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10 Quick Tips Before Taking the Nursing

Licensure Exam (NLE)

1. Know your testing area beforehand.
A few days before the exam, search the school for your designated room,
restrooms, and food stalls. Know how you will commute on the examination
day, or better yet, have someone drive you there. The last thing you want to do
is to be lost when going to your designated school or room.
On the day of the exam, its always better to be at least 1 hour early. You must
assume that the room watchers will not let latecomers take the exam.

2. Dont study anymore.

For months you have studied everyday to prepare for the NLE. Give yourself a
rest day before the boards, and dont cram on any of the two test days. Trust
your school, trust your review center, and especially, trust yourself. The best
way to take the boards is to be fresh and relaxed.

3. Get a full nights sleep.

One of the worst things you can do on the boards is to fall asleep while taking
it. Sleep early, and wake up early. Put on your alarm very early, and ask
someone to wake you up or call you.

Still sleepy on the exam? Bring a lot of candies (lollipops last a long time), or
stretch out your body during the exam to wake yourself up.

4. Eat good meals.

You want to eat a breakfast thats just enough so that you wont go hungry
while taking the exam, but not too big that your stomach hurts. Nutrition is
extremely important to brain activity. And dont forget your snacks, lunch and
candies on the exam day.

5. Prepare your kit THREE nights before.

Preparing in advance reduces the stress of trying to find what you need when
all stores are closed and the exam is near. Make sure all your clothes are clean
and fit well. (Many nurses tend to gain weight in the 'review months')

You want to bring your full supplies (Notice of Admission (NOA), Official
Receipt, pencils no. 1 or 2, black ball pens, metered-stamped window mailing
envelope, long brown and long plastic envelopes, non-scientific calculator,
spending money, etc). Bring your snacks, lunch, and candies in case theres no
available food stall near your testing area. Dont forget to bring your
medications and toiletries as well. Many people get dizzy, have headaches, and
have LBM because of their anxiety; and our female Nurses should bring their
pain meds in case they have their red days during the boards.

Please dont bring your review materials, cellphones, music players, and
other gadgets, just bring the essentials.

6. R-E-A-D and follow ALL instructions.

You can perfect all the questions in the exam, but will still not pass the boards
if you make a mistake with your identification. Listen to the room watchers
before your act. Read the instructions before you write. Dont assume anything.

7. Pace yourself.
Always be mindful of the time. If youre finding one item too hard, move on to
the next, one then come back to it after youve finished the others. You have
~~TWO FULL HOURS~~ per 100 items. Its not a race, so make sure you make
use of all the available time.

8. Dont have any erasures.

Any erasures on your test paper may potentially VOID your answer sheet.
Also, more and more Nurses get the wrong answer whenever they change their
mind. People tend to answer correctly on their first choice. They change it

because of their anxiety, thus making their answer more likely to be


9. Relax.
Many Nurses fail the boards because they are not confident enough. Its not
because theyre not ready; its because that their anxiety prevents them from
doing their best.

Put away that reviewer. Stop thinking about past lessons or mnemonics.
Dont talk about answers with your friends when you get home. None of those
things will help you. Youll only be increasing your anxiety.

Even topnotchers dont know all the answers. Just go out there and do your
best! At this point in time, all the cramming in the world wont be able to add to
the information in your head.

Relax. Your attitude is the best thing you can change at this point.

10. Pray.
Everything happens through Gods perfect plan, and in Gods perfect time. No
matter what your religion and spiritual beliefs are, you can always benefit from
the guidance of God.

1."S-M-I-L-E then SHADE IT!" Pagpasok palang
ng testing area mo, give them a BIG SMILE!
2. Magkaroon ng positive attitude na ganito:
"Akin na ang exam! Akin na! At i-PERFECT ko pa
4. Chillax ka lang.
5.Declare you're LICENSE: "IT'S MINE!!!!"
6. Pagkatapos mag-exam, siguraduhin mo na naka-ayos na ang mga gamit mo
para kapag lalabas ng room:
*ITAOB ang silya

Thank you so much for everything that you
have lead me to. Thank you so much for the
guidance, the courage you poured unto me, and the divine grace and blessing
that fills my spirit. I thank you for leading me to this path and showing me the
way towards compassion, love, altruism, and sincere caring for my fellowmen.
Lord, I have successfully completed and achieved my degree of Bachelor of
Science in Nursing, and this success I offer to you. I will never be where I am
today if not for your help and divine guidance. There is, however, another final
challenge for me that will gauge and will determine if I am to practice and put
to test everything that I learned, and all the skills I acquired. I humbly ask for
your guidance once more. Fill my mind with the intellect and comprehension I
need to answer the questions with precision and correctness, but also fill my
heart with understanding and patience to accept that I will never be able to
know everything and answer everything. Fill me with humbleness oh Lord.

When the day comes that I lift my pencil and start answering the numerous
questions, I pray that you guide my pencil, my mind, and my heart towards the
correct answers. Please be with me, always. Please do not leave my side and
please be my guide and my refuge. This is a challenge I know I must face. I
know that you are my guide and the effort will still come from me. I humbly
ask for a little help, for I know, with you, nothing is impossible. I pray not only
for myself, oh Lord, but also for the thousands ofexaminees that shall share my
peril. I pray that you embrace them, just as you embrace me.
Oh Lord, I do not know if I shall pass, or if I shall fail the exam. Whatever fate
has in store for me, I pray that you be with me all the way. Should I pass and
cry tears of joy, I humbly ask that you share my happiness with me as it is
through your loving grace that I did so well. Should I fail and cry tears of
sorrow, I only ask that you embrace me in the silence of failure and fill my
spirit with hope and faith. I ask that you be my refuge.
Lord, this examination shall determine everything ahead of me with regards to
my profession. Whatever happens, I shall glorify you and humbly accept what
you have laid for me. There is a time for everything, and I know that you have
something in store for me. I have faith in you, and I love you so much. Please
bless me, fill my mind, heart, and spirit with your divine wisdom, and I shall
have the grace I need to do what I perceive is impossible. To You be the glory,


Make sure you bring the following for the NLE:

Notice of Admission (NOA),

Applicants stub,

Official Receipt,

pencils no. 1 or 2, sharpener

black ball pens,

metered-stamped window mailing envelope,

long brown,


long plastic envelopes.



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