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“To Be and To Have" Video Paper | would ike to begin this analysis by focusing in on the classroom management piece ‘because itis prevalent throughout the entire movie, Mr. Lopez has his hands fll in my opinion ‘unning a one room school house. He has children that appear to be pre-kindergarten to 5 rade in age which means that slmost every student sata different level academically. Some students appear to be ciose to others’ skill level but the range was impressive. He used this to his advantage at times, having the students critique others’ work or ask each other for the ‘correct answer. He used these diferent sil levels to encourage the students to learn more: from one another rather than him always giving the answer. At one point he paired the older students with the younger ones who working on some sort of writing assignment. This seemed ‘2 very effective way to lead a class of this dynamic and gives the students the ability in the future to ask their peers for guidance in different situations. Another example ofthis is when the students are practicing their handwriting, he asks the others to comment on how well each of the students’ papers look. They get feedback not only from the teacher but from their peers ‘95 well. They then geta chance to give similar feedback when looking at another student's work ‘When the students entered the room atthe beginning ofthe day, they knew they were ‘0 find their chairs andstand behind them until Mr. Lopez told them to sit down. This tablished Mr. Loper’s control of the classroom from the very onset ofthe school day. He also ‘expected the students:0 address him as Sir which immediately gave him the authority in the ‘eves ofthe children, He never seemed to raise his voice and always gave clear instructions When a situation was heading toward some sort of a penalty. An obvious example ofthis was when Joo didn’ finish his coloring and had to stay inside for reces to finish it. He checked in with Jolo on severaloceasions while he was working with other students. If he saw 2 need for redirection, he would ask him what was left tobe done while setting clear expectations of what needed tobe done to reach the end result of participation at recess. This would be a good ‘example of Kohlberg’ Theory of Moral Development putting Mtr. Lope’ view of lol clearly in stage 2 of Market Exchange by creating a payoff, or a you scratch my back! will scratch yours scenario. By restating the expectations and getting Jolo to agree to them every time, he ‘established the roles of teacher and student, Jolo later mentions that teachers are there to ‘make students work, which means that Mr. Lopes was effective in getting his point across and ‘also establishing those roles clearly to his students Mr. Lopez seemed very sled at conflict resolution. When the smaller children were in ‘minor scuffle, he caled the two parties over and asked the offending party, Johan, why he Pushed Jolo down, He sked ths in anormal one but infront of al the other children so Johan and Jolo could be used as an example and all ould lear from the situation. When he received ® response, he rephracedit and asked Johan if he would lke to be pushed down, His talk with ‘the older Oliver and Julien was similar, but ina private setting. He didn’t do tin front of everyone but instead gave each boy an equal opportunity to talk and state their case. When ‘ther boy would respend about ther felings he asked the other one how that would make them feel ‘Now | wil examine the students through Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development Theory. feel that Julien sin the Concrete Operational tage but really close to if not already dabbling inthe Formal Operations tage. Inthe very itera sense ofthe ward reversibility, Jalen was able to return the family tractor by reversing the process through a series of steps or in this case retumedto its orginal starting point. He showed the ability of classification by performing the detations and writing the sentences in the proper order without hesitation, The ‘reason | believe he is dabbling inthe Formal stage is his work on the family farm. He is shown Performing 8 couple obs, which are mos key a small gimpse into the totality he does for his family. He was probably being introduced to basic formal concepts, for example: if prepare the hay, then the cows will eat. Ifthe cows are properly fed, then they will row and my family wil let more money from ther. | eel that his situation is unique, as he was elven more responsibilty and his mind would tend to evolve quicker than @ peer who may not have the same responsibilities, Axel showed s ns he was beginning to master the Preoperational Stage by using symbolic action schemes while riding his bike by himself. You heard him taking to someone or something thats not chere (or possibly tothe camera man I suppose), engaging in pretend Play. also believe it was him onthe tran pretending to grab the tre branches as they went by, ‘making ta litle game for himself to play. Jolo showed ushe has entered the Concrete-Operational Stage when he was engaged (at least until Jessie starts crying) with Mr. Lopez in talking about numbers. The reason | say he has entered, and not totally immersed inthis stage, is you can see his hesitation or willingness ‘0 stop when askedif the numbers go any higher. It took aIitle prompting but he continued ‘and at one point even jumps from thousands to billions, something that seems to make him hhappy he remembered, This showed he is beginning to form classification abilities and ‘organizing, inthis cave numbers, through the process of seriation by understanding the sequence of how numbers work 'n looking at Erikson’ Psychosocial Development Theory, fel that Jolo has completed stage 3 and left tpostvely with a solid sense of Initiative, He was shown doing several different things that tand out as showing ntiative while planning and performing a taskin the ‘school setting. The fst time we saw him using initiative was hanging a poster in the beginning ‘of the movie when he could have asked for help. Mr. Lopez allowed him to try without interfering. By getting up ona chair, turning around, balancing, and using a magnet, while holding on the overs Poster, Jolo succeeded in hanging the poster onthe board Later he as trying to make a copy withthe younger Narie and seemed tobe trying to show her, butt Ald go very smoothly. He tried once and mentioned it was backwards o he rearranged and tried again. After this rst allure, Nare ran out ofthe room and appeared to be to going for help. Jolo called her to come back; he wanted to keep trying to get It without the help. Tiss ‘where | saw him squarely n the middle of stage 4 in Erickson’s theory and gaining a sense of Industry. | believe this because it seemed he knew ifhe kept trying he could persevere. He had the sold base of nitiativeto help him inthis stage and he also showed ths in this situation to Narie, who now has this experiance, To me, this is good example of what Vygotsky described 235 part of his Sociocultural Theory about cultural development, where every function appears ‘wice to a child, Narie experienced Jolo's initiative and perseverance with the copy machine at the social fevel and could internalize this experience for a future time when she is placed with a similar problem, She would then be able to experiment more before giving up a the individual Emotional Ineligence is 2 sil set of five components that work together to help a Person navigate personal and business relationships throughout dally life, Ths set of skills ie becoming viewed as more important than In some settings and being taught in very high level institutions. Being emotionally intelligent inal five categories allows you to know and ‘manage your own emotions while being successful at reading the non-verbal cues of others and managing many diferent relationships. ‘nthe movie, lr. Lopex appeared to be highly emotionally intelligent. He managed to Keep his emotions in checkin every aspect of the day while showing the students examples of how emotions are beng played out in realtime effectively giving them a base of emotional Intelligence. Nathalie was the best example inthe movie of someone who has 3 low emotional intelligence. She appeared tobe lacking in four of the five areas we discussed in cass. Mer ‘mood management, sef motivation, empathy, and managing of relationships ae all in need of improvement, She strugled to speak to anyone but Mr. Lopez and even that i mainly yes or no ‘answers, This appears be her major stumbling block in geting toa higher emotional inteligence, She may indeed have adisabllty preventing her from processing her thoughts into ‘words. That would hele explain why she isnt further along. She may be on the autism ‘autism spectrum, which could create a barrier making it harder for her to eventually have {empathy to respond to non-verbal cues and consequently manage relationships. ' think ulen’s environment played a key role into how he is depicted in the movie, We saw him working on math homework with a woman who i presumably his mother, and getting «swat from her when he gota problem wrong, He took t with a chuckle and a smile, like he has been hit many tines before. He didn’t stand up for himself in that situation, mom was clearly n charge, ane continued to work on his problems, At school, | believe he saw himself ax the alpha in the student group yet stil respected the authority of Mr, Lopez as the one in charge ofthe school setting. When it eame to his problem with Oliver it escalated into a ‘Physical battle whichhe had encountered at home personaly and mos likely saw happen to ‘others as well He also had 2 moment with litte Valentin near the end ofthe movie where he took on a more mature role (albeit witha wry smile in trying to reect the boy to play instead ‘of crying for his mothe. believe this may be something he had seen repeatedly from his uncle, Who inthe movie stepped into try and help him with his math, which gave him a break from ‘the possibility ofthe swat from his mother. What surprised me was at home he had to work hard on the family farm, but that didn’t seem to translate into the school setting at this point in his academic career. Mr. Lopez said he would need to improve his attitude and effort in Math ‘and French to have beter success at his new school. Maybe his lack of motivation thus far academically could be elated to his environment and thinking he wouldn't need it to carry on the family farm when the time came, Nathalie and Latitia are also interesting examples when it comes to genetics. tis ‘obvious that Nathalie has some sort of disability, possibly on the Autism Spectrum, which is. ‘making her unable to communicate effectively with her family and peers. Her mother mentioned to Mr. Loper that she seemed to be in her own world and more on her own. It also ‘appeared that Latta may have some learning disabilities as well. She didn’t seem to have the same problems of cemmunication as her sister, but strugeled with some of the concepts in the classroom. The best sxample would be when Mr. Lopez asked her what number comes after 6, She satin silence after being repeatedly told the answer of 7 by the other students and the teacher. She also showed some possible autismesque tendencies when she was seen on the airy farm siting on the miking equipment with her ear plastered tothe meta milk tubing, fated on the repetiive knocking noise it was emitting. When they interviewed the mother, she came across as not being all that bright, fr lack ofa better description, She was able to te effectively with Mr. Lopez during the conference about Nathalie but she did ‘mention she didn’t think she would be able to help her daughter with basic math. This might be {an example ofthe apple not falling fa from the tree | would speculate that Jolo lives in a home where he i given a lot of positive support and encouragement. He seemed tobe transitioning into schoo! fe well, asking questions, ‘experimenting, and ergoging wth his peers. His bond with Mr. Lopez seemed ike it was {rowing throughout the year. | realize Mr. Lopez will nly be his teacher for one more year after ‘his movie concluded but stil wonder what ther relationship would look ike if Jolo would have him for a teacher untithe moved on to middle school, The one room school house is made or ‘broken by the effectiveness ofthe teacher in building and maintaining relationships like thelr ‘ibliography Sandoz, ., Philibert, N., Lopez, G, Dian, K, Didier, L, Hersant, P., Maia Films, New Yorker Video (Firm). (2004), Etre et avoir: To be and to have. Pars: Mata Films

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