want to
be by myself and do not want to talk to anyone.
2. The thing that the Multiple Intelligence Assessment revealed to me was my score for
Social/Interpersonal was 4.14. Most of the time I am very much so a people person.
When Im away from home I love talking to just about anyone.
3. My Logic/Math score being so high shows that I am fairly good at logically reasoning
which actually really helps me reason through all the different problems and such in my
math classes. I also feel like the constant math classes strengthens my logic/math and my
spatial/visual along me always having so much homework all the time helps me to feel
comfortable being my myself.
4. Knowing that I am strong in Logic/Math will definitely come to help me in my future
classroom when I am teaching math. I feel like me being fairly good at logical reasoning
will come in handy when I have to explain something to my students. My hope is that
when I go to explain something that I will be able to show them how to come to a

reasonable answer through mostly reasoning. I also suspect that being a very visual
person will help as well due to most students needing to see a visual to understand a
concept, so showing the visual will be natural to me.

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