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1N Weekly update

Color Camp:
We will be participating in daily science activities to learn all about color this week!
Thank you for all the Playdough donations!!!

Animated Literacy Characters:

There will not be any new characters this week, we are going to do a review week.
New Sight Words: Colour Words
You should have a total of 40 sight words after this week. We will be stopping at 40 and
doing a review of all these words. Please continue to practice these words with your child.
New Weekly Star Student:
Finley Krisko Dont forget Friday is Show and Tell for our Star Student
-Calendar Math
-Representing Numbers
-Patterns and Sorting

-Skip Counting by 2s, 5s, 10s

Weekly Reminders:
- Its that time of year for ordering poinsettias to support Prader-Willi Syndrome
awareness and research.
Poinsettia orders: Red, white, pink. $20 each. Wreaths are $30. You can send money and
order in to me.
-Pizza Orders due Nov 12th but you can hand them in now.
- Friday, Nov. 6 Day for Students

Mrs Vanessa Noskey

Grade One
Derek Taylor Public School
780 357 9174

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