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Proper Lifting Techniques

Examine the load and the surrounding area

Bend at the knees, not at the back
Look forward to keep back straight
Get the load as close as possible
Use smooth, controlled movements
Pivot feet, do not twist!
Use a mechanical assist if applicable
Seek assistance if needed

Two-Person Lifting
Use a two-person lift when a lift, hoist or other
mechanical assist is unavailable AND:
The object is heavier than you are capable of lifting alone
and not too heavy for two people
The object is awkward, oversized, or when the weight is not
equally distributed throughout the load

Communicate and pre-plan your lift:

Consider height and strength capabilities
Review the path of the load and walkway
Communicate to synchronize when to lift,
which direction, and when to lower the load

Cart Handling Principles

Push instead of pull when feasible
Use both hands when moving
Stand directly behind the cart when
pushing - do not twist your body
Maintain good control and limit speed
Ensure cart is not overloaded

Neutral Posture
Maintain the natural curve of your back. Get
a good base for your lift by spreading your
feet apart shoulder width.

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