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It had all started in my freshman year when I began to take my biology class.
The minute I stepped into the classroom, I immediately fell in love with the
environment and I couldnt wait for the school year. One of my most favorite
topics during the class was the structure and function of DNA and RNA. But back
then I didnt really know much about DNA, only that it had contained certain
genetics that makes us, us, until I had started to research this topic and stumble
upon the amazing history and discoveries of DNA.
When we were given the choice for a topic about Exploration, Encounter,
and Exchange, one would immediately go to topics such as the Lewis and Clark
Expedition, or the exchange of disease. I on the other hand wanted to go with
something a little unique and still be something that Im interested in.
When I had begun my research on the topic, I started with encyclopedias of
the basic history of the subject and it would immediately go to Francis Crick and
James Watson, even though DNA had been discovered before their time, leaving
out some famous scientists I felt that it would be easier if I treated the topic the
same as someone exploring land for example. I would first put who had discovered
it and later, what individuals would have explored the land and use it to their
I had chosen a website as I am experienced with designing websites from my
digital media class and felt that it can hold much more information and more media
than a poster board. I had chosen a theme named Bradley as it was a theme with
an appropriate color scheme of the subject and . It was an extraordinary experience
learning the capabilities of a single strand of DNA and go from profiling and
gaining evidence from fingerprints, saliva, etc. to actual cloning.
In the nineteenth century, scientist Gregor Mendel, known as the Father of
Genetics, had done a simple experiment with hundreds and hundreds of pea
plants. His experiments had led to his theories of genetics and inheritance, but was
never appreciated at the time, until in the start of the 1900s where his theories
became a major foundation for many scientists studying the same theories. And
thus, this gave the motivation for many to explore the wonderful double helix
strand of deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA).

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