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Career Cruising

Corporate Lawyer
Corporate Lawyers advise clients about their legal rights and appropriate proceedings
for the transaction. They work mainly in offices and law libraries. They usually earn between
$50,000-$250,000. You need 4 years of college. A sample career path is Law clerk, to associate
lawyer, to a general counsel or partner. Similar careers are lobbyist, paralegal, or judge.

Analyze financial info and prepare financial reports. Work in an office with their clients.
They usually make somewhere between $40,000-$114,000. You need 4 years of college. A
sample career path is entry-level accountant, certified public accountant, manager, partner.
some similar career paths are auditor, financial manager, and research analyst.

federal agent
Federal agents protect our country and its people as a member of federal law
enforcement agencies. You could work both indoors and outdoors and may work irregular hours.
they around $39,000-$120,000. You need 4 years of college. A sample career path is
probationary special agent, special agent, supervisory special agencies.

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