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Balance Sheet — Revised Format fein Dremel No. [uk I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1) Shareholders’ funds a) Share capital bb) Reserves and surplus c) Money received against share warrants 2) Share application money pending allotment 3) Non-current liabilities a) Long-term borrowings b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) ¢) Other long term liabilities ) Long-term provisions 4) Current liabilities a) Short-term borrowings b) Trade payables c} Other current liabilities 4) Short-term provisions TOTAL 3S, 35/35/35 |38) | 38/38/35 /35] |38/38) 38) 38 BS S|S|SE/SS| |SS/sS/SS ss) |5s 3s |sel ss Balance Sheet — Revised Format (Rupees in. Cerseeter rs peur oe fae) fea I_ASSETS 1) Non—current assets a) Fixed assets i) Tangible assets XX XX ) intangible assets so ix ili) Capital work-in-progress XX XX iv} Intangible assets under development XX XX b) Non—current investments xx Xx c) Deferred tax assets (net) XX XX d) Long-term loans and advances XX XX e) Other non-current assets XX XX 2) Current assets a) Current investments XX XX 'b) Inventories xo xx ¢) Trade receivables XX 7 a d) Cash and Cash Equivalents: XX XX ) Short-term loans and advances Xx XK f) Other current assets XX XX ToTAL| xx xx See accompanying notes to the financial statements P&L — Revised Format Pros |. Revenue from operations (Net) irre ie Bt ae B II Other income Ill Total Revenue (I+!) IV. Expenses: = Cost of raw materials consumed ~ Purchases of Stock-in-Trade = Changes in inventories of finished goods work-in-progress and Stock-in- Trade 3e/35|3] | 38) 35/38 ~ Employee benefits expense ~ Finance costs = Depreciation and amortization expense ~ Other expenses Total Expenses \V. Profit before exceptional and extraordinary items and tax (I-IV) Be) 35/35 | 35) 38) e VI. Exceptional items VIL. Profit before extraordinary items and tax (V— vi) Bs P&L — Revised Format ered fered i (Rupees in.. Vil. Profit before extraordinary items and tax (vevi) Vill. Extraordinary items XX Xx IX. Profit before tax (Vil- Vili) XX XX X. Tax Expense: XX XK 1) Current tax XX XK 2) Deferred tax XX XX XI. Profit/(Loss) for the period from continuing XX XX operations (IX-X) XII. Profit/(loss) from discontir operations XX. xX, XIIl. Tax expense of discontinuing operations XX XK XIV. Profit/(loss) from Discontinuing operations XX XX (after tax) (XII-xil}) XV. Profit/(Loss) for the period xX xx XVI. Earnings per equity share: XX, XX 1) Basic XX XK 2) Diluted XX XX See accompanying notes to the financial statements,

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