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Burning Church

A church burned down in Windrixville near Jay Mountain. Our sources

say that a group of school children aged 7-8 were having a picnic
nearby when the fire started. Several of the children were trapped
inside the church, and if not for three mysterious heroes, probably
would have died before the authorities arrived. "They drove up in a
Thunderbird, and the oldest couldn't have been much older than 19",
says a school teacher who witnessed the rescue. "They asked about
the church, and when we realized that there were children trapped
inside, the two young men, looked maybe 14 and 16 years old,
charged into the church and saved the children. But one of them
couldn't get out fast enough, and that was when the oldest one went
in to save his friend." The boys were hustled off to the hospital, but
one of them had been hit by falling timber and was suffering from
second-degree burns. There has been no word yet of his survival.
Were these three angels? Professional heroes? Or just
caring passerby? And more importantly, who are they?

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