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traduction en anglais:

On december 1st, 1995, in the city of Montgomery , I was seat on a seat reserved for the whites
refused to obey a bus driver who asks me to leave place and to go to sit down at the bottom of the
vehicule. I was arrested, judged and charged with public disorder as well as with violation of the
local laws, with a 15 dollar fine. I assumed totally my gesture which was not however planned.
The people sayed I refused to give up my seat because I was tired, but it is not true. I was not
physically tired, or no more than usually at the end of working day. I was not old, while some give
of me the image of an old woman. I was 42 years old. No, the only fatigue which I had was the one
to give up.
J'ai cousu toute la journe. J'ai pris une place dans le bus. Mais un blanc a voulu que je lui donne ma
place mais pourquoi je devrais faire ca ? J'avais tout autant le droit d'tre assise aussi. J'ai t
arrete et juge puis inculpe de dsordre public ainsi que de violation des lois locales, avec une
amende de 15 dollars.
I sewed all day. I sat in the bus. But a white man came to me and asked for my seat but why should
I let him it ? I had the right to sit there as much as he did. So I did not answer and did as if I had not
heard him. A policeman came in and I was arrested, judged and charged with public disorder as well
as with violation of the local laws, with a 15-dollar fine.

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