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DETECTOR BAN DAN 7.3.1. Neuyén 4) Cain tric oie dei nang aang wrong, chit bet dain lam vide ea detector bin dan Nguyen ie Hum vice eda detwetor bain din ci boa, trong di thay moi ting Kh Bling Moi tring rain ex dO cin ign thi. Cae hife xa nhutalpha, beta, gamma (ring, hay efia detector sinh nt ee electron do hi bigu dign Ii va, Vath fu voi eae nguyen tie tong mig Wainy ion Ada va do de tao tin thuting din ior bain din la silicon (Sid 3S eV od thE to NEN mot cip ion tong chit hin din, DE so sinh, ta thily ming Iuing bite sa oH eV mai tao nén mat ep ion Ue higu dig 3 1018 YA germaniam (Get. Bue va yao voi naMe by at khi. Nhurwiy detector bain din cho tin Win bein Gn hig dign tong cbs hide cling mot hee xa we diGh WIG \Gi nang hang bee x vio, do «td detcetor gay nén, Biga dO xu bain din dune din dé do pho ning ggg bate Si Cae elvetron yur dav trong nguyen Ui ton aid ede rade nine Kesng. nie dinb, Trong Vt rin, civ mite ning lining dé goi Hi ede iti wing hating (ifinb 7.8), Dai nding lining ea nha go fit dais hoa tr, DSi ning heen hoa i edeh di din POL MOL Mien od Ia Ede dai efi, HO OME ets GIL etn trong chit bin din Si hay Ge wae khoang 1 eV trong hie dite didn khong 5 8 a6 6 the eV, Bie xa ion ha 6 thé cung eaip Jpuyén tif dai boa ri vue quia di edim ebuyén In dai dia Ki ng Iaeng chy electron chuyén qua dit d jin, electron dé lai 16 trong dai be Dai din e —__I sbev | Daigdim Bite sa vio Dai hea tr Tinh 7.8. inh hice e eapelecton « [ducing trong chat hin dn lectton OL tring by Suedich chuvén cia eleewant si ding trong lien (rutin Quid tinh chuySa eleeton ie ditt Wa tr] Wn debi din IA gaeé eeinh iow hia va eip cieeton 1 tring e6 thé so sinh iti ef ion trong chat kh rong detector ehifa khi, ede ion dating vi dim chuycn ik cu adh & detector fein dan. edie efectran ehh 0. Troy En ctony ve cute duds eo IG chayén dang dn dien exe dm alums Hae ar kldiny ding nghia nihut trong chai khi_ 1.8 ung dich chuyén tir v4 tei nay Sans vi i hhh clectron ri khOE MOL Vi Ui trong dit hea Ui AE chi maGt Vi te eG les tevin Kinie. Vitri hi tain doe IutGng ehny ding ont retten bis di KL KS ing moi, Do cleetron 68 va nating ve phia exe duking neu 16 irSng deh chuyci ve pia eure 1 Chat Pain ediin toad ava chai baie dln tens py Cie nguyen 16 Siva Ge huge edt thie IV ues FEN WT Siva Ge 06 4 clectron hia ta, Trot tain hoi tink mii Hin REL cong héa ari, Ki tink bi phi ve, ea eda 112 eV de © mai Hien REL hi Bivetron ay do vii 18 ussng dé da e electron hia ti trong Si rw ngodi de ie néA MAL eA don, sy u 66 Si hay Ge th sO cleetron bdo vt sO 18 irding bang ahaa, Vat en hur vay gor la chat bain dian thud, Néu chit hain dia a3 kin tap chat thi sé electron tw do e6 thé nbiGw hyn hay then i Herding. Su host ding cua dewetor bin din phu thucie vio tink chit etia m6 Fi thie election (chat in Hi loi ny hay thi ding trong tinh the. New vat 2 1S aning (chit din loai pr Chit hin dein lowe ni Va Way Set ehait bin in silicon Sach, wong de bag ahaw hr bi ton hh nh the silteon, vat hEw ny sé and U Ching ban te thém tp elit We ahom Vo cba ping twin hein, nhie phosphorous. arsenic, anuimony hay bis héa tri thi 4 eleetron fa a trong thy them mot tap chat vaio h chit hin iar Ioati n hay: leap th veh nguyen ti ot 5 electron ven ne tap hal sé abt velit election hoa tei tyén Lit silicon Wo ada efe mdi hea KCL eng hia int, Heetton the 5 tia nguyen tif ap eb tink thé va than wei ap chi oba fae 18 electron thik. nd tw do chuyén dang trong 20 qual trinh hin thanh tin hig aién, Tinh the silicon on tres than tinh the tox lap chit cho. Mife ning hta@ng etis electron tarde nie edn lap chat iting tine exo Lt dé chuyGn thanh election dan iin 7.9), Chat bain dn loti PDE Wo Aen tinh thE lowe p Mut be ther Tap chit sreite nguyGn 16 thuge nhém HI won; Aluminum, gadolinium hay indium vi ese meu Tap chit loai my ditge got Fa tap chi qui hoan, chang hin horoa, nite ed 3 electron he ohin. Mite ni 0 gdin min hte Ui nn ri dB chuyén thiiah ki tt ws lucy eis 18 U0 {inh 7.9), baidin Dai din Mie nang Dai cain lang euia baredin Jucing etia uupehit Up ehit cho hin Dai hos ti Dai hoa wi w b Hink 7.9, Chitt bie dn loai a (hin a) v8 loai p ¢ hb. dj Nguyén te lim vide cite detector bin dé {i} Tinhigu Kin ¥ Hinh 7.10. So db nguyén tie cia detector hain din Loar dp xde. Mign p trong silicon hay germanium dat tigp xe voi mign n tao nen lop tigp gidp n-p. DAL mot dign thé vo mién Lisp wisp. rong 6 mise p ni voi eye dung con mign n ndi vi eye 4m thi tx Khang lap tip gidp it be va cé ding dign chay qua I6p tigp gidp. NEu dt dig &p phan eve nguee Iai, mién n néi v6i eve dutdng edn mién p néi v4i eve dm nw trén hinh 7.10 thi Khdng 06 dong dign qua lop tiép giip, tr doug 10 edt be do sit chuyén dong ahigt cla ede electron va 16 tng. Mign gan lop uep gidp khong c6 cde electron va 16 trong do dién thé c6 phin cuc ndi trén. Mién nay goi a mién aghéo va Id mién nhay cia detector bin dn. Khi mét bic xa di qua mién nghéo nay né tao nén cde cap electron - 15 téing. Duéi tic dung cita dién truting cao thé, céc electron va | tréng chuyén dong vé cdc dién cute, tao nén tin hiéu dién iét ra.

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