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One upon a time a dog. Its name is Tarzan.

He lives in the jungle, with his friend

the platypus its name is Perry, they are a very good friends some years ago,
Tarzan born on October 11st 1975, and Perry born in the same year but in July.
When they were kids they went to the school, together they walked in the morning
to the school, usually they had luch at noon. then each of one walked to their home
in the afternoon.
On Mondays they went to te cinema at 15:00 o clock, but when they were walking
there suddenly Perry fell a coconout in his head and he was taken down, he lost
his memory, mean while Tarzan carried him to the hospital. That happened at
Christmas the next weekend on Friday Perry waked up and saw his friend Tarzan
the dog in his side, and Tarzan said: - Hi budy how do you feel? But Regrettably
Perry didnt remenber anything and the doctor said: -he probably in 10 years
recover his memory
The next weekend Tarzan carried him to his house. Every weekend at noon they
went out to visit the same places that they usually went when Perry is not unfit.
Tarzan did it because he wanted help him to recover his memory. All of this
happended in 1990.

Too many years later

Tarzan is a lawyer and he every week on Wednesday goes and visit to his friend
Perry to his house

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