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Benito Jurez was born in Oaxaca, on March 21, 1806.

His parents were Marcelino Jur

ez and Brgida Garca. When it had three years of age he remained an orphan and sinc
e then it was raised by his grandparents.
In 1834 started working defending the indigenous. Parallel he was a teacher and
occupied important positions in Oaxaca.
In 1847, he was elected a deputy and moved to Mexico City where it joined the li
beral ones. In 1855 the president Juan N. lvarez it was named by The Secretary of
Justice and Instruction. From this post it cut away the privileges of the clerg
y and the army.
In 1858, it turned into President of Mexico and he promulgated the "Law of Natio
nalization of church property ." It defeated the conservatives in 1860 with the
help of The United States. In 1862 the frenchmen invaded Mexico and Benito Jurez
led the resistance, managing to defeat the emperor Maximiliano I in 1867.
Impeccably honest, Jurez also sought constitutional reforms to create a democrati
c federal republic.
In 1867, Benito Jurez was reelected as President of the Republic. Then it expande
d the free and obligatory education all over the country. In 1871, it postulated
again to the presidency and turned out to be winning. He died on July 18, 1872.

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