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What would you do if you had superpowers?

MIGUEL ANGEL: If I had super powers help people and could go to where I want
without worry and would travel to places far.
BRANDON: If I had supepower I would help people and to the contry because I am
mexican and I would like that impart more justice also I travel with my family to
italy because the food is the amazing.
PABLO: If I had a superpower, I could be invisible and so people could not see me
which would be great, also if I had super strength could defeat any villain unless he
could also fly so could not stop and would be immortal, defeating any.
KARLA: If I had superpowers I migth teleport where my dad because I miss him
live and I could be in many places even if I would fly high to reach Mars and the
moon but better I could help people in need so that I pus be happy UNLESS does
not have powers.
ILSI: If I had superpowers, I would fly in the blue sky unless that you can select run
very fast on the floor. If I could have one superpower I would be invisible, because
then nobody could see me and would make I want. I could be elastic although I
could be like a hard rock. I could have seen with laser rays but not very much fun
as read minds of others.
DIANA: I would not choose a power in particular, because I would like to have
different superpowers, to help people. For example: If I had a superpower, would
be power read minds, even if also the super fast and so I could help people in
need, even if it would be a nicely and caring person.
URIEL: I would help people, because today there raiders in the city , I could be
more honest , I could walk in the water to so travel the world. I could fly to the city
unless there are problems, if I could have super powers I would give my life to save
the plane.
TAOLI: If I had superpowers first thing I would do is have the power of teleportation
as this is me make it easier to go from place to place instead of taking public
transportation so you can save me a lot of money on transportation.

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