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The Orange

At this time of year, citrus fruits are very common, especially oranges, which
is an important source of vitamin C, which makes it a natural ally for the
prevention of colds and respiratory infections so common in the season as it
strengthens the body's immune system.
Orange Properties
Improves digestion. The citric acid orange regulate the functions of the
digestive system as it helps directly in the assimilation of nutrients,
facilitating the digestive process and improving this situation.
It helps liver health. Orange Eating between meals is the best way to
promote our liver as it purifies. Prevents poor digestion and bloating.
Boosts metabolism. Orange also contributes to the acceleration of
metabolism through its properties and actions mentioned above. To this we
add the concentration of acids and fibers that make our work much faster
metabolism than usual.
The beetroot
Beetroot Benefits
The beet or beetroot, is highly recommended by naturists because this
vegetable has many benefits ranging from:
.- Combat headaches and other pain.
.- Ensures that stimulates the immune system, prevents cancer.
.- Formerly it was widely used to combat toothache.
.- Regulates heartbeat.
.- Normalizes blood pressure and nervous system, it is excellent to keep the
glucose level.
.- On betacyanin content serves as a natural dye is any dish as soup, ice
cream, hamburgers or spirits.
.- Its root and leaves are edible (formerly consumed only their leaves and
root today is more consumed). Specifically on its leaves it is known to
contain beta carotene, calcium and iron.

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