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Design a training program for a professional tennis player in the lead up to a major tournament. Constructing a tennis training program for a professional tennis player is a difficult task as players have different styles, strengths and skills. Having a training plan to suit each individual player is essential for them to perform at optimum efficiency against the higher ranked players. From the research conducted, a tennis training program has been devised for a professional tennis player preparing for a major tournament. ‘Andy Roddick, 2 well-regarded tennis player from the past decade explains how his training plan helped him face his rival, Rodger Federer. “It’s kind of like as far as getting in shape... people probably do know right from wrong ... but a lot is discipline and follow through”!. Training was a factor that allowed Roddick to compete to his highest ability Andy Rod paying aeons his val Rodger against Federer during Wimbledon in 2009. Roddick lost f0,. yisesieten sees) F 15pounds during his 2009 off-season making him lighter, faster, stronger and harder to beat. Roddick articulated during an interview, “anything you put on (at least as far as your pro) up top, you're going to have to carry around for potentially four or five hours”*. Altering a training plan for weight loss should include cardio workouts, either steady state or high intensity interval training. When producing a training plan for a professional tennis player, the coach should take into account the major tournaments and when the player wants to peak. This enables the coach to devise workouts within each phase. Periodization plans assist players to reach their full potential by generating 2 training plan structured to ensure the athlete reaches peak performance during the major tournaments. A periodization plan is essential for professional "Training For Tennis The Roddick Way n.d, accessed 18 April 2012, * bia athletes, and is split into four main categories. The initial preparation phase is where the player focuses on the structure and biomechanics of the sport, high bulk of training but low-moderate intensity. The pre-competitive phase is necessary for developing tactics and eventuating strategies, bulk training should be less than in the preparation phase however the intensity should increase. Andy Roddick thanks his incredible 2009 preseason weight loss (15 pounds) for him being lighter, faster and stronger on the tennis court. The most important phase is the competitive phase. Players should focus purely on match play and match psychology. Bulk of training should be low but high intensity is critical ‘(this could include playing a match). Last is the active rest season when players reflect on the year, recover and most importantly stay fit (cross training), bulk of training and intensity should decrease*.“Players should maintain their conditioning and strength over a period of competitions or peak for a specific competition. Here, again training goals are sport specific,” Conditioning for Tennis stated. A tennis match requires players to use both aerobic and anaerobic fitness, “For a tennis player to perform at their best, they must have just the right mix of aerobic and anaerobic endurance”® stated the Tennis Warehouse. Players use aerobic energy when the energy systems can support the energy requirements by supplying oxygen to working muscles (used during endurance events). Anaerobic energy supplies provide energy to working muscles quickly for short periods of time (doesn’t require oxygen and produces a toxic by-product called lactic acid). A 1:2 work-to-rest cycle exists throughout a match. During training, a player should reach maximal-intensity followed by a rest period that is twice as long as the maximal intensity period. Line drills, side shuffle and alley hop are all good drills to perform to increase the sufficiency of the work-to-rest cycle’. Aerobic energy training drills should be repetitive, * llonbecker, T& Roetert,E, op.cit * panning 0 Season nd accessed 18 April 2022, -Recreationandsports>Tennis> Do short sprints to simulate reaction and speed. varied With one week to go play in an exhibition or friendly match With one week to go focus on match play and point play (training should start to resemble a match] pee ‘An average day at the Novak Tennis Academy consists of tennis training from 9-10:30am, fitness from 10:30-12pm, lunch and rest from 12-2pm, more tennis training from 14-15:30, stretching and a shower from 15:30 and lastly technique analysis of the match play’’. This is an average tennis training plan for a rising tennis player and is good because it allows the coach to expand in different areas of play. A professional tennis players training plan would be more involved and time consuming than the Novak Tennis Academy. Training plans should enable the player to feel fresh and ready to play, therefore good planning is essential. Leaving the player fatigued before a major tournament will decrease the performance of the player. lan Westermann supports this in an interview “When you go out you work your muscles, you work your cardio vascular system and you break them down, Fundamentally this is what physical training is. Essentially you are breaking down parts of your body, your muscles or cardio system so they will rebuild stronger again. When you do that you need an adequate time for them to recover and heal again, so then they will rebuild stronger. Weight training should not be done within 48 hours of a major tournament”, On the day of the tournament the training plan should consist of rhythm hitting (not repetitive), 70-75% " Example ofa week at the Academy, Full-day program, Group 4 n.d, recessed 20 Apri 2012, "Training For Tennis opt. player. It has made me faster on the court, have stronger upper strength and lastly it enables my mind set to be positive”™. * Kimberley Handley, opt.cit Bibliography Internet Websites Complete, Annual Tennis Weight Training Program 2012, , accessed 18 April 2012, . Cruz, $ 2008, What to do and not to do before a major tennis event, , accessed 21 March 2012, RecreationandSports>Tennis>. Ellenbecker, T & Roetert, E 2007, Complete Conditioning for Tennis, , America Example of a week at the Academy, Full-day program, Group An.d.,, accessed 20 April 2012, . Fitness Workout Schedule n.d., , accessed 18 April 2012, . Planning @ Season n.d.,, accessed 18 Apri) 2012, . Training For Tennis - The Roddick Way n.d., , accessed 18 April 2012, . Tennis Training Section 2012, , accessed 18 April 2012, . USTASTRETCH 2012, , accessed 14 March 2012, . Videos ‘Abel, B 2011, Tennis Fitness - Part 1 - The Day Before A Big Match, online video, July 30 2011, accessed 18 April 2012, | ysnd) sasiauaxa 1yaiam Apog Jequozuo}) qWw8lom Apog | sno} ‘sou09 55010) ay1am Apog ‘uns woys- silup swuay- uns woys- sjlup siwuay- ‘uns woys- ‘sOUunIs | Bol qy3n- ss9uq, Sof qy3n- ssauis- | _wege:tL-wes ung woUus- uny vous (si0ys | (syuejd apis sim (si0ys | (syueid apis sim (sys dosp) oys | uelssny ‘Eng peap doup) uoys | ueissny ‘3ng peap doup) yous (kep pue auy aseq eg asioiexo | pue aun) aseq leq asiuaxa | pue auyaseq 241 uo daap ‘auy | uo n> eunuopqe | 242 uo daap ‘auy | uo no jeumwopqe | ayy uo daap ‘ous, yea 241 umop ‘uno 124g) | 94 umop ‘uno ‘ulmeia) | aly umop “unos ssou Suny | Augers 105- ssoi aunuy | Augers 2103- sso1 Bun jom aninadas) (uoians | -puom ananaday) (yoiaas | - puom ananadas) anbiuysayu0 | —soxay uieaioy | anbiuyayuo | —soxay weai0j | anbluysar uo Burton “shaljon ‘asim jeurds | Burjioyy “shajjon ‘asim jeuids | Bunjs0n sAayion yoys ‘somos ‘spueyaio} | “y>iauis 1oreio1 | ‘sanuas ‘spueyaios | “y2qanis sovejou | ‘sanias ‘spueyai0 ‘spueyyoeq 2unay diy ‘yoians | ‘spuewoeg Suny diy ‘yoians | ‘spuewseq sunyy e -Bujuren siuuay- sdaoupenb | -Bu1uien siuua)- sdaoupenb Bullen siuuay- exe Bot ayann- ‘asim dip) of ausn- ‘asim di) of wan- 4) “ a " (so0uy yaiy ‘das | saysransoners- | (soauy yay ‘dais | soyoiaras aneis- | (seouy yBly “dais skep 2p)s ‘uonero ot 1 apis ‘uonevos Sol ay p15 ‘uonei01 os10 ‘94204 uBiy | ou! 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